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Let me tell you what I think happened...
The election was rigged, and Russia "un-rigged it"
So legitimate votes elected Trump.
Now they're on the hunt for "who un-rigged" the election?
It's laughable and sick at the same time.
You have it part right, in my opinion.
The election was rigged...massively...In Hilliary's favor.
Didn't matter.
Trump won anyway.
There WAS no unrigging.
Too many people hate Hilliary.
She's worse than Jane Fonda
According to me, to rig means that someone changed my vote X in Y, or destroyed votes X to let Y votes win, or paid me to vote X instead of Y or viceversa…
When they pretend that Russia interferred in USA election because allegedly it's behind the spreading of anti-Clinton informations, what they are saying is this: electors haven't the right to read and listen to informations, unless these are “aligned” to a “common thought” and comes from specific (controlled) sources.
I've also read malicious head lines, making people think that the hacking happened against voting machines — that would have been rigging for sure, but it isn't so: the hacking referred to the way how some informations were taken and then leaked.
You can't say spreading informations mean rigging elections — no matter how those infos were taken, who took them, and why they are spread: I have still my brain and I take my decisions taking into account, or ignoring, whatever I think should be taken into account or ignored; nobody entered my brain to change connections between neurons. Nobody paid me to vote X instead of Y, nobody changed or cancelled my vote after I've casted it. Hence, no rigging.
They are trying to tell you that if you voted Y, you're a puppet (they hacked your mind maybe because you're stupid), if you voted X, it's ok, no rigging, fakenews by Russia (of course) weren't able to drive your hand to mark or press on Y instead of X.
If this “you voted this only because you were influenced by these and these (bad) infos” thing is true, it's true always for all kind of informations by anyone. So they must justify why it's ok being a puppet of X and not of Y. Oh, well, Russians are Evil, all that red scare still around, and this is why it's really important to “assign” the source to an enemy.
They used in advance the same pattern to explain preemptively why anti-EU forces are gaining consensus and winning election: if Le Pen had won, it would have been because of negative influences by external forces (Russia, again…)… Because Macron won, it means that the war against fakenews and posttruths (they imply anti-EU forces are spreding them) worked… This is “their” narrative. Annoying, to say the least. And also disrespectful towards electors.