Dropping a Bomb Shell - Alex Jones is an Actor and a Distraction to the Alt Right...

in #news8 years ago

Conspiracy Alert - Conspiracy Alert - Conspriacy Alert

If the Pizzagate/Pedogate apology didn't turn you away from Alex Jones and The Infowar this might.. His own lawyer had some things to say today that won't make the listeners feel to good.. Bet you didn't hear about this on the show today..

But we did hear about this all day -

Now this turns the whole thing into a tug-a-war would you not agree?? I'd have to say this can make things very confusing in the court of law, to the listeners, and to google itself.. It's unfair to everyone! And I feel a master plan brewing....

Randall, Alex's lawyer said the show is nothing but a performance act and Alex Jones is a character... This came from Jones' own lawyer in court! People will still try to back Alex up, but to me it just keeps getting worse for him.. It's just down right disrespectful to the listeners if you ask me. Cause if you think about it, we actually look crazy now.. Thanks Mr. Jones! Even though some of the shit Alex talks about is blown way out of proportion it's still probably 75%-85% factual on most topics.. Now it all looks fake, we look like fake news because Alex allowed his lawyer to say those things..
This is Randall, Alex's Lawyer-

He's a pretty well known lawyer in Texas for the folks with big bucks..

And as you can see, this guy is very credited. Anything he says will really hold some weight in the court of law. So where are we now? If the Infowars show is taken down from the internet you have no one to blame but Alex Jones himself. This is hard to hear but true, he screams at us all day long that he's real news, and he's got all the facts, but in court he and his lawyer say he's just an actor??? That doesn't play well. Alex Jones is looking more and more like a distraction to the Alt Right movement and Free Thinkers everywhere.. They have made him the face of conspiracy and if he gets discredited some of the other names out there like Drudge will be as well, or could be next.. They are very close to each other in the web world. The infowars show always gets close to these other big names and sometimes destroys them, not in a good way but talks bad about them or gets them into a story trap to discredit the people that could become bigger than Alex's show..
I understand he is a father though and if he truly cares about his kids he'd probably say anything to keep them.. He has them most of the time anyway but I have to ask, what kid wants to be around that much stress all day? Not trying to be rude but Alex spends so much time in front of the camera what's the point in keeping them with him? He's not taking care of them, he talks about other peoples kids all the time and how a nanny takes care of them but I'd say the same thing is happening at his house! These poor children are caught in the middle of a battle between two crazy people, that can not be fun at all!

I think Alex Jones knows he's show will be coming to an end soon, he's had his time and been pretty used up.. Now YouTube is being filled with fake ass Alt Right channels as Infowars is losing listeners due to pizzagate issues, Syria and all the clownyness we see now.. I can't be for sure but I do believe Alex's Ego is so big he will use his kids as a prop.. When it comes down to it if something big did happen to the show he can blame this court battle between the children and say he said those things for them or whatever dramatic shit he'll come up with. And the cycle will continue.. But at the end of the day we as a people look bad, he just made us look crazy. I don't take that to well, I used to be a big supporter of the show but slowly I'm trusting Alex less and less.. My feelings are they have been testing the waters to see how much of the crowd will follow whatever he says. It puts us in a tight position because Alex has delivered some hard hitting news for so long, when something fake happens on his show more then half of the listeners would believe it without thinking twice.. This is dangerous, I'm not sure whats to come but something smells fishy..

Keep your eyes and ears open
Trust no one
Stay Safe~Stay Woke
thanks for reading


He's not an actor...He's an asshole. He said Sandy Hook shooting was fake.

Ehh Sandy Hook is hard for me to talk about, that one is iffy.. And Alex never said it was exactly fake.. His Ex-Wife did though.. What makes you think it was 100% real?

I know people there!

ohh wow , thats it... you know people.. And I have to ask what did those people you know say about it ???

go ahead and believe Alex Jones...the actor.

my family and I questioned things like this before I ever heard of Alex Jones... My family is made up of many police officers, military, and doctors I'd say we have the right to question many things going on in this world, because they know what actually happens when an event takes place and proper procedure.. and did you not read my entire post, Alex is not someone I would give my trust to, no one truly is.. it was to open the eyes to more people that its to easy for many people to be swayed, like you for example i don't know what news source you get your information from but I'am assuming you listen because you put trust into these people and maybe have for many years, so because of this bond they've created with you, if something false were to be pushed into your life you wouldn't think twice about it because you believe you have a trusty news source..

Sandy Hook. 26 children and teachers were killed. Families and the community are mourning.

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