RE: A Collection Of Cryptocurrency News and Developments on Binance, EOS, Komodo, BCH, NEM, LBRY, Chainzilla and Many More
It's not just crypto stuff. I've been trying to do many different tings with various groups of people. It was good that some of them left because sometimes people with experience think they know better than everyone while screwing up everything. (Be careful when a programmer touch your UI/UX So much research on psychology/color theory can go down the drain)
I'm trying to collect as many crypto as possible while things are still under the radar. Imagine people figuring out that STEEM is 200 times faster than BTC and is completely free of fees.
I also believe HUNT Token would be a great start for SMTs. But I still haven't claimed any of the SP airdrop yet:
Gah! I need to pay closer attention to your blog! Will be waiting on this one! I have powered up significantly even in the last two weeks, I'll just trust you to know when the time is apt!
By the way, after the craze died down and the ref link problem was fixed, I have been having resonable success approaching non-tech minded people one by one about the byteball airdrop, walking them through it. Did you ever do a write up with your thoughts on that one?
Consider me an ally in any future projects you may have, I have big plans for the future here and I know I'll probably run some ideas past you!