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RE: Johns Hopkins Sept. 2019 Report: Preparedness for a High Impact Respiratory Pathogen Pandemic

in #news5 years ago

"The public panic in the West regarding this epidemic has more to do with their governments not censoring spreading fake news..."


Just close your eyes. All that bad truth will go away - until you do. Dying is easy, so easy everyone does it. Living with the truth is hard, and that's why evolution happens.


Do note the date on the above image. Lies are not real cover for actual facts. Your lies are revealed by their own failure to conform to reality.


Sane men do not consider Reddit, 4 Chan, or some other blog-site as anything reputable. Because some "anonymous" self-proclaimed "specialist" or "insider" posted some mental nonsense on the internet, thus, proves conspiracy paranoia? Clearly the unwashed and unlettered masses can not discern for themselves what is true and what is false. It, thus, becomes incumbent upon the government, and their betters, to guide the ignorant, before they harm themselves in stupidity.

You know, the source whereby you learn a demonstrably true fact is immaterial to the verity of the fact.

Reason is a long way from fallacies. You might get there if you try though.

"Demonstrably true" is not what sane men would term your and your paranoid ilks' conspiracy delusions. Allowing the ignorant and the irrelevant to pollute the public discourse with their paranoid babble only undermines the efforts of their betters in formulating rational public policy. Your precious "sources" of information, from Alex Jones to 4Chan, only demonstrate the fallacy of Western political theory of permitting the ill-educated, over-emotional rabble to participate in formulating political decisions.

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