Shattering The Government Illusion Of Its Necessity

in #news7 years ago

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (2/11/18).

As mainstream media continues to manipulate and obfuscate Israel’s escalating and unprovoked war with Syria and Iran, just as I said yesterday, the US has backed Israel in its flagrant attack of Syria that resulted in its F-16 being shot down -- absurdly and hypocritically naming it as a “violation of Israeli sovereignty” while ignoring the years of unprovoked attacks on Syria. Just as Vanessa Beeley said in our recent interview, its like a person who breaks into your house, and then claims to be defending themselves when you try to fight back. 

It should be abundantly clear, for those willing to see the blatant truth in front of them, that one side of the corporate media is willing to bend the facts in any direction that will hurt the opposition while defending Trump and his foreign policy, and the other side will do the same in order to ensure that Trump looks the fool. Both ignore what is supposed to be their ultimate mandate, to report the truth. Not bend it to suit their agenda (even from a place of good intent) and create division and distraction amongst the people.

We must begin to recognize that both sides are simply businesses with shareholders and political ties that dictate their message. Both are on the same side behind the scenes, even if not all of the dancing monkeys realize what they truly are, as I have said many times in the past, simply establishment stenographers

There is so much more going on than I can brush over in this show, so as always, get out there are do your own research, find the news that is truly important and almost always omitted by the corporate media, and send them my way. I am happy to go back over a story that I might have missed if you feel it is worth covering, but begin to take charge of how well you are informed. Self-responsibility is truly the foundation of freedom, and does not exist without you breaking those chains of dependency. 

As Emma Goldman once wrote:

"Anarchism stands for liberation of the human mind from the dominion of religion; the liberation of the human body from the coercion of property; liberation from shackles and restraint of government. It stands for social order based on the free grouping of individuals."

Now whether or not you believe in the principles of Anarchism, or misunderstand it all together, we must begin to break these chains, mental, financial and otherwise, shatter the illusion of government necessity, and overcome the conditioned dependency that we are all taught is simply the way of the world. Well, as many are now beginning see in more ways than they would like to admit, we have been lied to.

Please take the information discussed in the video below and research for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. As anyone telling you what the truth is, or claiming they have the answer, is likely leading you astray, for one reason or another. Stay Vigilant.

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Written by Ryan Cristian
Founder, Editor - The Last American Vagabond
WKUP "TheShift" Radio

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Sheeple need a shepherd like Adam Kokesh in office! GO Adam 2020!

I wish you'd advocate someone that was honest.

I don't think we need the office, much less a liar in it.

Have a look at what happened with his insurance coverage. You can find links in the post(s) regarding his most recent arrest in TX. The video of him deliberately lying about protesting marijuana prohibition in Washington D.C. convinced me that his words are nothing more than specious.

His actions regarding money and his organization tell the truth.

There is something about it that keeps me thinking, for example, we've got Bitcoin as a new way we can descentralize money. But what happens when it becomes part of the stock exchange, where investors could be manipulating it's value and making it drop? It's like the ones who always try to hold us back and chained infiltrate the new free spaces and try to make them -not free- again. Just my mind rambling around though, hope I make sense :)

I would like to know your view of what is happening in Venezuela? because if you analyze it as you did with this publication then the writing will be very crude. It is also interesting to see how other people around the world feel about what is going on in the north of the south.

We have discussed it at length on The Last American Vagabond, here is a link to the archive: But in short, it is very clear that US imposed economic sanctions are what is truly hurting the nation and that it is being done as a way to minimize Russia's geopolitical control as well as its resource control. But there are also many other factors at play, as I am sure you know, but that as far as I can tell is the largest underlying aspect. Well that and Venezuela being yet another country that has dared to drop the failing US dollar.

Check your link about the topics that talk about Venezuela and there are very serious aspects that are not mentioned, for example the violation of human rights that exists in Venezuela, more than 100 citizens in Venezuela murdered for protesting, the torture of the victims of torture in Venezuela, and so on, political prisoners, the grotesque corruption of Maduro's top leadership and the Venezuela's military forces that proclaim a false socialism, even before.
of the U. S. and European sanctions there were food and medicine scraps in the country.

The lack of national production, a perverse exchange control that only benefits the corrupt who manage the government institutions, the great corruption in Venezuelan petroleum that has placed the country's number 1 company in crisis, the increase of murders and kidnappings through crime that has increased exponentially.

All the powers of the state kidnapped, the CNE decides what it wants by passing over the constitution and citizens and many other irregularities that make the Maduro regime harmful, of which we could talk at length.

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