White Supremacy Apologist Black Lives Lovin White Chick T0rtur3d Murd3red By A Black Man! #Irony
When White Guilt Goes Wrong!
By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor!
Seriously you can not make this stuff up but you hear way more stories of whites being harmed by the blacks they are trying to protect than you will ever hear about Coons being murdered by the whites that many of you claim the coons protect!
A beautiful young white woman who has spent the majority of her adult life pointing out how America is inherently racist and that good minded white people need to stand up to protect the weak and innocent black american against white oppression! Now this may all be true but what do you say when those you work hard to protect end up being the ones who cause you the most pain? Watch
Alright, who was the first person to stab MLK? Who Murdered Malcolm X? Who killed Tupac, Biggie, and who ruined most of these black peoples lives? Other black people did it and they were the black people that these black people were fighting for so why would any one white see this and not think that the group of people that you are trying to save, maybe should start off trying to save themselves first?
Funny how the family of this young woman, the fiance of this young woman must still come across as if black people are great people and that this could have happened to anyone, when the truth of the matter is that blacks in america today are scary not only to white people but to their own people as well.
Had this been a white man that did this the story would have been completely different. If a white man kills me you will have niggaz all over saying “Ha Ha, That’s what you get” so why should we not remind whites that are pushing this white guilt agenda that “ha ha, thats what you get”?
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