
Forty Years Of Economic Decline
Venezuela Before Chavez: A Prelude To Socialist Failure
Venezuela’s current economic catastrophe is well documented. Conventional narratives point to Hugo Chávez’s regime as the primary architect behind Venezuela’s economic tragedy. While Chávez and his successor Nicolás Maduro deserve the brunt of the blame for Venezuela’s current economic calamity, the underlying flaws of Venezuela’s political economy point to much more systemic problems.
Observers must look beyond stage one, and understand Venezuela’s overall history over the past 50 years in order to get a more thorough understanding of how the country has currently fallen to such lows.
Socialism Before Chávez
Analysts like to point to rosier pictures of Pre-Chávez Venezuela, but what these “experts” conveniently ignore is that the seeds of Venezuela’s destruction were sowed during those “glory years.” Years of gradual economic interventionism took what was once a country bound to join the ranks of the First World to a middle-tier developing country. This steady decline eventually created an environment where a demagogue like Chávez would completely exploit for his political gain.
The Once-Prosperous Venezuela
To comprehend Venezuela’s long-term decline, one must look back at what made it so prosperous in the first place. Before the completion of its first oil field on April 15, 1914, Venezuela was essentially a Banana Republic marked by political instability. This was largely a consequence of its colonial past and the period following its independence from Spain. Despite gaining independence from Spain, Venezuela maintained many of its primitive political and economic practices, above all, its exclusionary mercantilist and regulatory policies that kept it in an impoverished state.
However, the discovery of oil in the early twentieth century completely changed the entire ballgame
More Than Just Oil
The Road to Social Democracy
The Socialist Origins of Venezuela’s Pro-Democracy Advocates
Interventionism from the Start
The Nationalization of the Oil Industry
Oil Nationalization: A Pig Trough for Politicians
read it all here
nice post,good job friend
Another failed socialist state. I'm not surprised. Socialism always appears glamorous on the surface cloaking what really lies beneath. As history shows, it is always doomed to fail. Long live liberty and free markets.
Other things that i would like to point out is that Chavez took Venezuela with a coup, they always talked about that the US wanted to steal everything here.
Then they used that to create some kind of hate for the people who had own business, trying in someway to shame on them for being independent.
Even now they say that we (people who oppose) are getting paid, the people on the internet, are getting paid. Everything is a conspirancy.
I dislike Chavez, but he did kept a lot of thing together. When he died it was the moment that they start to steal and turn this in what people always fear.
the socialists are trying to stage a coup here too. right now.
At least you will not be censore or intimidate, here in Venezuela, the states that are really poor they just have TV and see how they lie and take everything out of context.
Even claim that they have 94% of support.
nope...we won't be intimidated.