You already manufacture them 100% by manufacturing the fly.

Greetings, my dear colonists.
The first mosquitoes are already coming out of the factories, beginning to manufacture the mattress of this small ship's defense, which although slow, will serve to dampen any possible attack, the bad thing we look at it is that they are very slow, they carry almost nothing and only they serve to defend, but I liked it for that purpose, we hope to have a few in the future and thus balance the defenses when defending, although we already have a good amount of good ships that are fast, have a good amount of storage For loading and soon efficacy, we will not neglect its manufacture for making these new ships, but we hope to be able to manufacture both, for what you already know, the planets must be adapted, so it will have a short-term cost, but in the medium and long term will be very profitable because it will allow to make a greater number of ships, it will be necessary to see the results of this ship under fire, although as the creators say: it is a ship that in swarm is dangerous, but I think that it does not go from defeza, and very slow to send to another site, too much in my opinion, we will have to calculate and make measurements to see what distance will be the most profitable to send in terms of time costs.