Random Thoughts with Cryptokidd
The NFL has had it's hands full the last year with all of the protesting during the national anthem. Today NFL commissioner Roger Goodell came out and announced the leagues new rules during the anthem. Basically if any player doesn't want to stand during the anthem they need to stay in the locker room. I can't believe that after countless meetings over the last year this is what the NFL came up with to address the issues its employees (players) and fans brought to there attention in the form of a huge "Black Eye" to their image.
What they should have done with this opportunity was be the "Good Guy" and build a bridge. If I was Roger Goodell I would create a NFL non profit charity. Start by asking all 32 teams to donate 1 million dollars and the NFL will match it. Ask each team to be represented by one player and one organizational representative. You can have ex NFL payers on the board and go into some of our communities and help when and where it's needed. This would create a powerful situation for the NFL to help save its image and do some real good for a long time in the communities that support them.
That is more than cool
That would mean the nfl would acknowledge the awful situation going on in this country and we just can’t have that now can we. Gooddell was guided into his decision by plenty of money and outside influence so we know it’s all a bunch of garbage.