News Round Up - March 3rd, 2019 - Evening

in #news5 years ago (edited)

 Today's most interesting news articles with links and brief summaries...



Iran mocks Donald Trump after North Korea summit, says he will "never get a better deal" with Tehran either


Iran's top diplomat hit out at President Donald Trump's negotiating strategies after he walked away from talks with North Korea less than a year after he abandoned a deal with Tehran.

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, who recently returned to his position after a brief resignation that attracted international speculation, broke a more than weeklong silence on Twitter to comment on Trump's recent meeting with North Korean supreme leader Kim Jong Un. He drew comparisons to the president's exit from the Iran nuclear deal, known officially as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, last May, and his decision to leave the U.S.-North Korea summit in Hanoi, Vietnam, early.

President Donald Trump returns to the White House on February 28 after a meeting in Vietnam with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. The second-ever U.S.-North Korea summit produced no agreements, but both sides committed to continue negotiations.

Following the talks, Trump told reporters, "Sometimes you have to walk, and this was just one of those times." He blamed the North Korean side for wanting "Sanctions lifted in their entirety," but North Korean Foreign Minister Ri Yong Ho later contended that it was only "Partial sanctions at the U.N." that Pyongyang had pushed to see removed, in particular five resolutions that "Impede the civilian economy and the people's livelihood."


The demonstration flight of America’s new astronaut capsule has successfully docked with the International Space Station (ISS).


NASA The demonstration flight of America's new astronaut capsule has successfully docked with the International Space Station.

The Dragon vehicle, launched by California's SpaceX company on Saturday, made the attachment autonomously.

The capsule advanced on the station slowly, stepping through a series of planned waypoints.

The Dragon capsule is due to stay at the ISS until Friday when it will detach and begin the journey back to Earth.


Foreign aid doctors want Canada to stop sending homeopaths to Honduras


Canadian homeopaths on a mission to Honduras claim their water-based remedies can prevent infectious diseases such as Chagas, Dengue and Chikingunya.

Dr. Zain Chagla wants the federal government to review the homeopath program which claims to prevent and treat Chagas disease among other serious infections.

Chagla, who has done tropical medicine training in East Africa and is a professor at McMaster University in Hamilton, said the homeopaths' claims about treating Chagas disease are potentially harmful.

Dr Zain Chagla, a tropical disease specialist at McMaster University in Hamilton, said the homeopaths' claims about treating Chagas disease are potentially harmful.


Osama bin Laden's son Hamza bin Laden emerges as an Al Qaeda leader. US offers reward of up to US$1 Million for information about him. Saudi Arabia revokes his citizenship.


The United States is offering a reward of up to $1m for information about one of the sons of the late al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden.

In 2011, US special forces killed Osama Bin Laden in a compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan.

Letters from Osama Bin Laden seized from his compound indicated that he had been grooming Hamza, thought to be his favourite son, to replace him as leader of al-Qaeda.

US counter-terrorism officials have been growing increasingly concerned that Hamza Bin Laden could emerge as a charismatic leader of a revitalised al-Qaeda.


University of Denmark study finds mental disorders more common in environments which lack green areas. The paper analysed children – specifically from birth to the age of 10 – and then correlated the findings against mental disorders which developed as they grew older.


A new study from the Aarhus University in Denmark has found a connection between green space around family homes and prevalence of mental disorders later in life.

The results were significant; those who did not grow up in greener areas, with less access to nature and natural habitats, were 55% more likely to develop mental health issues.

The effect of green space was "dosage dependent" - the more of one's childhood spent close to greenery, the lower the risk of mental health problems in adulthood.

Urban living is on the rise, and with mental health becoming both a more recognised and treatable phenomenon, urban planners of the future need to incorporate these discoveries into metropolitan environments in order to create a better standard of living for city-dwellers.

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