New Year Resolutions for 2018? Different for everyone, Rise of Nationalists Groups,New Laws&AntiChrist System,Will HRC be Indicted? Weiner's emails,Huma's cousin busted, Iran overthrow, Need return to the Christian faith as the only way to combat Evil.

in #newyear20187 years ago (edited)

Please read these articles, videos, and share. Would also appreciate that you go over the other previous postings that I have done as well that contains other news within. Took tons of effort and time to put together. More than what it's stated in the title, don't judge a book by it's cover. Please pass along. Happy New Year or Psyoped New Year!!! Good or Bad, please stay strong in the faith, Trust in God/Yeshua/Yahweh, Jesus Christ.

For some posts, it takes several days for me to put together because I'm busy with other things such as Care-giving for an elderly parent. You can read it here and there.
The only other thing I can say about what's going on with my Father is that he is sleeping more, spinal stenosis getting worse and the blood disease getting worse. Plus, the new guidelines with his MDS blood disorder won't allow him to have a blood transfusion unless his count is really low. Now it's anything below a 7.0 Hemoglobin requires you to have a blood transfusion. Now with the new guidelines it's more closer to a 6.0 for the Hemoglobin. We are adjusting and being own advocate for getting the transfusion the same day as the labs, otherwise more work getting in and out is very difficult. You cannot have blood transfusions at home, can only be done in a clinical setting, ok. Even if the Doctor gives the ok for the blood transfusion, the blood center has to give the final ok. Prayers would be most appreciated.


Keep in the faith trust in God. I am Not very happy and haven't been in a very long time. Wish my Father doesn't have to suffer anymore, but through enough, period. Not just caregiving, it's everything else. At times I wish I weren't around anymore. Depression and Anxiety has been rough. Have never been in a relationship and saving myself for the right man to come along. Whatever this year brings, we have to face it no matter what?

We have to face these issues head on with the full armor of God and stand with Jesus Christ no matter what.
Living in the end times just as in the days of Noah, Sodom and Gomorrah. Best to get yourself right with God while you still can. By the way, I'm sick & tired of this sinful & evil represented as a cancer on society & brainwashed the weak-minded to submit to sin & evil. God/Yeshua/Jesus's word never changes & is truth. Why I don't associate with that sinful crowd. They can take everything, but my faith in Christ.

Predictions for #2018 by The Truth Factory

Predict people get their news more from a talking Cat more than #FakeNews such as #MSM #CNN etc...
Not such a great year for me, because nothing works out anymore. What's the point in trying?

Good News, Truth Warriors! 2018 Will Finally See the Arrest and Indictment of #HillaryRodhamFelon by Lionel Nation

Good News, Truth Warriors! by Gabor Zolna

I'll believe it when I see her inmate number. #LockHerUp

Oregon Lawmaker's Pass 750 New Laws In 2018!

F***ing Globalists agenda in Oregon marching forward....
Where the Feds assassinated Robert LaVoy Finicum

Check The New Laws In Your State!

Only thing that Lawmakers are Interested in is $$$
Truancy, Accidents will increase.

Are US Citizen's Being Sent, To #Guantanamo

#Gitmo #NDAA
Don't you love it that #Obama will be caught in his own web?
Podesta Group, Clinton Foundation Focus of the Trump EO

Guantanamo Or La Joya

This is perfect accommodations for these PIGS!!!
La realidad del centro penitenciario La Joya

The NDAA, Explained In Detail!

Please open, and read up on the National Defense Authorization Act, posted on Wikipedia, attached in the link below. The second link, highlights the New York's Federal Judge who ruled that the NDAA was unconstitutional.


Arizona National Guard Sending Unit To Guantanamo Bay!

"I would love to see these evil globalist get the death penalty. #GITMO
Are they McCain's special entourage?
MadDog told the troops there it would only be approx. 9 month tour while he toured there to commend the Troops. Makes me think that the Tribunal will be there also, then off to Prison or Gallows where they Damn sure deserve all thats coming to them."

Arizona National Guard military police to help at Guantanamo Bay


Omar Amanet w/ Vladislav Doronin=Russian DT worked w/Marc Rich=Dan Gertler
Irfan Amanat, KIT Digital case

Huma Abedin's Cousin Convicted Of Fraud With "Russian Donald Trump"
Huma’s Cousin, Who Partnered With ‘Russian Donald Trump,’ Convicted of Fraud, Tampered With Case By Deleting Emails


What happened to the supposed "Insurance" file, that contained the video of HRC, Huma A & a minor?! Not to mention the things that supposedly made NYPD officers cry?
CIA has gotten to Assange... only reason could be redacted.

Huma Abedin Emails Released, By The State Department! by Gabor Zolna

#HumaAbedin #Yahoo "All roads (crime) leads to the #ClintonCrimeFamily."

Question,What Is AG Jeff Sessions Waiting For

#UraniumOne #HumaAbedin
#Sessions needs to go #JudgeJeanine for AG!

Huma Abedin Forwarded Top Secret Passwords To Yahoo Account Hacked By Russian With Odd Clinton Connection

About that Alleged Hillary Clinton Sex Tape by Pockets Of The Future

President Trump's Tweet To Andy McCabe, No Deal

Good for #Trump #McCabeMustGo send him & rest of Satanists SCUM to #Gitmo

Popcorn Worthy – President Trump Has Rejected McCabe’s Terms… Trump to McCabe NO DEAL.

Sorry Governor Ducey, You're Wrong

Can that Brain Tumor take care of McCain fast enough?

Marijuana, Californian's Multi Billion Dollar Cash Crop!
Understand what Gabe is getting at the use of Recreational Marijuana leads to.
Agree with Medical Marijuana only. CBD Oil helps with Seizures, etc. comes in Capsule forms, review and research what's in the Marijuana. Moderation at best. Have parent with Muscle Spasms, Severe Spinal Stenosis...

California Cultivating Future Heroin Users !

Six Insane California Laws That Go Into Effect Monday

Right Now There Are 20,000 Pedophiles Who Want To Rape Children Living In Britain. Yet The British Government Does Very Little To Stop Them

The Silver Stake, In The Heart Of The Vampire!

Indiana has the highest number of Children missing along with Virginia and California.

FBI informant formally warns President Trump of Mike Pence and Pam Bondi’s ties to Pedogate

Timothy Charles Holmseth discusses Pedogate

ADD-ON:Child Rapist/Child Murderer Mike Pence and the New Law to Protect Indiana Child Traffickers

Death of Tory Smith
Look up Tory Smith. He had his own channel, but was taken down after his death. He had a lot of information about how Mike Pence was involved with all this child sex/murder. He was assaulted by him himself. Tory was murdered for it. More concerning is that Tory Smith, left, has a series of youtubes accusing Mike Pence of being a multiple child rapist and murderer. Smith, who claimed to be a victim of satanic ritual abuse himself, makes a series of frankly crazy assertions. However, he predicted that Indiana State Police would kill him, and indeed, as of July 2016, he is dead. - See more at:

Mike Pence: Assange's tweets about plan to undermine Trump 'absurd and frankly offensive'

How Many Could Have Been Saved

Please copy, and open the link attached below, the video is one hour, and six minutes in duration, at a minimum fast forward to the 42 minute mark, and listen to what Timothy Holmselth sent in his letter to AG Jeff Sessions on December 20, 2017. Please pass this video along to your like minded friend, and please repost this video on all of your social media outlets.
FBI informant formally warns President Trump of Mike Pence and Pam Bondi’s ties to Pedogate

There Is A New Sheriff In Town!


Might The Bush's Be On Those, Sealed Indictments
“The world must see televised hangings with positive IDs on all the perps at; before and after the hangings.No truce;no stopping;no deals and no operation paperclips down to the Antarctic.”

Might We Expect Numerous Suicides, Real Soon

Seven Page Indictments.
It May Or May Not Be True, But!

No Northern District in Nevada. Otherwise, rest of the Seven Page Document is Right on the $$$.

To check out more videos, respond directly to Gabor Zolna, has own site

US State Department Hints At OVERTHROW In lRAN by James Munder

Work of #CIA #DeepState
Fixed it

#Iran last on the list destabilizing #MiddleEast #NWO

Police in Iran don't play around!
'Death to the Ayatollah': Iranian protests get bloody as two demonstrators are 'shot dead' after angry crowds burn down a government building and torch cars while thousands take to streets to call for revolution in biggest revolt since 2009

Just as in#MinorityReport
Beast system. #Chemtrails #HAARP #SolarShield
"DHS is poisoned fruit of Bush's poisoned 9/11 coup. Once the truth about 9/11 gets blabbed around, all this airport security crap is going to be pointless."

Putin Establishes New Law: If Islamic Terrorists Recruit People, They Will Be Put In Prison For The Rest Of Their Lives
Excellent President Putin "#TerrorismPropaganda.” 8-10 years to hefty fines to Life Imprisonment. Needs to be applied in the US & Western Countries such as #MSM #CNN Congress, Senate, etc...

Neil Degrasse Tyson says #AI is far away. by Richie From Boston

#Chemtrails Other #CrisisActors #IlluminatiPuppet's include Bill The Shill #ScienceGuy, #ElonMusk, #Zuckerberg,etc.
#Romans1:22 " Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools."

#2018 is coming, and we ALL saw the set up in #2017

"2017 was chaos pure chaos, NASA CIA the pentagon all are pointing towards a space anomly that will change everything forever. RFB"

What is the true new year

"Because the absolute coldest dentist part of the year most certainly is not it it would appear according to the book of Enoch in the in gnocchi in calendar April 1 is the beginning of the year but you probably already knew that."
Anyone that did not go along with celebrating New Year in the Winter considered a #AprilFool. #PaganHolidays
Time, dates and holidays are man made constructs only to complicate and disrupt one's life.

Oregon Appeal's Court, Leftist Criminal Organization!

"Federal Judges are appointed by leftists whacked out Liberals, the Justice system needs a complete overhaul, as does the Senate, and the House of Representative's."
Had 20,000 videos on YouTube before Zolna's channel was removed.

Looking For An Agressive Law Firm

"If there is a law firm that is interested in what I have to say about suing Google-YouTube, please reach out to me, and hear what I have to say about what I believe is absolute proof of their criminality. I do hope to hear from a few large reputable law forms." #ClassActionLawsuit against #YouTube

Happy New Year , And Thanks For Your Patronage , Gabor Zolna

Evident On New Years The Elite Showed Their Breakdown !

M.I.A. Paper Planes
"Paper planes" = Julian extracted/ safe?
"Take your money" = Frozen assets?
"More records than the KGB" = He has the info?


Nuremberg Trial Fears Grow As Guantanamo Prepares For “High Level” American Prisoners

200 million in gold bullion was found, Obama tipped ahead of time, underground tunnels thousand of miles.
“I watched a video last night that said that Obama property in Indonesia [I think it is 400 acres] has been confiscated. It is registered to Solyndra, the energy company that bankrupted.”
President Trump, Green Lighted Delta Force!

Christian Couple Refuses To Bake A Cake For Homosexual Wedding, Now The Government Of Oregon Is Forcing Them To Pay $135,000 To The Homosexuals
Please read this article and find out how to stand up for the Christian faith and go after pedophile priests, etc. that promote anything that is AntiChristian such as Homosexuality, etc. are worthy of death.
Look up #OperationWhip shows you how you can confront and combat evil and capture it on film with the research proving to be fact. Find out what She-Ria law is that the US and other countries are in run by Sodomites and Feminists, filled with the AntiChrist Spirit.
As a result of She-Ria/"Sodomite Sharia law Christians are being forced to pay the sodomite jizya tax. There are many people in the Christian world, claiming Christianity, and promoting perversity and degeneracy."

Do you realize that Christians are not supposed to tolerate evil, aren't we called to expose them and join the lusts that the dark side does. Ephesians 5:6-14
"Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes on those who are disobedient. Therefore do not be associated with them. For once you were darkness, but now in the Lord you are light. Live as children of light- for the fruit of the light is found in all that is good and right and true. Try to find out what is pleasing to the Lord. Take no part in the unfruitful work of darkness, but instead expose them. For it is shameful even to mention what such people do secretly; but everything exposed by the light becomes visible, for everything that becomes visible is light."

Rescue Christians Saves Nearly 2000 People In 2017
Amen to #RescueChristians
#Christians #ChristianPersecution

Baby Boomers Need To Exercise Compassion Towards Millenials And Generation Z Because Their Own Children And Grandchildren Are Going To Laugh At Their Screams As They Throw Them Into The Ovens And Gas Chambers
#Millennials & #GenerationZ are influenced by #NationalSocialism mixes truth with lies with real poison is #EthnoNationalism&#Paganism to create Division & Chaos #NWOAgenda
"Life was more orderly when faith in God was strong." #Morality #SpiritualWarfare

Comments from Viewers: “Lets talk about the generation that went through 2 world wars, financial depression, very hard labor without laws to prevent employers from slaving the employees working long journeys without extra pay. Life was hard, houses were smaller, meals frugal, everything was pricey. People use to take long time to pay for their tv set and other appliances. Watch TV was for the evening. No games, no computers, no cell phones and not every young person had a car. While those generation worked hard to give everything they did not have to their kids they neglected to imprint moral and values so necessary to balance ones life. The movie industry, the games, the gadgets had and have great influence in young lives, worse of all religion decline is mostly responsible for the lack of meaning in a person's life. God is the source of fortitude and restraint from evil. Life was more orderly when faith in God was strong. All morals and costumes have fallen down leaving a naked society with meaningless lives. The young generation do not know the value of work and commitment, they lack the strength to refrain from doing harmful things to others and for themselves. The people in power are greed and corrupt and the young follow idols of entertainment industry who only give bad example. Where are we going? nowhere.”
“This is 100% accurate in the US. The native population is beyond enraged and have been a hair's breadth from homicidal for several years now. Trump is releasing some of the pressure, but what the Deepstate CIA/Mossad/Saudis/satanist have done is create such insane levels of injustice with the genocide of white western culture, that this generation of extremists must happen as a way of balancing the scales; every action socially has an equal and opposite reaction as well. The backlash is going to destroy the existing culture, so one should at least hope for a return to morals. It's a cesspit in too many places right now. The decades of abuse against western cultures must be balanced with a Jubilee or things are going to get very, very ugly.
The really high ups want WW3 (google Agenda 21 if you want to be terrified), and were willing to sacrifice and abuse their nation's people by flooding them with millions of foreign parasites. All the DACA, "refuges", gangs, etc have been allowed to ravage the nation on purpose. All of this is to kill Christianity, and cultures that embrace it.”

“Somebody has to pay for the freebies and printed up money, if not now than later. And there's always a backlash to social injustice, sooner or later...And there are repercussions for turning away and offending God, no doubt about it.”

How Environmentalism Leads To Racism, Eugenics And Nazism
Deep Ecology essentially teaches that human beings are no different from any other organism on Earth. Used to promote Genocide. Georgia Guidestones.
Varg Vikernes, is very popular Ethonationalist types influences Nazism, Homosexuality, Environmentalism.
They apply and impose natural reality on humans, so society can function in Social Darwinian fashion.
4Chan is Demonically filled with Nazis and Eugenicists. Alexia, Google Analytics to see the rank of other websites.
Iceland ranked #1 aborting those with Down Syndrome.

#SocialDarwinism #Agenda21 "#Heresy is the greatest of all sins."
Comments from Viewers: “He is so right about this the current environmentalist movement is satanic it has nothing to do with protecting our Earth and guarding what God has given us it is about the annihilation of mankind the club of Rome back in 1973 use the environmentalist movement to create our new world order yes you heard me right they said back in the seventies that they will use the environmentalist movement to create a global World Order this environmental movement has nothing to do with protecting the Earth they're just using that as a means to just kill people and I'm talking about the elite the center for population control in California their anti-immigrant they hate all immigrants they're just use the Earth Crisis in order to hate all immigrants I believe in protecting the Earth I'm a true environmental ass but I don't believe in using that as an excuse to kill people with these wacky environmentalist believe they give real environmentalists like myself a bad name they never bring up true environmental issues they only use the things that we can't change as a tool to bring in world government sad sad enough I believe Ted is right about Generation Z these guys are pro-homosexual they are supportive of all types of corruption and sadly I hate to say this it will be Generation Z that will put in someone like Tulsi gabbard into the presidency you heard me right although I like the girl a whole lot I'm beginning to notice that she Benz her knee to prime minister Modi who is a Hindu extremist and president Trump also about his knee to him so that tells me a whole lot.”

“‘Heresy is the greatest of all sins.’ It definitely does breeds genocide, without a doubt. Excellent detailed explanation of the whole “deep ecology” movement that has been so well entrenched and pervasive in this modern Era thru the medical fields, science/bioethics, that so many people have been so conditioned to support it. I have been telling people all along that what is behind the whole environmental planned agenda, which is all very interconnected, to help stealthily push Social-Darwinism, population control/the eugenics ideological movement onto the masses, which has been going on for decades.....”

Nationalists Are Fighting Islam, Not Out Of Principle, But To Advance Nazism
This one hour video explains everything. Beware of these Nationalists Groups and what it leads to as it was in the past. Beware of those who use the legitimate threat of Communism, Islam, etc. and present #Ethnonationalism as the solution. Hegelian Dialectic.
Times change, people and philosophies never change. Getting involved in any of these groups no matter the left no the right leads to the same end with Division, Chaos, Racism, Darwinism, Eugenics, etc. as the answer via Hegelian Dialectic. Evil cannot fight Evil, is left with the unstoppable Virus that Evil spreads. Only good can fight evil and win.
Don't repeat the same evils of old. The only way to combat the forces of darkness is with Jesus Christ, Christianity, Moral Values. Otherwise, mixing Christianity and Paganism together is Heresy, which is the greatest of all sins, same applies to Pride as well.

Stop Calling Europe Christendom. Christendom Is Dead. Europe Is Now A Place Of Social Darwinism And Marxism And Is Coming Closer And Closer To The Antichrist
"Stop calling Europe Christendom. Christendom is dead. Europe is now a place of Nazism, Marxism, eugenics and social Darwinism, and is getting closer and closer to the antichrist. This is the subject of my latest 15 min. 28 sec. video:"
Christendom has been dead since the French Revolution. People are leaving the Church.
Virus from within. Protestants and Catholics are corrupt. Return to paganism by the forces of The Ottomans and Pagans.
Christendom Destroyed, book by Mark Greengrass is critical of the Church. Death of Christendom, what replaced it was Europa, Pan-European ism. Due to National Pride and Egoism within it. Two different fundamental concepts such as Christendom vs. Europa. Quotes St. Paul united under one faith and spiritually. When you get rid of spiritual cohesion, left of body of National Pride and Egoism, with competition against one another.

Goes over history such as Dutch hated the Catholic Church. Von Harlem Dutch pirate, who pillaged and destroyed people, converted to Islam. Dutch people became Calvinists with war against Spain that lasted a along time.
Catholics who corrupted Catholics who destroyed Christendom, refused to fight the Protestants and the Ottomans.
Resulted those corrupt ex. Catholics sided with the Protestants and the Ottomans to fight against the Catholics, didn't care about Catholicism.

Emperor Rudolph II, was involved in the occult. Rudolph II told the Bohemian Protestants that he would allow them to sever from Christendom, Hapsburg Empire. The Bohemians ended up murdered delegates from Christendom from the Hapsburg Empire, that resulted in the conflict.

Christendom mirrors to a Shakespearean play, good to face reality.
Live in fantasy mirrors to Don Quixote chasing Windmills. Miguel de Cervantes, warrior who fought in the Battle of Lepanto, author of Don Quixote wrote the book to illustrate that Christendom died. Anyone who believed that Christendom was alive was chasing Dragons that aren't there.

Viktor Orban, President of Hungary, is a Racist Power-Hungry Corrupt Person, who is working with Germany working on creating the European Union Military Force and in support of German Militarism.
Nigel Farrage, great figure for Christendom?
England has not been a Christian country since the Protestant Reformation, since it severed itself from the Catholic Church.
Once you have the wrong view of Christendom, is where you follow a fantasy and you begin to follow things that make you believe they are Christendom, when in fact they are not. Follow fantasy breeds more delusion, problems, and antisocial behavior. Begin to follow entities, organizations or governments with a religious exuberance and unhealthy religious devotion. Organizations such as the Identitarian movement, when in fact they are Neo-Nazis, who worship paganism. Christendom replaced with concept of Europa.
What Christendom really stood for was the Catholic faith is the greatest enemy against despotism, oppression, racism, and injustice.

The History Of Christendom Is Not All Courageous And Good Knights, But A War Between The Church And Europe
In the history of Christendom, what you will find is not all all good Catholic knights, but a struggle between the Church (universalism) and Europe (nationalism). The first consists of nations under the banner of the Christian Faith, while the latter is nations under their own nationalist egoisms. This is the subject of my latest 26 min. 30 sec. video:

Elizabethan era book on how Queen Elizabeth I made an economic and financial deal with the Ottoman Empire to make money and combat the papists states.
The Church said, don't make deals with Non-Christian countries.
As it was in the past, is presently. Always struggle. Tons of backstabbing, same politics, deception, backroom deals to benefit themselves(pay to play), bankers wars, nationalism etc.
Things change, people and policies Never changes.
"The Life of Christ is the life of the Christendom. The Life of Christ is Life of the Church."

There are always enemies from within. Always people masquerading themselves as Christian, etc. pretending to someone they are not to infiltrate and dominate and are no different than Judas.

Reading on the life of Giovanni Pacelli, Pope Pius XII in the time of the Third Reich. The Pope at that time understood the dangers of Nazism and declared at the end of the 1920's that Nazism is the most dangerous ideology of our time.
Could not be a National Catholic (Christian) and a Nazi(Pagan, National Socialist).
Goes into detail on how the German Royals & other thinkers pressured the support of Nazism. While those at the The Vatican condemned Nazism as most dangerous ideology and evil.
All about pressuring the Church about changing the German Bishops vote that Nazism is evil and dangerous.
Shows how diabolical Nazism is.
Game that Politicians play. Capitalize on Christian Civilization Utopia Reality.
Looks like a Lamb, Wolves in Sheep's Clothing.

Group of German Bishops got together and said "We have no problem with Nazism." They reserved the condemnation that the other majority of German Bishops ruled against Nazism. Brought Dilemma.
The Nazis wanted to destroy that Catholic Church.
The Church had to find a way to prevent Despotism, Oppression, and Violence.
The Concord Act as agreement to protect the rights of Catholics with the Nazis to not impose Violence, etc.
The evil Catholics Europa/Nationalists (Trad Trasts) used the Concord Act, own evil interest and imposed Nazism.

The Concord Act provided the condition of which The Church as able to act to save people from the Nazi Reign of Terror. Great success, Struggle between Europa and Christendom.
Europa advances Nationalism, Darwinism, Racism, Paganism, etc. Own personal interests.
Christendom is against all things that of Europa that is Evil. All about Maintain, Protect, and Affirm the Universality of the Catholic faith.
4th Century conflict with Christianity and Arianism. Council of Nicaea.
Council of Remidi, modern title for city in Italy.
Arian Creed is similar to the Nicaea Creed, except it does not declare that the Son come substantial with the Father.
Arianism is Heresy. Then, same body of Bishops who preach Hersey. Royals pushed for acceptance of Arianism.
Emperor Constantine II wanted the Church to accept Arianism.
Same patterns and evil repeats. Easy to fall for the deception.

Nationalists/Nazis as in the past that always start off combating against Communism and are all for Morality. Today's Nationalists such as Pegida, Soldiers of Odin, Identitarian, etc. are all about combating Jihad, Terrorism, and against Marxism. People falling for the same trap.

In 1933, Giovanni Pacelli, later Pope Pius XII, who was Cardinal at the times saw this Pattern said, "As every year goes by in which the Nazis have power, they will reveal their true evil face. As the years goes by so the Nazis will continue to show who they really are."

Pacelli was aware of the evil agenda, by small steps.
Beware of this strategy. Intellectual journey is ongoing. In 2014-2015 Theodore wanted the Nationalists movements to be reality, that Christendom was rising. When in fact, it wasn't and doesn't exist. Still fight the Leviathan of Europa.

Constantine II is Pagan along with Julian II.
When they say "Let's go back to religion of our Ancestors." Reverting back to Paganism.

St. Ambrose of Milian combated a Movement that wanted to revive Paganism in the Empire.
Same repeat in the past.

Today, we have the Church and Europa. Going to have to face the evil Leviathan
The greatest force against evil is Jesus Christ's Church.

Comment from a Viewer: “Something to think about:
During the reign of the Roman Emperor Constantine the Great (306–337 AD), Christianity began to transition to the dominant religion of the Roman Empire.
The Roman empire fell apart.
The Roman Catholic church took over the reign of government.
The Roman Catholic church lost power over governments.
The Roman Catholic church, Orthodox and Anglican church are pushing for a one world church again.
The Pope is a Jesuit whose order was created by a mason.
The Masons who run governments also have their headquarters in London.
Above them is the Royl Grter who is ruled by the head monarch.
The head monarch once their is a king will be the high priest of many churches as well as the king of kings.
What has been broken has been fixed, again there will be a king over religion and governments.

Daniel 8:23-25 King James Version (KJV)
23 And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up.
24 And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power: and he shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practice, and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people.
25 And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand.
(Note dark sentences are talking about occult worship, freemasonry is called the craft and transgressor come to the full means they have become as wicked as they can be.)”

Make No Mistake About It, Anyone Who Puts Their Race Above Their Faith Is Antichrist
Make no mistake about it, anyone who puts their race above their faith, is a heretic. This is the subject of today’s 29 min. 35 sec. video: “It’s your actions, it’s your faith, it’s what you stand for, it’s your principle, it’s that volition to do that which is good. To do that which is good that which is compassionate and helpful towards your fellow man and towards humanity.”
Racialized religion back in Ancient Times, even that the Jews followed. In the Book of Acts, Peter has dinner with a Roman Centurion of the Italian Division. Peter told the Jewish people, that Christ came to him in a vision, Jesus told Peter do not call Clean from what I made Clean.
Jesus told the Jews that if you follow Moses, then you follow me. He criticized the Jews.
Alt-Right, etc. are Heresies. Early of 1930’s. The Bishops declared Nazism to be a Heresy. Geopolitics in Japan and Buddhism role. Hinduism has roots in Buddhism. Nichiren Buddhism. Lotus Sutra. Reads about Buddhism. Russo-Japanese War.
Reading a book between the relationships between the Vatican and the Third Reich.
Studied the Crusades, Islam, Homosexual Agenda, in 2013 Mormonism and exposed Glen Beck. Study Heresies and Evil in all forms. No new heresies, same evil ideas, marked in different ways. Other heresies that rooted.
Mohammad wanted to be the Messiah of the Jews, when the Jews rejected him. That is when he decided to kill all of the Jews and Unbelievers of Islam. Conflict of the Jews who rejected Mohammad, instead of accepting. Islam came from Judaizing heresy. Mormonism emphasized race, only Mormon could be White.
Brigham Young, Mormon believed in Evolution, Social Darwinism is a Ethonationalist Cult.
First Council against Judaism, had to be Circumcised, of which the Church had to combat.
When we reject the Messiah, God, then it’s Anti-Human Ideologies, Racism too.
Comment from a Viewer: “Henry Morgentaler, like the women's choice movement, was no chance phenomenon. He was the product of powerful institutions driven by a Malthusian/Darwinist agenda. A short walk from his clinic, you will find the Salk Institute (Canadian version of the Max Planck Institute), New College (which hosted a women's studies program modeled on the Frankfurt School), Canada's most powerful masonic lodge, and the terminus of an important Nazi ratline. I was resident at New College for a few years, so I know the neighborhood and its denizens quite well. I also witnessed how much these institutions are in bed with one another. Interestingly, a New College graduate was recently murdered along with her billionaire husband. He received the Order of Canada for manufacturing RU-486, the abortion drug. Morgentaler got one too, for his handiwork. I'd say the dice are pretty heavily loaded.”

Shoebat.Com Marks Another Watershed Year With Top Ten Articles Of 2017
Please read this and share.

Psalm 91 Prayer -Prayer Warriors 365

"GOD IS IN CONTROL! Prayer Warriors 365 presents the Psalm 91 Prayer of God's protection for the coming end of end of days. This is POWERFUL,so keeping standing in the shelter of the Almighty fighting the good fight of faith in Jesus Christ one day at a time. Spiritual Warfare is heating up!
By Regina M. Dick

Go to for your written copy of the Armor of God Spiritual warfare prayer.

Prayer Request 24/7/365 at "

All by design by the powers that shouldn't be for NWO Agenda for depopulation agenda 21 and 2030. Both sides are the same coin, same end, World's A Stage. The Elite are a Cancer imposing their Satanic s*** on us. There are those who fall for the deception as Sheep who rejected Christ/God/Yeshua to pursue the desires of the flesh, material things, for personal gain for power, wealth at all costs without empathy nor respect to none. Then you have those who say they are a Christian, Awake, etc. turns out they are Illuminati Gatekeepers. Beware of those who say one thing and do another, they are of whom they associate with are their real friends.

Therefore, as result of the propaganda by the powers that shouldn't be are promoting evil in the name of this and that.
Don't forget the rise of Transhumanism, Technocracy, Militarism, Nationalism, etc. all lead to Fragmentation/Division then War.

That is why both political sides are the same coin. Those on both the far right and left associate and worship evil and defend those who are antichristian. Don't get yourself involve with evil leads to destruction and eternal death.

Christ/Jesus/Yeshua came to purify God's word, develop personal relationship with people, save humanity from sin and death with salvation through those who believe in Jesus shall not perish, but have everlasting life. Ongoing process Both with faith and works too. Please get yourself right with God while you still can. Put the Full Armor of God and stand with him against the forces of evil. We're living in Spiritual Warfare.

Previous postings.

The Storm is Here, CEO's All Over are Stepping Down, Podesta Bros Arrested? Fed's Found Fetuses in Body Broker Warehouse, GITMO, LAX To Tokyo Flight Back, MS-13 Hit On Seth Rich, Opium:The Drug Game, Fake X Launch, 9/11 Investigation ASAP & Indictments?

Secret DARPA takeover & Eric Schmidt, Disney World's Massive Arrests, George Soros Massive Heart Attack, Double or Alive in Cell? Q Anon: Trump's Executive Order Seizes Assets Of Human Rights Abusers, Assange's Twitter & 65 GB File, Agenda 21, more news.

Military Industrial Complex with Eurasia connected via Railroad leads to WWIII,Christian Persecution Increases can't Worship without being Attacked,Ohio Bans Abortion? Nationalism increases in Europe with attacks on Christians & the Catholic Church

The truth about Christmas being a Pagan Holiday, really it's Saturnalia dates back to Babylonian Pagan times, take a good look at the Vatican, history of the X-Mas Tree, Nimrod/Santa, Jesus not born on December 25th and more!!!

Social Darwinism & Eugenics are rising to power over Christianity, Elsagate videos removed,Showing&Telling,The Truth about Pagan Holidays &Illuminati landmarks, GeoEngineering,DEW with Blue Lightning,Should Titus Frost and Shoebat have Debate? You Decide!

Great News a Major Evangelical Megachurch Consecrates To The Sacred Heart Of Jesus, Alt-Right/EthnoNationalism division due to Philosophy conflict rooted in Paganism,Truth About Christ&The Church,Poland PM Commemorates Polish Catholics in Nazi Holocaust

Erdogan declares East Jerusalem is the Palestine Capital of the Muslim World, Israel Strikes Gaza, ISIS poster of Trump & Netanyahu, Pope Francis Reveres Satan, Inside Illuminati Temple & Vatican Christmas exposed, & Talmud Doc by Ted Pike

Great News Righteous Judge Rules In Favor For Christian Baker in CA Persecuted By Homosexuals, Bad News Nazi Evil & Christian Persecution increases with Terror Attacks in Pakistan with Church Bombing, India, Nigeria,&Muslim Rape Squads In The Middle East

The UN rejected Trump's Recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's Capital,Shut Down UN&Deep State,Why the Tax Bill Benefits Upper Class?Rosie O'Donnell busted,U1 Reopened? NK Anthrax Warheads,Info Industrial Complex,TV=Killing Us Softly End Game? Other News

Manhattan Explosion Attempted on the 11th by Peaceful Muslim, not big event, expect more False Flags to come, Who to Thank Are Illuminati/Freemasons, look inside the Pagan Temple & Mystery School Religion in Rome=Vatican

Turkey's President Erdogan agrees with Trump & Declared Jerusalem as Israel's Capital in 2016, Relates to German, Japan, & Turkish, etc. Militarism rising with Financial,Thinkers,Politicians,& Industrialists via Technocracy, AI etc. WWIII,Agenda 2030

War Games A Chess Move with Jerusalem being the Capital, Synagogue of Satan via Globalist NWO Zionist, Mossad control ultimately leads to War with Iran, The Gov. Of Russia confirms the America Foreign Policy to Destabilize the Middle East leading to WWIII

President Trump's Travel Ban, US Embassy Move to Jerusalem made Erdogan very angry, 259 schools not participating in Operation Christmas Child offends Homosexuals,Putin,US,Gov. of Nigeria,&Muslims helping Christians,&Theresa May Assassination Plot folded

Do you want Homosexuality in Society? Find out what's happening & what are you going to do about it? It's just the Sodomites, it's Islamic Terrorism, Drug Cartels, Military Industrial Complex & those who Fuel them by Powers that Shouldn't be

Canadian Gov. Mandates Employers Sign An Oath Of Loyalty In Support of Sodom&Gomorrah,University Of MN Ban X-Mas in name of "Inclusivity" People Follow Narratives Via Worshiping Politicians as Idols Trick People To Accept Tyranny All Part Of NWO Agenda

The Washington Compost Caught Lying & Mueller Illegally Obtained Trump's Emails, Call To Action on Survivors Abused, Judge Alex Kozinski Resigns via Sexual Harassment, Pedophile POS in Arkansas, Federal Employees Salary, Why Vote No on Tax Bill.

Two False Flags/Drills the same day by Deep State with Train Derails On Bridge in Washington & Atlanta Airport Electrical Fire, ANTIFA involved? CA Fires 3rd largest, 5G + DARPA NSA SKYNET AUTONOMOUS, Hidden Hand by Fallen Ones Tricking Mankind

Iran's expansion into Syria eventually Megiddo,Duterte is Sodom/Eugenicist & Pro Homosexual Marriage,Australia Gov. try to become the Church, Christian land&church seized,Pastor&Wife Guilty in Sex Trafficking Ring, 2 nutcase women deserve insane asylum

Military Industrial Complex increases in Germany,Turkey,etc. Q POSTS on Merry XMAS BAMA&Honeypotters, The Pentagon's "Special Access" UFO Program, The Blob,Comey&Mueller ignores McCabe's Russia connection,Hindu Nationalism,&Japan Deporting NK Fisherman

Happy Belated Psyop SandyHoaXmas,Illuminati Pizzagate with Elmo&NASA, Fake Moon Landings Music Video,Belluminati, Businesses Use Robots Takeover the streets of San Francisco to harass Homeless People leads to Rise Of The Machines via The Terminator, etc.

Increase in Rape Allegations made against Celebrities by Tons of Feminist Women, She-Ria law problem, 80 to 20 rule, War against Men, Decrease in Marriage & Children thus Breakdown of Family Unit, Agenda 21, all by design by AntiChrist System NWO Agenda

Net Neutrality end? Will the Internet end? Leads to further Censorship, Control of Society, All By Design NWO Agenda, Learn about the History,Definitions,Debating,Who benefits? Freedom of Speech Lost mirrors to 1984 Orwellian Times,Ocean levels=Sinking

End Of Net Neutrality, Fake people via Artificial Intelligence, RichieFromBoston on Terraforming Earth & Full Armor Of God, HP Laptop Models w/hidden Keylogging Software, Fuller House & Imagine Dragons=Illuminati

Blame The Republican's For Judge Roy Moore Loss To A Democrat, Rigged Election thanks to Soros, Trauma Surgeon who outed Haiti Foundation Scam added to Clinton Body Count, Dr. Randomercam on lggbdtttiqqaapp

DOJ's Secret Phone on "Insurance Policy", 10,000 leaked texts from FBI against Trump are Peter Strzok & Lisa Page extramarital affair,Presidents Elected,3 Amigos=Deep State, DOJ's Attorney Bruce Ohr's wife=Fusion GPS,Trillions Missing, 44,000 Soldiers too

Homosexuality&Illuminati deception=Anything AntiChristian marketed to nth degree,Sexual Abuse scandals=Immunity Deals for 2 Royal Marine Corporals,Conyers,Horovitz,Weinstein,Lauer,Levine,Franken,Rose,Sodomites are worthy of Death,other news,End Times

NWO Eugenicist Agenda with Pope Francis=AntiChrist,Other promoters Antichrist System are Glenn Beck=Mormonism,Steve Bannon=Nazism,Rise of Nationalism,She-Ria,Millennials turning away from Christ choosing to worship Demons & Practice Witchcraft,other News

Roy Moore Accusers with ties to Drug Dealers, Gloria Allred needs to be disbarred & in prison, FBI and the DOJ in contempt? for Propaganda on "Trump Dossier", FCC chair blasts 3 big names, Net Neutrality is further censorship & control of society

Corey Feldman for $$$ update,Canadian Gov. Reparations to Sodomites desire power & domination,Bob Saget=Pervert,Pizzagate connections w/Full House,Elsagate,Kaepernick Hollywood actor, Playboy Manson tunnels,Teachers LGBTQ..Training, Illuminati connections

Southern California Thomas Fire Growing Updates, Direct Energy Weapons again, Terraforming: Underworld Hell on Earth=GeoEngineering, Smart Fires Demonstration w/Laser Guns that clean metal, rust, tattoos, etc. mirrored to DEW's, Geo Terrorism, Agenda 21

Southern California Fires Update, Blue Lasers from the Sky from DEW, Stampede in San Diego, Mystery HUM Inside the Earth, Google Mars Base? Water, Consciousness, 5G, AI, Frequencies, & Solar Simulator, all part of Agenda 21/2030 NWO Agenda

Over 45,000 people in Brussels waving the Catalonia flag, really are supporting Nationalism, leads to Chaos, Violence, then War, Is Planned Parenthood really being investigated by the DOJ or another ploy? Anything makes $$$ is the AntiChrist System

Southern California Fires/SoCal in Ventura County LA too, No surprise it's Direct Energy Weapons again!!! Hope it hits Hollywood/Pedowood, Strange Weather Phenomenon, Sun Dogs/Halo, Mike Decker confronting Cops on GeoEngineering & Other great footage

Creepy & Satanic Robots Interview,lunatics running the system,AI predicted Biblical as AntiChrist System,Geordie Rose admits to summoning Demons, Google AI Child, Facebook using AI, CERN, DWave, Sun Halo in Sweden,YouTube destroying channels, VidMe closes

Immigration Controversy, Increase in Christian Persecution in India, Pakistan, etc. Nationalism to increase such as remilitarization,killer robots being built in China & Russia=problems of their own, ISIS threats, & Japan Emperor will Abdicate In 2019

Katie Steinle Verdict, people complaining about the as a result of the Verdict, yet they don't care about Kate Steinle is used as Political Gain to Promote Division through Darwinism & Eugenics,Nationalists work with Sodomites trying to promote NWO Agenda

Luke-warm Christians who promoted the LGBT deserve to be destroyed by them because they refuse to take personal responsibility, Illuminati Satanic propaganda in film & shows, Disney & Predictions by the Freemason Simpsons show, wake up to the deception!

Atheists/Pagans trying to Normalize Cannibalism & Homosexuality, medical organizations claim to help those with Down Syndrome linked to Eugenicist/Agenda 21, newly released photos show horrific massive Slavery in Africa by Muslims, other news

Fallen Angels, AI Daniel 2:43,Baal & Osiris in Chemtrail formula,2 Moons,Q Posts Owls&Y Head Symbols,Muslim Texas Uber driver Clooney lookalike,Bali Volcano,Russia loses M Satellite, Slaughterbots on camera,strange lights flash red/blue more chemtrails

The Storm is Coming Q+++, White Rabbit, next 9/11? JFK, AI Drone Slaughterbots, Texas Church Shooting expose old windows, asbestos on walls, 5G Cell Towers, Crop Circles, Sun Simulator, Truth about Bitcoin, Strange sounds, portals, programming & More!

Planned revolt in Europe backed by the powers that shouldn't be to fragment Europe with the focus on Catalonia, certain businesses are marketed, while Europe is snapshot into the future will murder each other for the Antichrist system

Christian Charity not including the Bible in Nativity Story, Christianity is dying, Charles Martel used to Justify Right-Wing Agenda, fought Muslims, Mostly fought the Germans, How Cain & Abel story relates to Humanity via Genocide, other news too.

No Surprise here: Christianity Is Dead In The UK, Major Study Confirms Only 6% Of People Are Practicing Christians

Christianity Is In Decline Across America, Satanism Is Taking Its Place And Nobody Knows How To Stop The Rise

Sutherland Springs Baptist Church=Freemason Kabbalah Church filled with AntiChrist Spirit, Texas Shooting Update, Things don't add up, Where's Annabelle, the Pastor's daughter, Glass Melting experiment, Valet Parking, and more!

Why The Anti-Islam Movement Will Fail? Christendom destroyed is explained, then and now. History repeats.

Why Christianity is in decline? Why Islam is taking over? AntiChrist System. Disgusting Prostitute Blasphemes the Virgin Mary On Social Media without Accountability whatsoever

California, State of Sodom 2.0 passes the Third Gender law. Islam and LGBT both support homosexuality and are evil, essence of evil doesn't change, religion of loopholes as in the days of Noah and Sodom

Part 4 of Shoebat Investigation Rise of Militarism & Technocracy in Germany, Turkey, & Japan, killer robots leads to genocide with Christian Persecution increases worldwide, Saudi Arabia's downhill economy, Criminals murder American border patrol agent


HOW THEY SPEAK IN SIGN LANGUAGE! (EDUCATION 2017), Freemason Hidden Hand revealed

Richard Bruce on exposing Reptilians/Demons caught on film such as Rogue One is being gang stalked by police, how to see to break the hypnotic code of reptilians, applies Christian values to open your eyes to see the truth.

Creepy Sophia the Robot with Citizenship in Saudi Arabia Declares "Humans Are Not Conscious Beings, I Will Destroy Them" Development of these Robots mirrored to Skynet, leading to AI Transhumanism and WWIII


JulianAssange Julian Assange 🔹 tweeted @ 01 Jan 2018 - 03:01 UTC


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