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RE: Las Vegas Sheriff Changes Timeline of Events on Floor 32, Leaving More Questions Than Answers. Covering Up Slow Police Response? Or Something More?
I can't back this. This goes against what I understand possible from the limits of the laws of physics.
I'm not clear why you would say this - the laws of physics don't explicitly relate to the bio-chemistry and psychology that is involved in mind control in a way that limits the possibility of implanting a program that can be triggered.
The idea of triggering an embedded program in the mind of a human is really just an extension of what is seen in the famous "pavlov's dogs" experiment where behavior was encoded into dogs based on trigger sounds. Have you researched MkUltra?
I know MKUltra. I know pavlov's dog which was a very small trigger. Nothing like hypnosis for many hours and do complex stuff.
You're also talking about a trigger to self destruct.
I think there would be more chance of controlling someone by threatening them to torture them if they don't do something and threaten them to torture one of their love one if they they kill themselves before accomplishing the task that is ask of them and this would be most probably must simpler and make a lot more sense.
My point in highlighting pavlov's dogs is that it is a very basic way of demonstrating how a trigger can be used to unconsciously initiate a learned behavior.
The form of programming used in MKUltra and derivatives was/is such that the personality fragments due to trauma and within each compartment can be stored programs and mental databases of information. Your comment about trauma suggests that you are not aware of the trauma component of MKUltra. The programming I am pointing to is called 'trauma based mind control' - there is no threat of trauma since the trauma is actual and real. Trauma is used on children at a young age to split their personalities and to then install alternate 'altar' personalities that can be programmed and recalled later for functional purposes. This is the idea that was expressed in the famous movie 'the manchurian candidate' and that has since been described at length by alleged deprogrammers such as fritz springmeier - who can be heard explaining much of this in the video I linked to here originally.
I know Fritz Springmeier. I know about so called alternate personalities.
I'm not saying these theory are impossible but they are super far fetch and really seems to push the limit of what is possible to the point of making little sense to me.
The way the brain learns and react to stimuli make me doubt those kind of super complex learn behavior make no sense.
Plus to me the point is moot.
Governments are creating suffering for billions of people from ways really simple to prove yet people know nothing about the easily provable unfair government scheme and how they hurt everyone and that's on what we should concentrate.
I choose not to deny any data points or programs as they all have potential to affect me and life in general. I came to research mind control in great depth after finding it's effects in my own life directly. I am not able to prove 100% that trauma based mind control of the type that Fritz and others have documented does indeed exist as they say - however, I have now listened to numerous people who claim to have been part of the programs or witnessed them for some reason. Some of those people are well known now and some are not.
In terms of the technical process of compartmentalising a consciousness and causing altars to co-exist, I see no reason at all to think that this cannot occur. Anyone who has worked with healing trauma (as I have) will quickly learn that 'trauma walls' (denial) are commonly created in moments of extreme trauma - so the part required to split the personality is actually quite easy to understand and define. The programming of sub-personalities is a more complex issue, but given the resources that were admitted decades ago to have been thrown into this subject it is highly likely to me that success was found. As a system engineer, when reading the book 'Trance Formation of America' it is apparent that the methodologies described are of the exact form that I would have expected to have been used in such a project in that time period.
MKultra was admitted to (quietly) by the US government and compensation paid etc.
Given that the purpose of the program was to create a wide ranging field of study that had the potential for a wide variety of other projects - some of which have been uncovered by researchers - it would be short sighted to attempt to simply guess that the projects failed. Project Artichoke and Project Oak Tree are two that have been exposed as involving children being born specifically into the programs and deliberately altered / programmed to attempt to create supersoldiers and there have even been 'supersoldier conferences' where numerous people have come forward and told their side of the story.
In short, I see quite a lot of evidence that this is real and very little that it is not real.
It is entirely possible to study this topic while also studying the topics you are focusing on and I have done just that for over a decade. ;)
Thanks. I better understand where you come from. I read about Project Artichoke. I don't remember reading about Project Oak Tree.
I still doubt programming can be done but I know the difference between knowing and not knowing so I'm on the same boat as you. I don't know if it's possible and hard to fathom doesn't mean impossible.
I might not have studied it as much as you and that can make a huge difference.
I am currently the 'webmaster' for 'the bases project' which is a long term research project into the phenomena which are connected to underground military bases around the world. I am not directly involved in the choices of interviews and the interviews themselves - although I may be interviewed for it myself soon. I mention this because they have a long catalogue of interviews with researchers who are looking into these topics as well as some of the alleged survivors. Occasionally they interview someone that I don't think/feel is being honest - but I think the majority are being mostly or totally honest.
I am probably going to help Miles from the Bases Project get on Steemit in the near future, so more material on this will be available here. He would like to use DTube, but it's a bit too unreliable presently for it to be a complete replacement for PooTube ;)
Thanks for clarifying and remaining open to the possibilities here.