in #news7 years ago (edited)

More than 2 million people have left our country since the arrival of Chavizmo, and loneliness and sadness invades both those who emigrated fleeing the crisis (which is not secret to anyone the current situation in the country), and those who They decided to stay at home, saying goodbye to their loved ones at an airport or terminal


With the custom of always having the open doors of the home that I shared with my uncles, and the smell of hallacas and pernil, they will welcome their family.

Meanwhile, my cousin (Valentin) has to prepare an empty seat for your table: yours.

For the first time in his 24 years he will not be able to embrace his loved ones, nor appear in his photographs. But he will have to settle for seeing them through the screen of a cell phone or a computer, after he took a plane on October 19 to Italy, where he now resides right in Rome.


"I am very close to my family and I feel as if I am dead because of that emptiness that they are not now. Well I'm having an excellent dinner, but the food is not everything if you are not with your family on such an important date "

The fact that he decided to move at the end of the year instead of at the beginning of 2018, generated discussions in his house, although it was not an impediment to support him in his dream of emigrating.

"My mom used to say that the date was difficult, because it was not long before Christmas, so I preferred that I leave in January," he explains.

Despite his melancholy and even knowing that Christmas and New Year would not be the same as before, he decided to leave only to not continue suffering the crisis that crosses Venezuela.

"Many of those who leave do so by running away. The political and economic situation is unsustainable and I want a better future for our family, but for that good future I must fight, since nothing in this life is easy, but neither is it impossible, "he continues to comment.

And although in Rome they were received by acquaintances, and they will even have friends with whom they can spend the holidays, he knows that he is the one who will have to adapt to different Venezuelan traditions, and that instead of being hosts, they will be as visitors.


This Christmas has definitely been the worst, as well as for the one who left and the one who did not, I take into account to tell you these stories, because I am motivated by the fact of telling you a small part of what we are going to see a publication here same in Steemit of a boy who makes a photo blog with fireworks that he took at the break of the year in his country.

Well, it saddens me to see all the photos full of his family and the beautiful fireworks or rockets as we usually tell him here in Venezuela.

And it is that here before the crisis everything was so good, full of life, we had a spectacular dinner with our cousins, uncles and grandparents and without mentioning the parents and brothers. And seeing the photos just make me think about how bad many years went by this time, bad for many reasons like those who emigrated to another country and were left alone, others since they did not have a good Christmas dinner as we used to and even with the United Family.

Compared to your photos, here you went out to the streets and everything was desolate, because nobody sat outside their house to enjoy with their neighbors for fear that they come and steal or maybe kill them, and I really think something very sad, but this is the sad reality we face.

Here only the sky and the stars could be seen without a single artificial fire or some music you could hear there, there was nothing, only sadness.

Well this has been everything, I hope you liked it, and greetings to all in Steemit, if you got here a million thanks for taking the time to read my story and do not forget your vote!


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