Nexxus Rewards - global rewards community
Local communities are the core of every other nation, and they are in dire need of revival. We all belong to a community, and they all undergo their challenges. These problems can only be solved by implementing local solutions as well. Usually, local problems involve battering, homelessness, unemployment and many more. Local charities and nonprofit organizations usually try their best to handle local social challenges; anywhere they may tend to occur.
As much as these programs put in the work to better local communities, they are often severely underfunded and restricted by government bureaucracy, lack of timely donations, and wasteful overhead expenses. Local small and medium-size establishments avail numerous jobs, and best comprehend the local community needs and wants.
It, however, is always a struggle to compete with large corporate enterprises, national chains, and big-box stores. I reside in a small town which is heavily flooded with challenges, the most rampant one being unemployment among the youths and homelessness. People have always tried to come together, form charities and try to elevate society. The issue of unavailability of funds has always been a big challenge.
Nexus rewards is a project which looks to solve all of these issues through the incorporation of blockchain technology. The project will offer the following solutions:
• Charities acquire a leveraged perpetual fundraiser to fund their imperative and most needed social causes from an infinite network of refereed shoppers who will inform their friends, and so on.
• Merchants acquire and maintain new customers with a marketing solution that is completely risk-free and affordable where they pay absolutely nothing until after the sale. In the instance of payment, they can name their price.
• The shoppers get to collect and redeem shared Nexxus Reward points like fiat currency from merchants who are participating. Imagine getting free cash just for shopping and sharing with your friends, amazing right?
• The platform’s technology is already production-ready for generating revenue with product development and market testing done with.
The Nexus digital token.
This will be the internal currency for value exchange within the Nexxus Rewards platform. It’s an Ethereum based ERC-20 compliant utility token. The more the usage of Nexxus Reward, the more increment in the value of the token.
The aim of Nexxus Rewards is to uplift the entire local community. It’s basically peering to peer shopping where shoppers get rewarded for sharing with their fellow shoppers. It’s a shared rewards program with all merchants of the Nexxus platform in the local community as well as throughout the world.
The local community is usually a part of everyone’s daily lives, and being able to uplift your fellow neighbor’s lives is a noble course. The government often dismisses local charities mainly because they are not as well established as some of the elite corporations we have globally. This project, however, looks to elevate the living state of the less fortunate in our local communities. The best part is that you get to earn money while shopping and still help the society at large, how cool is that? The platform offers great rewards to all its participants. Be a part of these great projects.
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★ Author: jamesndungu1
★ BitcoinTalk Profile:;u=1856049
★ All Images credited to Nexxus Rewards