[HF22] Bid Bot abuse: This is a more serious problem when the abuser is a Curie & OCD curator.
Hello everybody,
#newsteem VS #oldsteem... same shit?
Well, I hope not, because the consequences for Steem could be very bad.
With the introduction of the new downvote pool, it looks like everyone's interested keeping trending page clean. But there are cases that escape the attention of steem folk but maybe are even more serious.
Let me first say that it's not personal, but the same rules apply for everyone! With this achievement we gather credit.
That said, I should like to clarify of what I speak.
@svemirac is a Curie and OCD curator, then it is assumed he is well aware of the rules governing Steem, particularly since HF22 and for his curator role.
Now take a look at this post: HF22 IS READY TO GO!!
Over 95% of the rewards came from bid bot (@ocdb in this case). Not only that, that post has totaled a rewards of $48!!
It goes without saying that the content of the post doesn't deserve such rewards.. In my opinion that post wasn't even supposed to be boosted with bid bots.
I'll say it again: it's not personal, i don't know @svemirac but when the abuser is a curator of two of the most important Steem community is very important to take a position to give credit to our blockchain.
Normally, I wouldn't write a post to report a bid bot abuse, but in this case I think it's important to send a strong signal to the community, that things are really going to be different from this day forward...
With the last HF, people feel disoriented.. So I believe a specific and strong position should be taken because it would give the system a certain degree of credibility.
Downvote now are for free, so let's show him (and to all abusers) that we are united...
I know that I'm risking retaliation, but I strongly believe in this blockchain... so I am going to expose myself instead of looking the other way.
Let me tag @acidyo, @ocd, @curie which are indirectly involved in this situation. I would also tag @theycallmedan (because he has shown himself particularly sensitive to this matter), @justineh and @steevc which were the only two (apart me) to downvote that post.
Please resteem to get that message back across. Rewards of this post will be declined but pls upvote it to give it visibility.
I hope I've been of help!
I took a look at that post and poked around his profile a bit, and I don't even know where to begin. I mean, to actually include the tag, "shitpost" then send 110 Steem to a bidbot (only to have that rejected because the max bid was 98 and change, so he then sent the maximum amount possible!)... really? What an awesome message to send to the community. Thanks for putting this out there, and I hope something positive comes out of it.
Hey, I agree with you! We're talking about a curator (he markets himself that way) and that's bad enough, of course.
wow... thanks for bringing that up .. in the earlier days there were 'curation' groups who engaged in more circlejerking than curating others. The most egregious was one called Steem Guild which had delegation from @ned.
I certainly hope that the curation groups he's part of react to the behaviour.
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I doubt it because unfortunately the same rules don't apply for everyone. You know, it's sad but true.
Thanks for your comment and for the present ;-)
Ben fatto miti! Per quel poco che posso flaggare ho fatto anch'io downvote al post.
Per quanti hardfork si facciano, mi sa che se lo vogliono, i ricchi continuano ad arricchirsi...
Purtroppo è così.. ai poveri resta solo da raccogliere le briciole fatte cadere dai grandi stakeholders.
Emh... C'ho capito poco per via della mia ignoranza dell'inglese. Brevemente mi spieghi perché questo tizio non poteva da un punto di vista etico o da come ho intuito io, promuovere il proprio post?
Un saluto, nicola
Ciao Nicola,
non è questione di cosa poteva o non poteva fare.. ma di una certa condotta che è stata richiesta a tutti dopo l'ultimo HF. In pratica si è deciso di punire chi abusa della reward pool facendo uso massiccio di bid bot qualora il contenuto del post non lo meritasse.
Questo sia un caso abbastanza lampante di come il post, senza l'uso di bid bot, non avrebbe totalizzato più di qualche centesimo di rewards e questo perchè onestamente non ha alcun contenuto, sono poche righe e una citazione che non hanno alcuna qualità.
Ad aggravare la cosa, la circostanza che questo utente è un curatore per curie e ocd, quindi dovrebbe saber discernere quello che è di qualità e quello che non lo è.
Effettivamente questi comportamenti non li ho mai digeriti neanche io, se andiamo a guardare bene quanti post realmente possono valere 50 o più $?
Anzi potrebbe essere spunto per una discussione... Potrebbe essere un tuo prossimo post? 😉
Un saluto, nicola
Lascia stare... ho capito che le regole non sono uguali per tutti e se ad abusare della reward pool è un "amico di", allora nessun provvedimento viene preso.
Storia triste, ma vera.
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