Greetings @ everitt mickey all that is true I am Venezuelan that is the hard situation that crosses my country and the regime represses the media do not show the truth of what happens the government invests in technology wants to undir the people in hunger and misery They protect themselves with their layer of dollars but the people awake and we are in the streets demanding our freedom .. And the world has to know what happens in our country ..
the only way the world is going to know is if you tell them.
the news media certainly won't.
we don't hear anything here in the states about it on TV
For this community I will be posting content about the situation of venezuela
great idea.
like I said
that's the ONLY way
the news will get out.
Steemit is international...
I did not know anything about steemit I will have an opportunity to share with everyone the reality of venezuela already enough of so much censorship and repression
learn by doing
you're here.
just blog.
Do it. Let the world know how it is and what it is.
advice...worth what you're paying for it.
jazz it up. Make short, sweet, concise reports..with pictures.
figure out an angle..
"This is brian williams...and I was there..."
no..not that one..
"This is mryuka...hiding under an overturned burned out car in down town caracus..bringing you this exclusive news report...
or something.
get a logo

like that...or
read this book Moon is a Harsh Mistress
be careful.