NextColony Frigate Ships (2 types)
From the NextColony website.
- Frigate Quorn
Frigate Quorn is one of the smaller battleships, with light armament and armor but more powerful and still larger than a Corvette, suited for velocity and maneuverability. Frigate Redmill often used as patrol and escort ships. Due to their agility and speed, which is faster than that of the larger ships, they can also be used protecting planets from an incoming attack.
Uranium consumption per coordinate point: 0.0014
Speed (coordinate point per hour): 3
Storage capacity: 40
Rocket: 3
Structure: 12 / Armor: 16 / Shield: 8
Cost: 180 Coal, 90 Ore, 45 Copper, 22 Uranium
- Frigate Redmill
The origins of the Frigate Redmill can be traced back by more than 1000 years to the ancient race of the Alabasters, which have long disappeared from space. The ingenious design of the Frigate Redmill, however, survived its creators. It's one of the smaller battleships, with light armament and armor but more powerful and larger than a Corvette, suitable for velocity, and maneuverability. They're often used as patrol and escort ships. Due to their agility and speed, which is faster than that of the larger ships, they can also be used protecting planets from an incoming attack.
Uranium consumption per coordinate point: 0.0014
Speed (coordinate point per hour): 3
Storage capacity: 40
Bullet: 3
Structure: 12 / Armor: 16 / Shield: 8
Cost: 180 Coal, 90 Ore, 45 Copper, 22 Uranium
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