One Year Celebration - Promo & Giveaway

in #nextcolony5 years ago (edited)


We started to work on NextColony about a year ago. The past year has been both exhausting and exciting for the team. Despite coffee and donuts. We are a small indie team and the challenge to build a game on this blockchain was a dream come true and we learned a lot on this journey.

There have been ups and downs, and here we are, one year later with even more confidence in this blockchain than ever. We don't go away. No chance. We stick to Steem like glue.

In the first three seasons, the fabulous sum of 20400 Steem has been given out. This is quite an impressive number, of which we are very proud.

On March 18, 2019, we published the first post on this blog and the first roadmap we published looks measly in relation to what we have now built. We have done 100 times more than we originally planned and we have ever dreamed of.

We owe it all to you. We thank all settlers and raiders for their passion, loyalty, and patience. We are thrilled to see thousands of transactions every day. You guys rock!

Today we want to give something back to celebrate the first year with you. We have just reduced the prices in the shop by 50%. This promotion will last for 4 weeks.

01 | Chest
Regular: 9.99 STEEM / Promo: 5 STEEM
02 | Huge Chest
Regular: 49 STEEM / Promo: 24.50 STEEM
03 | Imperium Chest
Regular: 99 STEEM / Promo: 49.50 STEEM
04 | Scout Athene
Regular: 0.99 STEEM / Promo: 0.50 STEEM
05 | Patrol Hermes
Regular: 1.99 STEEM / Promo: 1 STEEM
06 | Cutter Canard
Regular: 3.99 STEEM / Promo: 2 STEEM
07 | Corvette Petunia
Regular: 4.99 STEEM / Promo: 2.50 STEEM
08 | Frigate Redmill
Regular: 6.99 STEEM / Promo: 3.50 STEEM
09 | Destroyer Janus
Regular: 8.99 STEEM / Promo: 4.50 STEEM
10 | Cruiser Drake
Regular: 11.99 STEEM / Promo: 6 STEEM
11 | Battlecruiser Lion
Regular: 19.99 STEEM / Promo: 10 STEEM
12 | Carrier Unicorn
Regular: 49 STEEM / Promo: 24.50 STEEM
13 | Dreadnought Imperial
Regular: 119 STEEM / Promo: 59.50 STEEM
14 | Transporter II
Regular: 19.99 STEEM / Promo: 10 STEEM
15 | Explorer II
Regular: 29 STEEM / Promo: 14.50 STEEM
16 | Rune
Regular: 99 STEEM / Promo: 49.50 STEEM
17 | Mighty Rune
Regular: 239 STEEM / Promo: 119.50 STEEM
18 | Holy Rune
Regular: 449 STEEM / Promo: 224.50 STEEM

Click here:

But that's not all. We have even more to give away:

Just resteem this post, to earn a Corvette Najtar blueprint.

As simple as that.

All blueprints will be distributed after the payout of this post.

Stay tuned.

PS: Every creative comment below earns 1000 Stardust on top.

Edit on 2020-02-27: All blueprints has been distributed today.


The pilot breaks out of the atmosphere with another shipment of uranium for Stonehenge. He takes one last glance back at Mercia and shakes his head in wonder. “ I can’t believe it’s been a year since we stumble on this rock, after fleeing earth I thought we were gone for” Bob says to himself.
He smiles to himself as he hits the hyperdrive and blasts off into space.

What will this year bring , maybe some NPCs to war against? I hope so!
Thanks for an awesome year @nextcolony team. Congratulations to you for achieving this milestone and I look forward to many more to come!

Posted using Partiko iOS


1000 Stardust sent.

Thanks! (:

Wow, time passed by like a lightning speed... It's been a one year anniversary for NC!

Glad I've been with NC since day ONE - long live NC :)

Resteemed and good luck~

Thanks for your loyalty and patience, @wilhb81!

1000 Stardust sent.

I resteemed because it is the job I should do. I just wondering who is going to buy items with discounted prices. I will be glad if someone do. By the way don't you think giving 1000 sd for creative comment is very sticky.

Consider 1k SD as a small extra tip. On top. For fun.

1000 Stardust sent.

Thanks! (:

We have done 100 times more than we originally planned and we have ever dreamed of.

That was indeed a ton of a good work! It's great to hear that it was satisfying for you as well and not only a yet another product to mantain. Keep on! Can't wait to see what the next year brings! How about re-claiming burnt planets for i.e. 3x stardust gained from burning them? :) You know, terraforming and revitalizing costs a lot!

Thanks for your kind words. (:

1000 Stardust sent.

Déjà un an le temps passe tellement vite et votre jeu est génial bravo les gars

1000 Stardust sent.

Thanks! (:

Congratulations @cryptoyzzy, you successfuly trended the post shared by @nextcolony!
@nextcolony will receive 0.07700063 TRDO & @cryptoyzzy will get 0.05133375 TRDO curation in 3 Days from Post Created Date!

"Call TRDO, Your Comment Worth Something!"

To view or trade TRDO go to
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NextColony is an amazing game. I can't let my fingers off it, because i love the mighty Steem. This game is representing the power of the Steem at its best. Using NextColony, everybody can milking this blockchain with the most reasonable usecases under all the blockchains. Here even illiterate people can lie by the pool and suck Coin-lemonade.

We Steemians doesn't go away. We all came to stay.

I wish the five owners of the game a happy anniversary and lots of strength to keep up the workload. Thank you very much for the particularly sumptuous birthday cake.

Happy birthday!


NextColony ist ein erstaunliches Spiel. Ich kann meine Finger nicht davon lassen, denn ich liebe den mächtigen Steem. Dieses Spiel repräsentiert die Kraft des Steems von seiner besten Seite. Mit NextColony kann jeder diese Blockchain mit den vernünftigsten Usecases unter allen Blockchains melken. Damit können selbst Analphabeten am Pool liegen und Coin-Limonade lutschen.

Wir Steemians gehen nicht weg. Wir sind alle gekommen, um zu bleiben.

Ich wünsche den fünf Eigentümern des Spiels ein glückliches Jubiläum und viel Kraft, um die harte Arbeit weiter zu bewältigen. Vielen Dank für den ganz besonders üppigen Geburtstagskuchen und die Einladung zum Festschmaus.

Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag!

Übersetzt mit (kostenlose Version)

Resteem is done of course.

Wow. Speechless.

Thanks, old wise frog, you are the best!

1000 Stardust sent.

Vor einem Jahr war es soweit. Ein kleiner Schritt für den Menschen, aber ein großer für die Steemheit.
Noch in hunderten von Jahren wird man über diesen großen menschlichen Evolutionssprung berichten.
Der Sithlord hält sich weiterhin bedeckt, die Rückkehrer der Jediritter haben seine Pläne aufs erste durchkreuzt.
Der Dachwiderstand konnte seine Führungsrolle in der Galaxy festigen, trotz den Manipulationsversuchen einiger machthungriger Siths.

Fantastisch! Dach konnte definitiv erneut punkten und sitzt fest im Sattel. Es wird sich zeigen, wie das in der Season Sodom and Gomorrah ausfällt.

Besten Dank, @hansgans! (:

1000 Stardust sent.

Gute Arbeit, Jungs :)

Besten Dank, Meister, das geben wir gerne zurück! (:

1000 Stardust sent.

Being on this game almost from the beginning, and I hope to be still on board for a long time :) Happy birthday @nextcolony :)

PS. Resteemed!

We hope so too!

Thanks for your stamina! (:

1000 Stardust sent.


Herzlichen Glückwunsch zu 1 Jahr
Ich weiß gar nicht mehr wie es war.
Ohne @nextcolony zu leben,
und mein bestes im Spiel zu geben.
Ich wünsch euch viel Glück zukünftig,
und hoffentlich bleibt der Justin vernünftig,
das unser Steemit so bleibt wie es war
oder sich verbessert wäre wunderbar.
Schönen Gruß an die Leute von @nextcolony
Wünscht euch der @bitandi

Stark, @bitandi, danke dir! (:

1000 Stardust sent.

Nochmals ein großes Dankeschön

Gerne geschehen. (:

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