Monsanto and Bayer medical marijuana

in #news7 years ago

Monsanto has already taken over the corn and soy industry with their genetically modified patents now they have their grubby little mits creeping into the marijuana industry..


Bayer the pharmaceutical company bought out Monsanto this year for a whopping 66 billion and have been flying pretty low under the radar since...probly hoping people will forget how Monsanto was voted most evil company of 2013

Bayer and Monsanto have a very bad history when it comes to the well being of humanity, with there involvement in Vietnam, supplying agent Orange which is still affecting locals to this days generations and Bayer was an offshoot of IG Farben who produced the chemical weapons used by the Nazis in the concentration camps. Now they genetically modify our foods so it can handle more poison full of carcinogenic poisons which apparently is even safe to drink stated by a rep back in 2014....and they also sell us the medicine to prolong us, when we develop diseases which these poisons contribute to, win win for them..


Now Monsanto and a company called miracle-grow have deep business ties, According to big buds magazine a front group for miracle grow has already bought out some big players in the medical marijuana game General Hydroponics, Botanicare, and Gavita. And many more have claimed they have had attempts to buy them out, Monsanto took control of the corn and soy industry by patenting their gm seeds and taking legal action on anyone who got in their way which is most likely what they will try with the medical marijuana industry. But there is still a way to fight them..grow your own..only use local organic companies, keep away from Bayer, Monsanto, miracle-grow products and do your research...

I believe medical marijuana has the potential to heal many diseases and countless more uses. and the chemicals these evil companies use on these plants are the main cause of these diseases and so many other defects at birth, it's lunacy to let these company's keep doing what they are doing !

Cheers for reading




When the last tree has been cut down, the last fish caught, the last river poisoned, only then will we realize that one cannot eat money....proverb from the "cree indians"

Very true! Great quote

i thought it fits very well in here...because of this multi-billion dollar corporation dont give a f#$@ about it......the indians saw that long long time ago.....
indeed its a great quote..

dang i can't follow you twice! sweet post bro

no doubt they can't handle the idea of a complete disruption to their scheme

Cheers! Its our pnly difence at the moment..get information out...

They have the money and resources to produce very high quality CBD products and explore all the unknowns that still exist in this amazing plant. I agree though local is way to go. That being said it should be an interesting ride.

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