UK: Big Brother is watching .. and throwing you in Jail!

in #news6 years ago


Arrested for Speaking His Mind

In the latest example of UK heavy handedness/lawlessness, UK activist Tommy Robinson has been jailed for trying to bring attention to pedophile grooming gangs. Within six HOURS of him being arrested, he was given a thirteen month sentence, allegedly for violating a prior suspended sentence for a similar offence. You can read the zerohedge article here:

As a bonus, there is a publication ban in effect, and many articles that were published by mainstream and alternative sites alike, were retracted.

Here is a link to an archived RT article: it has been retracted, but it still available on an archive site.

It's pretty disconcerting that a corrupt judge, in a corrupt country like the UK, can wave his magic wand, and most media outlets run for the hills and remove their articles. Even RT, which you'd expect to be a voice for this sort of thing, retracted their article. That is very disconcerting, and underscores the need for people-based news, and platforms like Steem and Steemit. The gloves have definitely come off here, and and the onus is squarely on "we, the people" to ensure that news gets out, and some semblance of disclosure occurs.

Tommy Robinson may not be everyone's cup of tea: I understand that. I don't necessarily agree with everything he has to say, but the philosophical point of his jailing is far greater. He is attempting to exercise free speech and bring awareness to crimes of a most horrific and serious nature. For this crime, he is being jailed. Clearly, something is very wrong with this picture.

Another aspect of this that must be asked is, WHY on EARTH would anyone be against bringing attention to people who are committing the most heinous of crimes?!! Truly.


In the image above, the "good guys in lime vests", operating under colour of law, are arresting a man for SPEAKING HIS MIND with regards to HEINOUS CRIMES that have been committed in his own country. How, in any way, can these men be considered "good", or to be "protecting and serving", or performing ANY FUNCTION that is REMOTELY good for the people they are supposed to protect? Who are actually protecting? And WHY?

Good Luck out there.

PS Looks like somebody is not very happy...

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Another aspect of this that must be asked is, WHY on EARTH would anyone be against bringing attention to people who are committing the most heinous of crimes?!! Truly.


It's really concerning to see who the government is going to great lengths to protect here. Why are they so worried about shielding the actual criminals, to the point of jailing this guy? From what I read he could well have truly "disappeared" if he hadn't had his live feed going at the time.

Apparently a bunch of people are protesting .. there is definite on-the-ground awareness from what I can see. What a world.

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