As Prime minister I'm pleased to announce the name of the next little Royal bastard: Prince Louis!

in #news6 years ago (edited)

prince louis.jpg

This little cunt is going to cost you lot a fucking fortune, so stop slacking plebs

My government is delighted to announce a new senior member of the Royal Family. Subjects, I present to you the latest addition to the Royal line, who comes fully loaded with a plethora of genetic disorders, and who will be encouraged to grow up learning important Regal things, like how to mutilate foxes, and assassinate his mum when her MK Ultra mindfucking wears off and she fucks off and shags a Meat Packer from the Wirral.

Little Louis is named after his great-uncle, Lord Louis Mountbatten, who was ever so sadly blown up by the IRA in 1979.

Dear old Mountbatten, now there was a proper man, one who knew how to murder Indians, fuck up WW2 operations, and fiddle with 9-year-old boys in residential care. Proper gentleman he was, and a great British Icon.

This latest addition to the Saxe-Coburg-Goethe brood is a wonderful distraction for me this week, and I will be using it to quietly pass a number of special bills I've been meaning to sneak past that stupid fucking Socialist cunt Corbyn, things like chasing poor black families out of my constituency by dipping them in hot bovril and giving them 10 minutes head start before releasing 500 Dobermans.

Now. You get ten minutes off to fawn over Sky News and say shit stupid things like "Ooh, he looks ever so regal, Gawd bless the Queen" and doff your cap, like a grovelling nineteenth century spastic, then you'd better get your fat lazy arses back work because you've just been mortgaged to fuck by this kid, which is really funny.

And don't forget to vote Conservative in the upcoming by-elections. We really are very nice.

theresa may primeminister.jpg


My husband and I are very happy. I even managed to grin today.

Here is my grin.....

I liked the face that you made when I said we should nuke Switzerland for a laugh....


I still have these in my special drawer....


Where did you get that picture from? But ok... if we're posting pictures now.....

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Get your copy of "Naughty Queen 2 & 3" for only 15 STEEM

Just send 15 Steem to and enjoy the pure love between the queen and her former prime ministers.

Can I pay with missiles?

Good question!

Do you have "3 Boys for Prince Philip Extra Large"? Heard only good things about that movie!

The ones with Edward Heath in are truly disgusting.

Do not worry. All children are pixelated.

This is fucking hilarious, I have shared it far and wide.

Good. Now stop fucking about and get back to work, you scummy peasant.

That would be a little tricky for me, your ministeryness, you see I fucked off from the not so united kingdom of fucking rain and corruption (kiddy fiddlers heaven) to Poland, I also ditched my so called passport in a bin, it ran out 3 years ago, so you and the royal family may have to find another retard to tax.

Hope you had a pension that's not being paid through a British bank. It would be such a shame if something were to happen to it.

What about it? It's shit.

Have you even read it? Or was that too much effort, considering that it might disprove your lies?

Haha this was tooo funny! You first few lines had me hooked on straight away. I'm a truck mechanic and this is a refreshing tone to hear. Lots of swearing and lots of emotion, all with bags of sarcasm. Loved it will proudly re-steem this.
Glad to see you have called Mountbatten out, as you are spot on about his dirty shitty "scouting for boy" past. Another Lizard baby has joined the clan...

Hello sweaty commoner. Thank you for your comment, and indeed your service, giving your life-force to me and my friends. Obviously, I don't want to come anywhere near you, or shake your hand or anything, because of your toxic BO and enormous overhanging belly from a lifetime of sausage and egg butties and Brown Ale.

However, as a gesture of goodwill, I will send you a voucher for 50% off your assisted suicide at Dignitas.

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