Money is The Motive and The Rest is Just a Story With Little Truth About Steem Blockchain!!!

in #newsteem5 years ago
The new rules have a good side and the goal is for Steem value to grow but in practice, something else is happening. Instead of constructive dialogue with reason, we see the insult, instead of conversation we see the repression of fear. It is basically good to support others and grow, but in practice, this is impossible because the source of money (Steem) is limited. We also see that voice sharing is taking place on another level, people with Steem Power are supporting people, not quality posts. One team suppresses fear and writes half-truths, and those are worse than lies. If you do not love the hands of these strong players then it turns out that you have been punished, that you do not have the quality of writing, while some posts where they write nonsense from the same people become rewarded as being bestsellers. There is no need to wage war, let the rules be set by the software itself, you can't vote for yourself, you have to vote for 100 different people a day, etc. I get sick when someone walks a dog and has a $ 30 reward for a post, it's a miss because the character is not a Madonna so we follow the paparazzi.

I have to mention that investors who have Steem Power are the people who hold the value of this system, everyone else makes money because they exist. Those who came up with this system may think that the war will spark attention and that many will invest in Steem power because they want to take revenge on someone, if that is true, I think a negative campaign is damaging the credibility of Steem Blockchain. Also, the only way to raise Steem value is to have more users, more investors and more companies that accept Steem as a value system. When someone comes out of the way and we explain to him that Steemit is full of genuine and quality posts that are rewarding, then the reality arises where disgusting posts are in the best places. Then the whole story of quality falls into the water, if so then we should have a commission and standards for what is a good post on a particular topic, and here the car mechanic evaluates poetry, the historian evaluates blockchain technology, etc.

The truth is, there are interest and lobby groups that stick together and share the votes with their fans. Insert the principle that we have to vote for new users every day and then everything will be much more practical and better, don't make people have to listen to you. Don't make excuses in us, where the promises are that we will get a free Steem token two years ago, why did we lose big money? I have invested over $ 100,000 and now I have $ 25,000, tell me why many have lost money, we have invested and trusted and still believe that you can make Steem blockchain much better and more profitable.

It is impossible for us to expand and increase our membership with the support of Steem Power. If you have one kilogram of gold then you can give 100 gr per 10 people, or 100 people per 10 gr etc. The same thing happens with Steem, the resource is limited and a platform for Steem tokens needs to be created so we can support one billion people as well as FB. The second part of the story is one that relates to having two types of people, promoters and those who are good writers. This means that someone has the talent to gather 100 or a thousand people, but if he is not a good writer or if he does not have the money to invest in Steem Power he has no chance of becoming successful.

So it's a good idea to have a reward system for those who bring in new people, I would set aside a budget that follows those who bring in new users and investors, or it would make a profit in several depths and instead of 50 - 50 I would give 25 - 25 - 50 and then they would have a rapid expansion of the system. Here, few people listen to ideas, make projects, and at least have someone ask you or think about ideas or what their story goes forward, the ego is the greatest killer of intelligence.


My goal is for everyone to be equally rewarded, for the system to give everyone an equal chance, and for there to be no lobby groups that support bad posts. The first thing is to make rules that protect the interests of all 1. That you should not vote for your post, 2. That you must vote for other people every day for the next 30 days, 3. Introduce a Steem Platform with realistic tokens that they have value in money, 4. To put a ban on the personal list instead of a downvote, 5. To introduce a referral system that rewards users who bring investors, companies and other users to our ecosystem.

Everything can change, but mostly those who don't have Steem Power attack those who have Steem power, and that causes hatred and divides society. This is, unfortunately, a false revolution and the bad reputation we promote, in my opinion, this is a heavy blow to the system as it is a court of a personal nature and the posts that are awarded have nothing to do with quality except for a few exceptions. We need to talk, find the right solutions because we all want the value of Steem to jump, to recover the lost money and to make money.

P.S. Everyone on the Steem Schools discord channel who writes a post on how to make better Steem and increase value will receive support from me.


See you on the top @dobartim
We win together - Welcome to Steem Schools
Free Image Source:


The code cannot enforce no self votes or spreading votes, as there will always be ways to get around that for malicious actors.
That's why we have downvotes. Don't see it as war we wage against you. It's a form of pushing you into the right direction. The hope is not that you disappear, but that you start honoring the concept of Proof of Brain.

It is basically good to support others and grow, but in practice, this is impossible because the source of money (Steem) is limited.

So because it is limited, you should get as much as possible, without thinking about all the others? Great way to build value and attract new users!

If you have one kilogram of gold then you can give 100 gr per 10 people, or 100 people per 10 gr etc.

The big difference is that when you give away gold, you don't have it yourself any more. Rewarding others with your votes doesn't cost you anything. And to make it more attractive, curation rewards have been raised by 100%! Still not enough for you to go out of your way.

And for the posts you feel are overrated: use your downvotes on them! That's what they are for!

My entire family from Hong Kong , Philippines and USA is here because @dobartim inspired us to join and invest in steemit.
@pharesin please let me know how many people you inspire and how , to join or continue on steemit if you all are frantically downvoting everybody at will ?
Let make Steemit in America great again.
Let’s make steemit no 1 more than .20 cents at least :(

We Win Together

ONLY! Together

Vote or self vote is for active and not active.

Question is now!

Many members come and go.
Steemit is more and more empty due negative comnents and wrongful downvote judgments like yours.

Criteria for choice of vote is established by money or quality of post.
First: I think most of people choose money choice vs quality vote.
Second: lobby or not lobby! Does one needs to lobby whale in order to be protected and get favorable vote?
Third: the choice of quality or choice of money is subjective not objective any more
Fourth: plenty of fish in the sea . My opinion is vendeta of induvidual such as you to go downvote on subjective note is not helping steem to grow.
They say there is boss above boss.
That happens to all of us.
Be more objective

Why not answer the questions, why do you downvote?

This concept is only valid if we have posts that really have value, and I do not see it to be so and many of them are supported by the proof of brain concept only for the reasons of the lobby group and not for quality. It is not a problem to reward others, the problem is that there is no open dialogue and opinion here, if someone says what he thinks and it is not in line with the current policy of the house then you get downvotes. There are many downvotes here, for what you are saying is an idea but reality has nothing to do with that idea. When a parameter is created that is the same for everyone then everyone can believe in the concept of proof of brain until then this is just one demagogy about an idea that is not realistic, it all comes down to support from those who have money - Steem Power. On that principle, I like to vote for the people I love who I have introduced to Steem and who need support. If all this were honest, you would now support my post, you would not just comment, because the post is great. It opens one topic that is useful for everyone on the Steem blockchain. We cannot be a big social network on this principle, it all comes down to a limited number of people. In any case, your communication is better now, this is called constructive dialogue.

Yeah, I tried being constructive. Your answer shows that that falls on dead ears. You insist on doing what you have been doing all the time, so there's no way the downvotes will stop. I officially give up trying to make you understand.

You need to be realistic, give me answers on a realistic basis, give me a direction in which everyone gets at the deserved quality. I have a very good understanding of the idea, the idea is great, I am now talking about truth and reality that is not in line with the idea. How to handle it to really work, if you do it I am for equality and rewarding quality, for millions of new users.

Criteria must be clear.
Many variables and conditions should be simplified level by level because our rules, your rules my rules can not apply to all sort of levels the same way.
Objective way sorcially for the member at your should know better to say as you and do as you say.

Maybe level one level two and variables rules for each levels minnows, dolphins, whales,
And than active not active....
Steem is lowest level value - we all lost money.
Or do you prefer to continue your way against few or all or work with all to lift steem higher?

The rules are easy:
You think something deserves more rewards, you upvote it.
You think something deserves less rewards, you downvote it.

Your retaliation downvotes are the only thing actually not included in these rules, you downvote people for exercising their rights to express their opinion about the rewards.

I write two posts a day and then get the minuses? And always from the same people, your followers, what's wrong with my poetry to get the minuses. Again, we come to the fact that it is all personal in nature and is not about quality.

You got downvotes for excessive self voting and collusion with your family and friends, which you still do not see as a problem.
And you got a lot more attention after blackmailing a small user who expressed his opinion that it's overrewarded. Don't play the victim now, you brought it on yourself, and it's up to you if it stops.

How many you upvoted , you have more steem than half of steemians minnows and dolphins combined.
Do you vote all of 1,009,000 users and members?

About 2000 in the last 30 days. And many many more in the last 3.5 years.

How many you upvoted , you have more steem than half of steemians minnows and dolphins combined.
Do you vote all of 1,009,000 users and members?

You act based on your steem power.
Why do you downvote few subjectively?

You act based on your steem power.
Why do you downvote few subjectively?

I agree that system must be regulated.
But when i see this post

I can see that haejin pharesim ranchorelaxo were friends on steemit and they voted and supported each other.
What happened . Now they are big oposite lobby and downvote each other.
That is why @dobartim is trying to keep all in good balance and keep good quality posts in trending

What you are doing now seems to be also personal in this community.


When I upvote someone, that doesn't mean we're friends. That would mean I would have tens of thousands of friends on here.
I supported a new user, as I do a lot, and liked the idea of the post. Something you should try too!

Just saying it was good in the beggining and now it is good bad ugly as you said in your post.
Lets keep it good for better of steem value and find all solutions together.

Creating one downvote lobby on one side will provoke another lobby and it will make people to downpower and flood market with free floating steem .this will bring steem value down.
I hope this negative spiral downvote trand will get under control i am urging steem owners to step in soon.

It does wonders for pushing people and making change! Better than any substitute teacher with a red marking pen! lol

To be honest I still don't understand why You @pharesim downvote @dobartim ? Why ?
And why You downvote @slowwalker ? Why ?

He ruined Steemit policy? He insulted somebody ?
He voted for Himself, Oooh was that forbidden, in Your own posts You are not doing that ?

You see @dobartim is an example that motivated many to become part of Steemit, He gave so many rewards to so many people, taught so many how to work on Steemit & beside all miseries & fall downs of Steemit, He is still there promoting Steemit.

What I see is that only, I don't know how to call, person can do that...

It's about relations. When I write one or two post a week, I upvote those (mostly, not always). When I write more, I don't. When you write multiple daily just to upvote yourself, and receive upvotes from your circle, that's farming.

And when 75% of the rewards someone is able to distribute go to himself, friends and family, that person is not helping the community as a whole. Proof of Brain only works when you look outside of your circle, and support people you do not know personally.

If he really wanted to support the platform, he would stop giving upvotes for receiving upvotes, look out for the many new accounts that don't have any contacts, and support them without asking them to join his discord to become a part of his business.

I would say build seminars get some advanced members to keep seminars of system and downvote concepts and upvote ideat that you promote.
Otherwise it will be foggy solution and it may be received in bad grouping way one group against another. It looks like you want to help steemit but actions of your followers may take it in wrong direction.

Lets Make Steemit great again
Lets be objective more.

By the way, the possibility to downvote was included in STEEM right from the beginning, exactly to get after people who show your behaviour. As I quoted in the latest curangel post from the whitepaper:

Through the addition of negative voting it is possible for many smaller stakeholders to nullify
the voting power of collusive groups or large, defecting stakeholders.

This is part of the idea of STEEM! If you don't like it, why did you supposedly invest so much money into it?
You try to take away that right from smaller users by threatening them with retaliation downvotes, and wonder why people get angry at you?

This is the opposite, I want to help real users, those who invest in Steem, who write good posts and who have the right to their thoughts. Minis are legal, only this mode of action is not the right one because it all comes down to manipulations and stories. Why is it not mentioned that I donated a minimum of $ 30,000 to those who have no money, that I have taught many people how to become successful on Steemit. We can't judge someone by just one detail, I changed my voting policy but that didn't suffice for you, now you have to tell me who I can vote for, who should I vote for in order to be good? I am always for change, I am always for better, but I am never for false patriots and those who are not honest. We need to consider what a positive campaign is, how to extend our earnings limit, how to truly have quality, not lobby groups that push their policies and do not want to hear from anyone. Highlight all the posts on the trending page that really deserve so much reward? Explain to me how good they are, why they are quality because I see that it is only a small number of authors, a small number with truly remarkable posts that we can admire, and which attract the attention of new users. I wonder when we support those who have low earnings in the post, my vote is weak, and when I give a voice to someone who has high earnings, my vote is strong.
It's not a motive that supports those who don't have Steem Power, it's a system that supports lobby groups and their users, not the quality we're talking about. In the end, it doesn't matter who we are talking to, who we are giving minuses too, it turns out to be the essence of the bypass, and form is respected.

I want to help real users, those who invest in Steem, who write good posts and who have the right to their thoughts.

Continuously upvoting this kind of content from @xboxguru (your brother) just shows who you are. So, stop pretending and take some responsibility.

Thanks to the transparency of the blockchain technology that we use here on Steem, it's easy to see that you are fake.

I will be glad to write a post about my time with you and how you banned me from your SteemSchools discord server.

It's not my brother, it's his son whom I help to have a dollar in his pocket. It's the same thing you do, that's what I'm talking about. Let's all not do this, to really support quality images, posts, stories, ideas. I prefer nature pictures than silly stories. Show a list of everyone you and your group support, that's why you have a lot of enemies because your words are not honest. This is not the way things are done, you are not an angel who is righteous, you are very subjective in your judgments.


Be within original frame. Create own content and focus on quality of your team as we all do.
How many members you inspired to join steemit?

I inspired 4 people to join. But, I voted so many people that I probably made a lot of them to stay. That's one of the good things I'm bringing here.

Oh, and I'm writing a Master's Thesis on Steem Blockchain. Should I ask you now did you write it? Should I try to change the subject like you? No, I'm not gonna.

Be original and be creative

Because you are a man of no words, you are a man who supports hate instead of support. Why don't you say how much your countryman Ivan and your friend made in Steem Schools, what you don't say how many people became successful because of Steem Schools? 1500 SBD Ivan as a reward, that was a lot of money. How many times have I given $ 100, $ 300 that didn't have food, didn't have money for the internet? How many times have I given a lecture?

I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, me and myself, I and only explicitly I! That's your mindset.

Don't worry, I'll answer those question in my post soon

You are always a victim, talk about ideas and be constructive.
Change the topic about me, help others who need help. Show that you are a leader at work, it all depends on your focus. By the way, you write beautiful poetry you can keep writing because it is a pity.

Many were active, you were very constructive in the beginning, there are others as well and I'm really glad to see you all growing up on Steemit.

I have introduced hundreds of new people to Steemit, and I hope to introduce a large number of companies.

We should build and invite more to steemit not scattered them away.
Did you see steemit price lately.
Dont give up on steemit.
Support it.

We should build and invite more to steemit not scattered them away.
Did you see steemit price lately.
Dont give up on steemit.
Support it.

Let's compare your upvote stats from since our last conversation 5 days ago, and play spot the difference!


Wow! That's huge!

Seriously, you won't understand, I'm wasting my time.
Btw, I don't personally do these downvotes. When I do, you see my name behind it. There are a lot of people disagreeing with your (and others) ways, and they happily use the tool I provide for them, that's all.
Your retaliation votes against curangel directly hurts an effort to better the distribution, and are just one more thing that shows how little you care about the community. None of those affect the downvotes coming from that account, nor the people issuing them. But feel free to continue using them there, I prefer to take that hit on my personal rewards for my work over your extortion of small users to stop them expressing their opinion directly. It's exactly why I included that option into the project.

Now you need to set me a list to vote for? This is what I am talking about, whether I am voting for you and your group of people or I should not vote for anyone. You are not a society, you are just part of a society and a lobby group that enforces the rules as it thinks fit. I agree with your story and idea, but I disagree with your practice. When you do not know how to answer in the right way, then you attack with impractical arguments. Specifically, talk about the projects you make money from because your words come from interests and not from love. I will reward everyone who writes constructively about ideas, real quality posts on the Steem Schools discord channel. That's my support for society, and I wish everyone were on the same line.

I didn't ask you to vote for anything, I even encouraged you to keep downvoting the community posts.

I do not make money with any projects. I actually give up parts of my personal curation rewards to support as much of the community as possible. My intention is to raise the value of STEEM itself, and raise my personal value in this way. A concept so strange to you that you can't even imagine someone talking not out of self-interest.

Okay, show me the value system by which you vote people? Show me the original writers you and your team support. I want to understand how you choose quality. Because you resent me voting for my family, what I should do. Should I download Steem Power and ask others to vote for me? Any original post that is inspirational I will also support the Steem Schools discord channel. I really forgive everyone for the minuses, let's make Steem a better place for everyone.

Maybe instead of downvoting our compilation posts for retaliation you could actually have a look at them. Then you wouldn't have to ask for a list that is already available.

I don’t just mean curangel, I mean everything behind and around you.

I lost respect for some members who abuse steem power as whales to downvote at will all competition and independent steem members

I will never vote if you force me to vote list you serve me @pharesim I will vote for people I think they deserve vote.

This list is not my list.
Is upport rules but be objective.

True, yours looks even worse


Or did you mean the two simple rules I posted in another string? Maybe you should read the whitepaper of the project you supposedly support so much, to understand how it is intended to work. You'll find the link in one of the posts you recently downvoted for absolutely no good reason.

The reason is the same, you are for everything and you need to be honest with everyone because you got Steem Power, and he gives money out of his own pocket.
You need to be objective, make rules that are the same for everyone. And someone told you a story about us and you started downvote without any communication. You condemned people with no chance to defend themselves.

There are 100,000 of semiactiveusers you downvotetarget only 20 people by ordered plan or subjective choice.
What criteria you follow?

One after the other. When you change your ways, we'll finally have time for others. That doesn't seem to happen anytime soon though, so we're stuck ;)

You are stuck in the past.
Move on to present.
Join steemschools anytime

Whale steem power should beused carefully and objectively, dont you think we need rules for whales steem power

I am small member without vote power but some still downvoted and destroyed my steemit legacy.

Why some team is distroying small steemeans
This agressive downvote could dustroy already weak steem price by people leaving it.
What is your opinion of rules against value of steem today?

I don't argue with spammers.

To be honest I still don't understand why You @curangel downvoted @dobartim on this post? Why ?

Give us facts, not opinion ? Show us ruining of Steemit policy ? If You don't give facts & show facts than the conclusion will be that that is done either because of pride, envy, something third but just like that...

Aaah, Yes and Now because I kindly asked You why, Just like that You will attack me as You attcked @slowwalker as well ?

To be honest I still don't understand why You @pharesim downvote @dobartim ? Why ?
And why You downvote @slowwalker ? Why ?

He ruined Steemit policy? He insulted somebody ?
He voted for Himself, Oooh was that forbidden, in Your own posts You are not doing that ?

You see @dobartim is an example that motivated many to become part of Steemit, He gave so many rewards to so many people, taught so many how to work on Steemit & beside all miseries & fall downs of Steemit, He is still there promoting Steemit.

What I see is that only, I don't know how to call, person can do that from selfish reasons !?

I would upvote this 10 times if I could. It's disgusting to see that people are even trying to censor your opinion by giving you dowvotes on this well written article. It's my opinion that newsteem sucks more than oldsteem, which already had many problems. I recenly posted my opinion on this and send all the rewards to @null, since I'm sure I also would haven been downvoted by downvote trolls just for sharing my viewpoint.

The truth always comes to the surface, the idea is good but not the realization.

Hi dobartim

I will take liberty to pray for steem and all my friends
Wish you all blessings as of today now that all of let out in the open what was standing heavy on our shoulders
May God Bless you all my friends
Thank you @ dobartim for being candlelight in dark times for me and my friends and my family worldwide
God Bless you

Realy inspiring post @dobartim thank you bringing light on dark ages of downvote unleashed by few unhappy whales
We should all work together to bring light on steemit as @dobartim does

The truth is always in the middle, we need to be honest if we want to become true leaders.

Wow, It is very Inspiration Post. Many thanks brother for sharing with us. I learned a lot through the post. Great to read your post. Accept love from my mind. 💚

Posted using Partiko Android

I can see why @pharesim is failing in his negative abuse of downvotes.
People like us still believe in decentralized steemit.
Thank you @dobartim
In history of steemit people will see how much good positive work you are doing for steemit community.

I will take liberty to pray for steem and all my friends
Wish you all blessings as of today now that all of let out in the open what was standing heavy on our shoulders
May God Bless you all my friends
Thank you @ dobartim for being candlelight in dark times for me and my friends and my family worldwide
God Bless you

Aida thank you, it doesn't matter that we gave people over $ 100,000, this is no place to praise ourselves.

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