Violent Mob Shuts Down College Speech

By Pro-Police Author
Freedom of Speech? What Freedom of Speech?
College campuses were once a place for intellectual discourse, where ideas of all kinds flourished and debate ruled the day.
No longer. Now, "safe spaces" protect coddled snowflakes from ever hearing a thought that doesn't exactly fit into their world view - and if someone dare offer such a thought, they protest.
That's what happened Friday night at Claremont McKenna College in California. Pro-law enforcement scholar Heather MacDonald was set to deliver a speech on campus, but an angry mob surrounded the building, "screaming obscenities and banging on windows," HeatStreet reported.
MacDonald, promoting her book, The War on Cops, which focuses on the Black Lives Matter movement, had to abandon her speech and deliver it on livestream and then "flee the University building under the protection of campus security when things got really scary."
- Black Lives Matter activists had planned the protest ahead of time, posting on Facebook that they intended to shut down the “anti-black” “fascist” Mac Donald. Their event called Mac Donald’s work “fascist ideologies and blatant anti-Blackness and white supremacy,” and claimed that “together, we can hold CMC accountable and prevent Mac Donald from spewing her racist, anti-Black, capitalist, imperialist, fascist agenda.”
Mac Donald’s book, released amidst heightened tensions between the black community and the police, argues that better community policing, and familiarity with neighborhoods could reduce crime. She suggests that law enforcement officials actually believe that “black lives matter” more than activists do, and that the narrative that police are “racist” is making minority communities less safe.
The nuances of her argument, however, fell on deaf ears at liberal Claremont McKenna college, and when the time came for Mac Donald to give her speech, protesters (who included what appear to be middle aged activists alongside college students) ringed the building, chanting a range of slogans including, “From Oakland to Greece, f– the police” and “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.”
Mac Donald then moved her speech to a livestream, but when the chants turned into threats, and protesters began banging on the windows, campus police had to escort Mac Donald out of the building, escaping through a kitchen and into an unmarked police van outside.
College is Over Rated.
They hardly ever study..
....all they do is party and riot
I wish free speech worked each and every way.
Free speech mean allowing those you disagree with have their say.
it doesn't mean you have to listen...but anyone should be allowed to say what they want.