This is the way the climate scare ends;

not with a bang, but a whimper
What does the future hold for the climate change debate? Will there ever come a day when we see the headlines across the globe, ‘It’s Official – There Is No Climate Change Crisis’? Hardly – for unless we find some way to leap ahead in the currently highly immature science of climate change and manage finally to pin down the exact direct and indirect (via feedbacks) warming effect of adding greenhouse gases to our atmosphere and the exact effects of natural changes in our climate the outcomes will remain uncertain. The eminent scientist Stephen Koonin has stated that, ‘Today’s best estimate of the sensitivity [of the atmosphere to the addition of carbon dioxide]… is no different, and no more certain, than it was 30 years ago. And this is despite an heroic research effort costing billions of dollars.’ Basically, unless the ‘Uncertainty Monster’ is slain (and there is absolutely no reason to believe that will happen in the foreseeable future) neither the believers nor the skeptics can ‘prove’ their case. In which case we seem to be in a ‘wait and see’ position. But for how long? Even if the current global warming Slowdown persisted for decades it would still be possible that dramatic and dangerous warming was just about to resume. Indeed in 2015 The UK’s Royal Society expressed the view that it would take 50 years of divergence between the observations and the climate models before they would be convinced that the theory of anthropogenic climate change was flawed. We cannot be absolutely sure that there will be no climate change crisis – only that it is becoming increasingly unlikely. So the politically-correct scientific shibboleths of the ‘climate change crisis’ idea may well persist for a great many decades.
The river I used to tube in when I was a kid doesn't exist anymore. Now it's filled with dried, cracking mud. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to think about rivers disappearing, but it can't be good ...
you're absolutely positively sure there isn't' a damn dam upstream?
There's always a logical explanation!
there's always an explanation.
logic? not so much.
No dam, just a lot of fracking for natural gas that mysteriously started up about 10 years ago.
THAT must be IT.
fricking frakers..
I used to run bulk pneumatic tankers with sand to Raton years ago, back when they went to the expense. They figured out it was easier and cheaper to use the ground water.
(shrug) I used to haul water for frakin in the apache indian reservation just south of the eighties...
do you like to drive your car?
it takes gasoline to do so.
aaaaaaaand...that has nothing to do with climate change.
we work to solve some climate issues... few peolpe want to even say the word... thank you
there ARE no climate issues..
LOL, I am sure you won't be there to experience it!!!
what is this "it" you speak of?
Global warming consequences, like massive floods, increased temperatures, harmful gases in the environment. You won't be there, when these things will happen, so yes, you can safely say that there is no climate change!!! ;)
no offence meant
i have seen with my own experience in tropics... water springs drying up rainforest being cut down drought hitting where it only ever rained before.. ... THAT is a climate issue... excess water vapor in the atmosphere 4% when historically since they first started measuring as far back as itgoes, there was only ever 2% water vapor. Our hydrological cycle is broken no longer a full cycle with slow evaporation from the trees... because we have deforested more than 58% of the earths surface especially the equatorial regions. YOu should see central america... deforestation... giving off CO@... increasing temperatures and hence water evap[oration ... see the video i posted in my post today. Some great science data not opinion support all that i say.PLUS co2 reached approx 420 ppm CO2 in the air at a few points last year. so the excess water vapor and the excess heat hottest years on record ever for the last 10 years ... people not able to predict seasons for planting food... rain when there should be dry season, dry season when there should be rain... too much rain alternated with extreme drought... excess extreme heat swirling in ocean... thermohaline currents sluggish... just to name a few climate issues we as humans can address and try to balance considering there are now 7,000,000 of us... I dont know... whatdaya think?
I think what you said is bovine offense.
but you are wrong..
lookit this. oh yeah..there's more forest in north america NOW than when columbus landed.
as far as water vapor..well all those oceans are just sitting there...2/3 or the surface of the planet...just evaporating like mad. Blame the sun.
Put DOWN the kool-aide..back MIGHT have a chance of survival...
maybe. seem to be pretty far gone.
I pissed off a climate kook 'tuther day by asking him to document any time in the planet's history when the climate did not change. ((crickets))
Bill Whittle knocks it out of the park
this is absolutely true. the earth nature systems are always seeking balance dynamic systems ever changing. Yet there have been some distinct nature patterns with seasons and temperatures and rainfall that are on extreme levels in all directions. the weather is less predictable and more extreme and are temperatures are hotter and there is more water vapor int he air and fewer trees so the rainfall flood and drought extremes are in full swing without much predictability... as paleontologists tell us, the days of the dinosaurs when the CO2 levels were jsut a little higher than they are now, the geological findings showed constant flooding and droughting from evident strong swings in climate. its all very interesting. For me, I dont enjoy arguing about climate change. Seems a bore and not a convo that gets anywhere. I do study the science of trees int he rainforest on the equator and deforestation and carbon sequestration and know how to measure and understand a lot of the scientific data and have participated in it as well... for me... i return to the center of the climate change "debate" and say, lets plant some trees ont he equator like millions and i can do it and here is the model for replication and who could possibly ever complain about the benefits of diverse tree planting... cuz well, i can count 50 reasons... we love trees!!!
Amen, Jenny. Living on Vancouver Island, I'm surrounded by forests...and I grew up among the California Redwoods, so I'm addicted :-) Upvoted, followed.
Oh I hear Vancouver is amazing ! Yeah #treefriends. Thanks for encouragement! Have awesome day. I followed you too!
good man.
I like bill whittle.
he has a way with liberals.
That he does - I post that one all over the map...progressives apparently can't see it on their computers...must be liberal myopia.
We used to call it weather! Isn't it odd that we've been keeping track of changes in weather patterns for about 100 years (maybe) yet they can tell what happened 1 million or more years ago.
I remember reading a couple of years ago about all of the "global warming" data being kept and analyzed at a university in England (Univ. of Western Midlands- if I'm not mistaken). A data analyst "outed" the project as being false science all based on misleading falsified information resulting from inverting the scientific method. He released tons of data but for some strange reason you can't find it anymore.
Shocked to hear u can't find it anymore.. Not...
Nice post! Upvoted! - A shame you unfollowed me :(