Fight with conspiracy theories by YouTube
Hard times are coming for all YouTubers who set themselves the goal of opening humanity eyes and realizing that they live in a fictitious and manipulated world created by a group of people. YouTube will begin to fight with conspiracy theories flooding the site.
Google does not care about the fact that they show an alternative point of view on key topics and stimulate the imagination to search for the truth.
Suzan Wójcicki, the head of YouTube, with Polish citizenship, remarked that at the beginning, Internet users will be able to use the new feature that will enable the inclusion of an appropriate description with each type of film material directly downloaded from Wikipedia.
Soon you can expect that with clips about alternative medicine, chemical streaks, landing on the moon or the appearance of unidentified flying objects, you will be able to get an opinion of them, according to the only right truth proclaimed by Wikipedia.
Wojcicki also said that YouTube will gradually develop its catalog of alternative articles about popular conspiracy theories, which should lead to a gradual decline in the users' interest in such content.
Interestingly, in recent times they have become very popular on YT due to the unfinished AI algorithms that placed such materials high in the rankings. Within a few weeks this situation is going to change, so finding movies from the world of conspiracy theories will be a much more difficult art
Or people will just use a different search engine.