Who is WEDA?

in #news5 years ago

My name is Joziah Thayer I am a researcher, writer and activist. I founded the WEDA Coalition in 2011 in order to combat mainstream media and governmental narratives that often mislead the public. WEDA is an altruistic research base website, not a news organization. I believe that free information is power.

I believe that our own personal private information should not be sought or mined nor used as an Orwellian state to track and monitor the masses. I believe that our personal data is not a fair trade to corporatist conglomerates in order to use their services for "free."

We have a right to an actual free and open press one that opposes governments instead of getting their talking points from them. We have a right to demand that our elected officials serve their constituents and not the lobbyist who force feed them into immoral obscenities instead of living beings capable of moral judgment.

I once wanted to work for what we call today "Mainstream Media" until I realized that the people we see on television, read in newspapers or magazines aren’t even the real journalist, they are more like Hollywood actors or actresses just playing a role that they are directed to play. Who is directing them you might ask? Money.

As Americans, we are led to believe we have a choice when it comes to what we eat, what we see on Youtube, what music or streams we listen to, and what we read in books or news articles. How is this so when 85% of the music you hear is from the same playlist? Why are soaps, cookies, candy bars, oatmeal's, sodas, fast foods and everything else in between brought to you by 10 companies?

If we are a nation without state-run media then why is 90% of our media brought to us by 5 companies? News Corp, General Electric, Disney, Time Warner, Viacom/CBS are the 5 companies that currently control our media.

We also have the illusion of choice when it comes to our democracy, how can we be a free and open society when two political parties have ruled the United States for its entire existence? Are we really a free nation when we are told that voting third party or independent is un-American? How many American citizens know their tax dollars were used to bomb 11 sovereign nations just last year?

Acceptance without opposition only leaves an innocent soul complicit, we are not in control of our government, in fact, the contrary has been our reality for centuries. We are subservient subsidiaries and our collective lack of will to oppose the powers-that-be are the very strings of the puppeteers that happen to control us.

The American Revolution was in part because American’s were sick of British officers invading their homes and subjecting them to illegal search and seizures, how is invasive data mining of our private information any different?

We are the supply to their demand, the civilians of their civility, we fight their wars, buy their products, vote for them, protect their streets and show our unwavering devotion via our robust patriotism. When is the last time we as citizens put our political banter aside, stood up for something and created actual change? How long will we watch this cycle repeat itself? Are you going to allow these injustices? Accept our realm of mania as the norm? I’m asking for us not to be subservient materialistic subsidiaries aloft in our monetary system ignoring our deteriorating surroundings as long as we have the latest iPhone.

I started securing my content on the blockchain a little over 2 years ago and recent events surrounding the hardfork solidified my trust in the Hive Blockchain. I am the product of two Vietnam war protesters and I attended antiwar protest before I could walk. After seeing what the wars overseas did to friends of mine I became an avid protester against the Military Industrial Complex. I started to write about the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and their toll on the citizens of those countries. Often the impact on civilians in summed up two minute stories on mainstream media, like how the death toll in Yemen stayed the same for four years even the United Nations claimed only 10,000 have been killed in Yemen, the real number is projected to be 102,000. That does not include those that have died from malnutrition. Just a small example of why human rights data should be secured on the blockchain forever so it can never be censored.

31 October 2019: The Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED)
currently records more than 100,000 reported fatalities in Yemen since
2015, including over 12,000 civilians killed in direct attacks. These
findings are consistent with recent projections drawing on ACLED data issued by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Frederick S. Pardee Center for International Futures, which estimate that approximately 102,000 people will be killed in direct violence by the end of 2019.

By Joziah Thayer

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