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RE: A Million Iraqis Ask US to Leave. Response is Plan to Build 3 New Bases in Iraq!

in #news5 years ago (edited)

Welcome to the vomit comet, round 52!

"Mr. President, Israel wants the Palestinians to have a better life. We want them to have a future of national dignity, prosperity, and hope. Your peace plan offers the Palestinians such a future. Your peace plan offers the Palestinians a pathway to a future state.

I know that it may take them a very long time to reach the end of that path. It may even take them a very long time to get to the beginning of that path. But if the Palestinians are genuinely prepared to take that path, if they’re genuinely prepared to make peace with the Jewish State, and if they agree to abide by all the conditions you have put forward in your plan, Israel will be there. Israel will be prepared to negotiate peace right away." — Netanyahu

Little known fact, in the bible the notion of suing for peace can accurately be compared to begging, bribing and or offering yourself in servitude as a slave in exchange for not getting murdered. So if that remains the "Jewish State's" notion of what peace is, then peace is nothing more than concessions to Israel until it is again reconquered because it doesn't know how to play nice. Historical matters aside, it doesn't at all make sense for them to continue to occupy the territory because they are a splinter in a largely Muslim area.

In the future when "God" gifts real estate to a peoples he should at the very least make sure the land is vacant prior to doing so. Sorry if my agnosticism is shining through, but I wouldn't buy into any of these modern-day monotheisms if they were given away to me freely with cash in hand to boot. Eris is one of the true Goddesses (the evidence is abound) and her existence (or lack thereof) is both as meaningful as it is irrelevant.

And now for another exercise in trying to disprove a negative. Jesus Krishna Yahweh Buddah Alah hath given me sole dominion over a nice little unoccupied planet called Mars. Unoccupied because of her great benevolence, thus I shall be charging Elon Musk a small fee once they land. [/so_mote_it_be]

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