Go with the flow

in #newzealand8 years ago (edited)

My first blog post about uprooting your life for a move abroad and how it's easier if you just Go with the Flow...


Preparing for a move abroad requires much prior planning and some really good friends. It was not easy to say goodbye to many of my belongings, clothing, favorite restaurants and the place I called home, 1104. Through the support of family and friends I was able to believe in my own dreams and make this move.

Shout out to our friends in Denver who helped us immensely and soaked up every last second of love together before we were off. We miss you like crazy.

Our great adventure didn’t start here in NZ it’s rooted all across the US, with our friends and family, this chapter is just unfolding and I hope to encapsulate these moments in time through written word and photograph to share with our roots back home.

My host family and new roommates Heather, Jason and Andrew have made us feel right at home from the moment we stepped off the plane. We arrived to a prepared room for us and Easter Kiwis, in place of bunnies, and gifts. My fellow southerner even made biscuits and gravy! (Side note: they do not have biscuits here. Actually a biscuit is a cookie or cracker depending on context. The closest thing to a biscuit, as I know it, is a scone.)

A friend who is on his own adventure imparted to me some simple words about traveling abroad, “Go with the flow.” A few weeks ago I did not realize the impact these words would have on me. I lost my camera before I was even on the ground in New Zealand, I have had days where I’ve been homesick and just yesterday I made us miss our ferry. I’ve tried to remember to go with the flow, hey, you never know when Beyonce is going to drop a new album.

My first adventure into the New Zealand bush was to visit Fairy Falls. A 45 minute drive out of the city and 45 minute hike away to an incredible view and multiple waterfalls. My sister used to take me fairy hunting, I couldn’t help but be transported back to being a little girl again, investigating the small pools of water looking for any trace of fairies or their kind. I’m certain I saw a glimpse of wings just behind the falls.

Big surprise, my favorite part of New Zealand so far is the food. In particular, the fact that there is a sushi restaurant on every corner. The sushi is by the piece instead of by rolls, and they are three times the size of what I am accustomed to. This is amazing for someone who wants a taste of everything. No spicy tuna though, I guess that’s a US thing. I have even had sushi for breakfast!

The food is a very easy way to identify you are in a different country. The supermarkets are filled with all new brands. The produce must be bought in season unless you plan to pay a premium. Everything is on a much smaller scale and they have more specialty stores, a butcher, a fruit market, produce stand, instead of going to supermarket for everything. The international section is the most entertaining part, they carry El Paso Taco products by the boatload, Reese’s and many South African products, which Stephen loves. I plan to do a more in depth post about all the food soon!

A time when I felt completely at peace and like we were exactly where we were supposed to be was a little impromptu date Stephen and I had at Albert Park. We grabbed a bottle of wine and slipped off our shoes and just took in the sights, smells and did some people watching. Albert park is situated right in the heart of Auckland, between skyscrapers, the Skytower, and the most amazing fairy tale trees I have ever seen, they are whimsical and magical and giant. We take a ferry across the bay into the city and walk into Queen St. This is where all the cruise ships dock, so imagine tourist central. Plenty of shopping, things to do and of course sushi restaurants. Go deeper a few blocks and run into this amazing park, with flowers in full bloom, fountains, statues, students from the local University and families and tourists alike. This moment made my heart sing. I’m thankful for moments like these.

“Go with the flow,” my new daily mantra and comfort blanket for when things go wrong. Over the next year I plan to teach myself this ever important lesson. Life does not go the way you expect it to, people will not do things the way you would, they are their own, unique, incredible individual. Appreciate it, don’t fight it.

Auckland Skyline

Find more on my website: sightseeingearth.com
or follow my photographic adventures on instagram @sightseeingearth


Very cool and welcome. Looking forward to reading more about your adventures. : ) I'm hoping to do something similar myself soon. Only just begun getting rid of stuff. New Zealand looks beautiful.

I'm looking to do a blog soon of how I decided to keep things or get rid of, maybe that will be this weeks post. Mostly it was giving and selling to friends and having them to rely on even after I left was really great. Start early and have a yard sale.. also see if your area has a presence on OfferUp its an app that makes buying and selling things REALLY easy. Any ideas of where you'll be headed @xeldal?

Excellent. :) I've mostly been trying to give away to friends also, but I think some are being too nice and just taking what is clearly junk. haha, I would do the same. Unfortunately I've spent the last 15 or more years just acquiring stuff, pack-rat-horder style, but it sure feels good in a way to get rid of some of it. Right now I'm pretty set on somewhere in the Yucatan in Mexico to start. I had some other ideas in mind like Chile or Thailand but proximity to the US checks more boxes right now for my girlfriends sake. Thanks for the OfferUp tip, I'll check it out. : )

Awesome! I traveled for a bit a couple times .. great experience! Could you post a pic of "Hey Steemit it's me daenyrs" - that would be way cool and then we'd know it's really you!

Hi @ned it's really me!

Hey @ned any advice on how to fix my thumbnail photo? seems to not be loading properly

there are some image hosts that don't seem to be translating well for thumbnails .. try steemitup.eu or flickr and maybe you will get better results


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