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RE: Dissociative Identity Disorder (Multiple Personality Disorder) and Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
Thank you so much! That makes sense - I believe there are studies indicating that the left temporal lobe is more often involved with dissociation/DID, and the EEG of RA Anon shows left temporal lobe issues. Very interesting points you made - and thank you!
Thank YOU!
My interest in the right temporal lobe was purely self interest, as that is where I experience my symptoms, and I am lucky enough not to have DID. I clicked your forum link, and wow, that conversation really resonated with me. I inherited Bipolar 2 and I had no idea that, too, is associated with TLE! Plus, one of the posters mentioned "pseudo seizures" just like I did.
I think the terminology like pseudo seizure and. Borderline personality really contribute to victim blaming stigma! I am grateful for brave writers like you that attribute these developmental traumas to child abuse!
Tangentially, have you also seen the studies that show child abuse shrinks the hippocampus?
That is totally new to me, thank you! Absolutely agree on the stigma applied to this entire area, whether DID or Borderline or other issues.
People who report ritual abuse to most - even well intentioned and understanding - mental health professionals are going to get labeled psychotic and put on extreme meds if they stick to their story. I wrote this because I want to make sure that survivors know they are not alone, or crazy.
Thanks a million, I cannot say bless you enough.