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RE: NZ Shooter Was in Turkey At Exact Time of Terror Event there - Twice.. And German Gov Knew In Advance Both Times - Says Intel Specialist Sibel Edmonds

in #news6 years ago

FANG is Fakebook, Apple, Netflix, and Goolag? This is uncharted territory in my living memory as well, but I did not live in the Soviet Union at Stalin's heyday, so must acknowledge my lack of total information awareness. What I note is that the worse the censorship, the weaker the position of the censors. After all, if your position was borne out by facts, you'd let people ascertain that, wouldn't you?

There are details of the attack that inure suspicion to the government of New Zealand itself. There was - as is so often the case with terrorist attacks Western governments seek to use for propaganda and political purposes - an ongoing anti-terrorist drill when the attack began, and fully kitted out, armed, and available police forces were less than 5 minutes from the mosque. Emergency calls were received as soon as the attack began. Police began to arrive at the event a half hour later. Why did they stand down while 50 people were killed?

But IMHO this isn't the main reason for their insistence on censoring the video. The video was livestreamed on Fakebook during the attack, and 17 minutes of copyrighted music along with almost 50 murders played live. No consideration was given to censoring Fakebook. The alleged terrorist had posted previously on 8chan, warning people of his intentions. NZ has blocked access to 8chan, 4chan, liveleaks, and other news sites where freedom of speech figures prominently.

NZ is blocking access to sites where it's citizens might be availed of information regarding existential threats, places where they could discuss freely what actions they could undertake to prepare to survive those threats, and places where the corruption of government and collusion it undertakes with other corrupt governments, agencies, and institutions is revealed.

They're not protecting Kiwis. They're protecting their own corruption, murderous intent, and making it possible to grease the skids of the retaliatory attacks outraged Muslims will undertake, and soon.

This is an existential threat to every man, woman, and child in New Zealand, and Arden is signing death warrants with the censor's pen as we speak. In the next attack Kiwis will be more vulnerable because of the specific actions she has taken, not least demanding they turn in those weapons that would best enable them to defend against the attack that is surely coming from ISIS, or it's ilk. People are going to die because they have no weapons to defend themselves with.

The censorship will keep them from finding out that terrorists are bragging about the attacks they're going to execute.

That's what the censorship is all about. It's going to make NZ scream in agony, and then the NZ government will demand more power, more money, and more obedience to protect them, all while planning how to make them scream louder.

Welcome back, BTW. How's things?


-I would, and yet instead of doing that the NZ government banned guns within a week.
-I assume because then needed a higher death toll. And if I was a cop you wouldn't see me run into someplace with a guy inside shooting everyone. Sounds dangerous, better set up a perimeter, call for backup.

  • Pretty great, thanks for asking, how are you?

There's something to be said for backup, but I wouldn't wait around for it in that situation. Scott Israel made his deputies stand down, and kids died. I'd rather die than kids.

I'm plugging along, making waves, and surfing the consequences.

There are probably a lot of reasons that it is probably better that I am not a cop.

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