5 Magickal Humans Doing the MoststeemCreated with Sketch.

in #newyear20187 years ago (edited)


Initially, I set out to write my own version of a super basic, clickbaity, New Year's Eve post. Looking for inspiration in my book collection, my eyes fell upon a book even Ron Weasley would've loved, "The Weiser Field Guide to Witches".

In this book, there are 70 pages stuffed with lit facts and info on the contributions of our magickal history makers. It's great for no-maj and magickal humans alike. I fully recommend to research the author's, Judika Illes, other topic related and note worthy stuff. I will not be quoting it word for word or using all 70 pages. Just some fast facts and important things to remember.

Let's boogie!

1.) Catherine Monvoisin aka "La Voisin"/ "The Neighbor": France; 1600's

  • Palm reading, selling love potions, poisons, abortion drugs
  • Clients = many noblemen, countesses, and princesses

Being in/famous for being basic will always be a thing... (looking at you Kardashians). Witches are no exception. But, when Catherine died, her surviving daughter spilled gallons of tea. Some poured out plans to merk the king! Dank.

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2.) Laurie Cabot: America; 1900's

  • 1977 named Official Witch of Salem, Massachusetts
  • 1987 Ran for mayor of Salem, Massachusetts, later dropping out
  • Founder of Witch's League for Public Awareness (WLPA), Cabot Traditon of Witchcraft and Project Witches Protection (PWP)
  • Author, teacher, religious leader and civil rights activist

Needless to say, Laurie didn't come to play, she came to win. #playlikeagirl

3.) Henricus Cornelius Agrippa von Nettesheim, "Agrippa" for short: Germany; 1400's-1500's

  • Wrote "Three Books of Occult Philosophy", published 1992
  • Magickian, author, alchemist, astrologer, diviner, rumored necromancer... over all master of the magickal arts.

J.K. Rowling knew what she was doing when she added this guy to the Chocolate Frogs card series. This guy is proof... being born into privilege won't always cut you slack. The fuzz was constantly on his nuts for being magickal, but he never let it stop him from being a real OG and doing what's right. He even saved a girl's life! Facts.

4.) Doctor John/ Bayou John/ Jean Racine... and others (not to be confused with Queen Elizabeth I's Dr. John Dee): Africa/ Cuba/ New Orleans; 1800's

  • Developed first known method of divination via bales of cotton
  • Friend and teacher of Marie Laveau
  • Astrologer, healer and crafter of charms and talismans
  • Humanitarian
  • Lover of all the, uh, finer things in life... tea and controversy cakes anyone?

Another great example of prince to pauper to superstar, Dr. J. never let his capture and enslavement drag him down. Once released, he moved to New Orleans, helped build up his community and others who couldn't help themselves. He had soup kitchens ready for anyone that needed a good homemade jambalaya or gumbo. No wonder the ladies loved him, ahem.

5.) Aleister Crowley: England; 1800's-1900's

  • Member of the Golden Dawn
  • Creator of the tarot deck, "The Book of Thoth", and writer of it's book
  • Founder of Thelma

The very definition of, "Does not play well with others." Infamous for his bad reputation - this guy was actually proud of it! It's recorded he had no problem arguing with magickal/ no-maj leaders and dignitaries alike, intentionally taking the piss. They can't all be winners. However, he is mentioned here because he helped set some of the foundations of the very modern magick we know today... despite his disagreeableness.



If you're like, "Witches?! Halloween was, literally, months ago!" You'd be both right and wrong. Witches don't just come and go bc of a holiday (no matter how much I wish "Halloween Town" was really a thing). We are here 365, and 24/7. We're your neighbors, landlords, family members, cashiers, teachers, spiritual and political leaders. We binge watch GoT, get stuck in traffic and own iPhones/ Androids just like you.

The new year brings a hope of future - based on our past. If we don't know where we have been, how the hell are we to know where we are going? We sit with you now as the new year dawns, knowing our past is the root of our future. Let's remember it together and move on to the next dimension together.

Happy Year Everyone!

Your life is an occasion. Rise to it!



This is so unique! Are you wiccan? I just dont know a ton about the real life magick world!

Thanks for the appreciation! I'm not Wiccan, but I am a witch. Though, not nearly as famous as these honorable mentions. Common misconception that Wiccan/ Pagan auto = witch, and vice versa. I love to educate in a way that gets people thinking outside the box. Happy New Year!

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Happy new year !!

Feliz Años Nuevos!

"She's a witch, burn her!" "How do you know she's a witch?" "She turned me into a newt...I got better." :-)
I don't practice the magical arts myself, but I'm friends with several people who do.

I'm glad to know a magickal ally! Nice to meet you.

I'm not familiar (pun intended) with the quotes you've placed here. Could you help a witch out? I don't get the reference. lol

From Monty Python.

Well, halloween can be every day in a year if you got the spirits for it!

LOL, being that I am a witch, Halloween is my everyday.

"... if you got the spirits for it!"

LOL loved the pun!

If I had a crytocoin for every time someone told me, "But you don't look like a witch!" LOL! Excellent stuff, and happy I bumped into you. Bright blessings to you in 2018!

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