$100+ Daily

in #news4 years ago

Disclaimer: This e-book was created to show people how to make
money online. That means that it was created for educational purposes
only. Some techniques on this e-book break the TOS of some
websites. Try them at your own risk. I will not be held liable for any
illegal actions made by people who get a hold of this report.
Hi there! Today is your lucky day! As soon as you have finished
reading this book you will be fed-up with good IM knowledge that can
possibly make you rich online.
Don’t get me wrong. This is not one of those phony e-books: “how to
make 100, 000 a day”. However, with the information in this report
you can easily start making a 100$ daily even if you have no
experience in IM whatsoever…
Trying all these methods together may be confusing, so I suggest that
you pick one method and work on it until you start making at least $50
a day. Then you can skip to the other methods so that you can
increase your income online.
Alright, Let’s get down to business!
Gambling affiliates & Viral E-books
Did you know that online gambling affiliates are one of the most highpaying
affiliates? A lot of gambling affiliates usually pay $100-$300 for
every active gambler that you refer.
That means that all you need to make $100 daily is find one active
gambler every single day. Can it get any simpler than this?
Of course if you are a beginner in IM, this may be out of your league
but don’t worry, I am here to teach you everything.
Before I start telling you how to make money with this method I want
to cover one last point. To get a commission from these affiliate
companies, the gamblers you refer must make a deposit. That’s why I
told you that the gamblers must be “active”. So in this case, we can’t
just fool people into joining this gambling company. We have to find
real gamblers that are willing to play!
Making money with this method
First of all you have to sign up with a good affiliate. I suggest
www.casinoblasters.com (affiliate of golden palace). They pay you
$100-$300 for each person that you refer.
You can also choose the rev share option. They will split the revenue
they earn from your referrals 50/50…
Your choice 
I prefer the $100-$300 option.
Once you sign up with an affiliate company, you have to get traffic to
get people to join.
Step 1
Do a quick search on the internet for articles and e-books related to
gambling. You can search for:
“How to play poker online”
“How to increase your chances of winning when gambling online”
“How to play roulette”
“Online poker strategies”
Basically you can search for anything that is about online gambling.
Step 2
Once you get some ideas, you have to create an e-book. A 2-3 page ebook
will do just fine.
· You can either invent a guide yourself.
· You can re-write the stuff that you see on other e-books.
· You can be a bad boy and copy the entire e-book, then make
some minor changes at the beginning and at the end.
Whichever you like 
Make sure that you include your affiliate link in the e-book at least
For example: If you are interested in online gambling, the best
company to joins is [Your Affiliate link]
I suggest that you create several e-books.
More E-books = More Referrals = More Money
If the e-books are good and convincing enough, people will read them
and join the online gambling company from your affiliate link!!
Now the only thing left to do is to distribute these e-books to as many
people as you can!
Step 3
The best thing to do is to distribute them for free! The best thing about
an e-book is… it can go VIRAL!
You can start off by sharing them on related forums. You can find
several forums related to online gambling, just do a quick search on
google or head over to www.big-boards.com
Step 4
Have you ever heard of www.scribd.com?
Basically scribd.com is a website that allows people to share and
download e-books for free. Make sure that you upload all of your ebooks
on it.
Step 5
Another good website is www.slideshare.net. Slideshare allows you to
upload power point presentations. Open up your Microsoft PowerPoint
and paste all of the e-books’ information onto Powerpoint
presentations. Save the presentations and upload them on slideshare.
Step 6
Sign up to some torrent sites and upload the e-books on them. A lot of
people underestimate this technique. They think that people will not
download e-books from torrent sites. Well, they’re wrong. I have ebooks
on torrent sites that get downloaded at least 50 times a day…
and that’s only from one torrent site.
The only trick here is to make a catchy title!
How to play poker – Bad title
How to play online poker – Better title
How to play and win online poker – Good Title
$27 Underground E-book – How to be a champion in online poker
games – BEST TITLE
Good torrent sites:
That should be enough 
Once you sign up with these torrent sites, just download azureus or
utorrent so that you can start uploading torrent files. There are a
bunch of guides about uploading torrents, just search for them on
google. I learned about uploading torrents in just a few minutes, it’s
pretty easy.
Method conclusion and suggestions
That should be all. Remember that the people that read the e-books
will be already interested in online gambling. Therefore, you can easily
get good conversions if you create good e-books.
Imagine that you convert @ 1:20. (very doable)
That means that for every 20 people that visit your link, you
will earn a $100!!
If you follow these distribution techniques given to you correctly, you
can easily get 100s of readers every single day!

  • With these techniques your e-books could easily go VIRAL!!
    Just imagine the potential of that!!! 
    Did you like that method?
    … and we’re just getting started 
    Monetizing CPA offers with youtube
    CPA means Cost Per Action. CPA networks will pay you every time that
    a visitor fills up one of their offers. You can easily make some big
    bucks if you find a good offer and promote it heavily. It seems that the
    best ways to promote CPA offers is by video sharing sites (ex.
    Youtube) or PPC (ex. Adwords).
    Adwords requires money, so I suggest that you stick with this method
    below if you don’t have money to spare.
    Making Money with this method
    First you have to sign up with some decent CPA networks. It may take
    a while before you get accepted as a publisher into a CPA network.
    Therefore I suggest that you move on to another method whilst you’re
    still in queue.
    Ideal CPA Networks:
    Then you have to sign up with youtube so that you can upload videos.
    Step 1
    Search on the internet for something that is on demand right now. You
    need to find a hot product that is currently a good seller in the market.
    A good way to do this is to go to
    Hot trends is an amazing tool that shows you the current most popular
    searches on google. Anyway, there are a lot of ways to find a good
    product that sells. For example, currently there is a craze about
    iPhones and iPods.
    Find a good offer about iPhones or iPods from a CPA network and store
    the affiliate link.
    Step 2
    The next step is to make a video. Now I know that most of you have
    never created a video in your life but believe me it’s very easy and it’s
    worth it.
    Now there are two ways of doing this:
    White hat
    Make a simple video with the use of PowerPoint then you can edit it by
    camtasia or windows movie maker. The video must be catchy, with a
    little background music. You can search for related videos on video
    sharing sites to get some ideas.
    Black Hat
    Search on youtube for videos related to your offer and download them
    to your PC. You can do this by www.downloadyoutubevideos.com. The
    files will be saved as .flv, download a converter and convert them
    to .mpeg or .wmv.
    Now, if you upload the exact same video, it will probably get deleted
    You need to make it a little different. You can simply cut the
    introduction or add a black screen at the end or at the beginning.
    Step 3
    Buy a domain name related to the product and forward it to the offer.
    As always I like to use .com. However, if you don’t have enough
    money, then I recommend a .info domain. They’re very cheap, usually
    about $1 a year and they are still good for the job.
    Upload the video and type in the url in the description. You can also
    use windows movie maker to add the url in the video. You can use
    camtasia to watermark it with your url and/or you can use
    Make sure that you write down a long description and to add as many
    text as you can! Copy the tags and paste them in your description and
    make a long and catchy title.
    That should be it.
    Now all you have to do is wait for the money to roll in. If you are not
    getting any views you can always download tubinator to spoof them
    and the rankings.
    Views will bring More Views ;)
    You can always take this to the next level by uploading the same
    videos on other video sharing sites such as:
    Making Money from Webmasters
    Before I start telling you about this method, I’d like to say that this is
    one of my best methods. By that I mean that I make about 50% of my
    money online by this method!
    This method requires more time than the others mentioned here but I
    can assure you that it’s worth every minute!
    What is the one thing that every webmaster needs?
    Each and every webmaster needs to host his websites somewhere
    1000s of people become webmasters every single day and 1000s of
    them are looking for web hosting services!
    That means that there’s a lot of $$$$$ to be made from this niche 
    Making Money with this Method
    As usual the first thing that you need to do is to sign up with web
    hosting affiliates and buy a domain or make a free blog at
    www.blogger.com or www.wordpress.com
    Now we can do this in two ways, we can choose one affiliate and
    promote it directly (forwarding the domain to the affiliate link) or we
    can create a good review page and promote different web hosting
    Your choice 
    Anyway the promotion methods will still remain the same. A good web
    hosting company that has an affiliate section is:
    Now with targeted traffic I usually convert @ 1:23 or less. That means
    that if you use hostgator you will earn $50 for each person that you
    refer or $125 if you exceed 21 referrals per month!
    Just imagine… if you refer a webmaster every day, you will earn $3750
    a month with hostgator! 
    Step 1
    Sign up with hostgator or any web hosting company that you like.
    Create a review page on a blog or domain, or forward the domain to
    your affiliate link.
    Step 2
  1. Create an account on http://forums.digitalpoint.com
  2. Place your link with GOOD anchor text in your signature.
  3. Participate in the forum to increase your signature’s visibility.
  4. I suggest that you make at least 10 posts and create 1-2 threads
    a day.
  5. You can even contact somebody with a high post count and pay
    him to use his signature 
    Just remember:
    More Posts = More signature visibility
    In my opinion DP has the most effective signature. I get about 50-100
    targeted visitors daily from a DP account with 1000 posts.
    That’s a sale or two every day just from DP sig ;)
    BTW it only took me about a month to raise my post count to 1000. It
    requires a bit of work but it’ll certainly pay off! Remember a sale a day
    with hostgator becomes $125 every day 
    Yeah, DP signature is great! However, I still suggest that you do this
    on other webmaster forums such as:
    Step 3
  6. Search for articles related to web hosting and copy them onto a
    doc file.
  7. Re-write them in your own words with some good long tail
  8. Give the articles a catchy title and submit the articles to
    www.ezinearticles.com (Make sure that you include long tail
    keywords in your tags)
  9. When the articles get accepted on ezine you can submit them to:
    · www.articlesbase.com
    · www.scribd.com
    · www.searchwarp.com
    · www.goarticles.com
    · www.slideshare.com
    Method’s conclusion and suggestion
    Keep working on steps 3 and 4. Believe me making a sale in the web
    hosting niche is really EASY!!!
    Follow all of these steps exactly and keep working until you make your
    first sale. Then all you have to do is rinse and repeat. After some time
    this method will keep working on its own 
    Sophisticated E-whoring
    I’m sure that most of you have heard of the word e-whoring. Basically
    it involves a guy that pretends to be a girl online to fool others into
    joining dating or webcam companies under his (her) affiliate link.
    When I first started online I read about this method on a forum and I
    tried it.
    · I signed up with http://www.adultfriendfinder.com
    · I used tinyurl.com or notlong.com to make my affiliate link
    · I made up a hotmail account and installed MSN.
    · I visited some adult chat rooms and I said something like “Add
    me on [email protected] if you want to have a good
    time :P”
    · I went back at msn and started to talk to the people that added
    me. I used to convince about half of them to sign up under my
    affiliate link and I was making about $50 a day.
    That’s some good money if you don’t have any kind of skills on IM. All
    you have to do is chat!
    But in the end, I got tired of it so I came up with a new better method
    of my own which I decided to name Sophisticated E-whoring!
    How to make money with this method
    Sign up with an online dating affiliate such as:
    Go to tinyurl.com or notlong.com to make your affiliate url shorter.
    Create a gmail account and choose a good short attracting e-mail
    name such as [email protected]. Go to a social network such as
    facebook, hi5 etc… and create an account with your gmail address.
    Step 1
    The first step is to set up a nice profile on your social network. Now
    remember you are going to be a girl, so I suggest that you find some
    photos of a good looking girl. You can go to www.imagefap.com for
    · Choose a girl and save all of her photos.
    · Choose a non-nude photo of her and put it as main photo. You
    can add another non nude photo to make the profile more
    · Add a nice biography like this:
    “Hi, I’m a 20 year old girl and I live in (whatever). I’ve decided to
    make this profile to make new friends and meet new men.
    I’d like to chat a lot with different people, share pics, play games and
    have some fun ;)
    Anyway, if you are interested in knowing and seeing more pics of me
    you can e-mail me on ([email protected])”
    · Add a similar short message with your e-mail on your status bar.
    · Add at least 100 people as friends. The more you add the better.
    · People will keep adding you and make sure that you accept all of
    them as friends.
    Step 2
    Now if you have followed “step 1” correctly, you will start receiving a
    lot of e-mails (depends on the amount of friends).
    All you have to do now is set up a nice message and e-mail them back
    with your affiliate link. Example:
    “[invent a message and end it with this line->>]……. I have some
    nude pics you know ;) I saved them on (your affiliate link)”
    Stuff like that. Be creative and be REAL!
    Method’s conclusion and suggestions
    I suggest that you e-mail them back manually depending on their
    message. But, if you get tired of it you can always set the gmail
    autoresponder and leave the method on autopilot.
    All you have to do now is to keep adding friends from time to time and
    make sure that you accept all friend requests!
    If you choose the $1 option from AFF you’ll earn $1 from every person
    that joins from your affiliate link.
    This may not seem much, but what if 100s of people start to e-mail
    you everyday?
    It’s not impossible… there are a lot of perverts out there and it’s your
    job to monetize them 
    NOTE: This method can also be done with web cam affiliates such as
    www.webcams.com. You might want to check them out ;)
    Making Money from Classifieds Ads
    If you want to make some quick cash, I suggest that you start off with
    this method first. To begin with this method all you have to do is signup
    to some CPA network and a classified website.
    Obviously the most ideal classified website would be
    Other good ones are:
    Ideal CPA Networks for this are:
    Anyway, once you sign-up with one or two classified and CPA sites you
    can start cashing out by applying the method listed below.
    Step 1
    Go to your CPA networks and search for hot products in the market
    such as iphones
    I’m going to assume that you are using craigslist. So, head over to
    craigslist and put up some ads like this:
    Title: Iphone for free!
    “I have an Iphone that I want to get rid off. I don’t use it anymore and
    I’m thinking of buying something better.
    It’s a little scratched up but it works just fine. Anyway I thought of
    offering it here for free instead of dumping it.
    I’m sure that some people will be happy to get an iphone for free. If
    you want it just e-mail me on ([email protected])
    Step 2
    Now just sit tight and wait. You will start to get a lot of e-mails within
    a few minutes. Now most people that know this method will lose a lot
    of money because they set up an autoresponder. Some people will
    realize that the reply was made by an autoresponder and they will flag
    your ad.
    However, if you be patient and respond to all of the e-mails manually,
    you’ll generate much more leads and your ads will stick!
    You can e-mail them back with something like this:
    “Sorry man, someone e-mailed me about the iphone before you. There
    are definitely a lot of people out there that want an iphone.
    You were late by just a few minutes. :/ If you want one so badly, you
    can go here [your affiliate link]. That’s where I got mine for free.
    Hope that helps, Take care”
    Method Conclusion and Suggestions
    Usually about 25% of the people will click on your affiliate link and fill
    up the offer!
    If you promote a $5 offer and 20 people fill it up, you will earn a $100.
    It’s very easy and you can do this with anything you want and every
    time you want. You can do it for a toy a cooker… anything.
    People will definitely try to get something for free!
    Easy Articles for Easy Money
    Did you know that a UNIQUE article with good grammar is usually
    worth about $2-$10?
    Have you ever heard of www.associatedcontent.com? Basically this
    site pays you $1-$20 for every unique article that you submit on it.
    They will also pay you $1.50 per 1000 views.
    Unfortunately the upfront payment is only available for US citizens. I
    am from Europe and I had to quit using this method because I was
    only getting paid for the views.
    If you are from the US, this may be a goldmine for you! If you don’t
    live in the US I suggest that you keep reading anyway since I’m about
    to reveal some easy ways to get unique articles. (You can always sell
    By the term “Unique Article”, we understand that the article is original
    and never published on the net.
    “never published on the net” Get it? That means that if you find an
    article on a book and publish it online, the article will still be unique
    because it has never been published online!
    Here’s how you can make some easy money with articles.
    Method 1
  10. Make sure that you have a scanner and an OCR
  11. Get a bunch of books and scan their text so that you can form it
    into articles.
  12. Go to AC and submit them so that you can get paid upfront! (if
    you’re not a US citizen you can sell them)
    Imagine if you submit just 20 and get paid $5 for each one. You will
    earn $100 
    …and what did you do? Nothing! Just scanning and submitting…
    Method 2
  13. Search for a bunch of articles on ezine and copy them on a doc
  14. Download the software “Dragon Naturally Speaking” and install it
    on your PC.
  15. Open up Dragon Naturally Speaking, set your microphone and
    speak up!
  16. Dragon Naturally speaking will type in the text for you! All you
    have to do is find some articles and re-write them by talking
    instead of writing.
    Method Conclusion and Suggestions
    Some say that it’s not that simple to make a lot of money with AC. But
    you don’t need to worry. Articles can always be monetized, just sell
    them on elance or on webmaster forums such as WF.
    This is definitely one of the best ways to earn a quick buck! 
    The Best Advice that you’ll ever get!
    Did you read these methods? … Good! Now choose one method,
    concentrate on it and get going!
    These methods will NEVER get saturated! You can always twist them a
    little and find new offers!
    Nothing will get done on its own! You have to take action! Just
    remember that these methods WORK!!
    I can assure you that you will start to make a living from the internet if
    you follow this report STEP by STEP!
    Good Luck!
    Copyright © 2009

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