Columbus Day Proves History is Written by the Winner Who Cons People into Celebrating Mass Murder

in #news6 years ago

 Over the last few years, and rightfully so, cities across the country  have been ditching the celebration of Columbus Day. After beating it  into children for over a century that Columbus discovered America, the  world is finally waking up to the reality that not only did Columbus not  discover America, but he was a rapist murdering tyrant that set off a  massive genocide. Sadly, however, there are still schools across the  country today that will celebrate this tyrant and make a powerful point—history is written by the winner—even if the winner murders and pillages their way into it. 

Historical records are kept by those in power, more often than not,  those in power achieved that power through unscrupulous means and will  do anything to keep it—up to and including writing heroic versions of  history about themselves, that never happened. 

Columbus having his own  national holiday proves this. As Napoleon once famously said, “What is  history, but a fable agreed upon?” Christopher Columbus is celebrated because he “sailed the ocean blue in 1492” and “discovered the new world,”  but in addition to the fact that he didn’t actually discover anything,  there is a very dark side of Columbus’ life that is still not taught in  school history books—despite the fact that schools are ceasing  celebration of the national holiday. 

As Irish Central noted,  when Columbus and his men explored the lands of present-day Dominican  Republican and Haiti, they found an overwhelming abundance of gold, and  Columbus’ lust for fame and fortune “set into motion a relentless wave of murder, rape, pillaging, and slavery that would forever alter the course of human history.” Catholic Priest Bartolomé de las Casas transcribed Columbus’  journals, and testified to the violence that was chronicled in them,  noting that over 3 million people died of a result of the war and slavery championed by Christopher Columbus. 

“There were 60,000 people living on this island, including the  Indians; so that from 1494 to 1508, over 3,000,000 people had perished  from war, slavery, and the mines,” de las Casas wrote. 

Pointing out the fact that history is written by the winners, de las Casas finished his writing by asking this question: “Who in future generations will believe this? I myself writing it as a knowledgeable eyewitness can hardly believe it.” 

Indeed, it has taken decades to get people to even question the  official history of Columbus. However, it seems that this information  awareness is happening more and more quickly thanks to an ever expanding  access to information. 

When Gutenberg introduced the printing press in 1440, the world had  no idea that things were about to drastically change. Prior to the  release and production of the printing press, books were incredibly  expensive, rare, mostly written in Latin, and reserved for royalty and  clergy. 

The spread of information was kept under lock and key. However, in just a few decades after its spread throughout the world,  Gutenberg’s press had rolled out hundreds of millions of books. The  operation of a printing press became synonymous with the enterprise of  printing and lent its name to a new branch of media, the press. 

The world was becoming informed. Hailed as one of the most important inventions in human history, the  printing press helped societies break free from the ignorance and  bondage imposed upon them by the keepers of information. 

Over the  next 400 years, those with access to information about peace and  freedom began to rise up against their oppressors. Instead of monarchies  and dictatorships, republics and democracies were born. 

The world was well on its way to becoming a Land of the Free. Unfortunately, however, with information — comes propaganda. Not being able to control the dissemination of information, tyrants  decided to control the actual information instead. Certain books were  burned, banned, and shunned. 

Only establishment-supporting  nationalistic books were promoted which led to entire societies  believing their patriotic stories about how their countries ‘played the  key role in the development of the modern world.’ 

Who controls the past controls the future; who controls the present controls the past.” -George Orwell 

For decades, the world was tricked by slick establishment propagandists, who wrote their version of heroic history.  Tyrants were painted as saviors; mass murderers hailed as great  discoverers. 

The world was slipping back into a dark age of control and  manipulation. However, there was one thing that these keepers of information didn’t count on — the internet. The internet, like the printing press of the 15th century, has  revolutionized the dissemination of information. With the internet came  the instant and immediate access to any information, distance was no  longer a barrier to communication, and the alternative media was born.  

Instead of millions of people getting info, it was now billions. Access to this ever-expanding, limitless amount of information can now all be accessed by a device that fits in your pocket. The encouraging effects of the spread of information are materializing daily. 

Thanks to the massive spread of information, people are waking up to  the ridiculous and vile nature of celebrating such unspeakable acts. Cities across the country are now ditching Columbus Day because this information has freed them from believing a lie. 

As CNN reports, just this year, at least a dozen US cities — including San Francisco and Cincinnati — decided to stop observing Columbus Day and will instead celebrate Indigenous Peoples Day on Monday. This rejection of false history marks the beginning of the end of a fairy tale shoved down the throats of school children for far too long. 

The gesture of the day is not enough, however, as long as we continue  to ignore the current oppression of Native Americans. The indigenous  people of the North American continent are still being oppressed and killed at a higher rate than anyone else. It is time we start to push this conversation to the forefront of the public debate. There is still a long road ahead, but a lesser ignorance is the tool  by which we reach the end of that road. Please help to spread this  lesser ignorance by sharing this article. 


This article makes a really good point about the history of disinformation.

Mass Murder, huh? Where are the Mass Graves? It's a myth to elicit White guilt. A Noble Savage is a lie. You watched too many Westerns also designed elicit guilt.

Good job voting for yourself.

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