In Syria, crashed Russian fighter

in #news6 years ago

In Syria in the crash of the Russian fighter su-30CM has killed both pilots, said Russia's defense Ministry on Thursday, may 3. "Both the pilot, to the last minute fighting for the plane, according to the report, were killed," - said the Agency.

The accident occurred over the Mediterranean sea as the fighter gained altitude after takeoff from the airfield Hamim. According to the defense Ministry, the fire on the plane was not open - in the car engine could get a bird.

In early March in Syria when landing on the basis Hamim crashed Russian transport plane An-26. 39 people died, all soldiers. The defense Ministry then announced that the plane undershot the runway of the airfield Hamim about 500 meters and collided with the ground. Military and then emphasized that "it was not fire exposure", which could lead to the collapse of the An-26. February 3 in the province of Idlib was shot down by a Russian su-25.

  • Демонстрация противников Башара Асада

    Syria: 7 years of war and uncertain prospects for conflict resolution

    From "spring" before the war

    In early 2011 the "Arab spring" reached Syria, but the first peaceful demonstrations were brutally suppressed by the police. Then, beginning March 15 throughout the country began to erupt in mass protests demanding the resignation of Bashar al-Assad. It is hardly possible to imagine that those events would start a conflict that drags on for seven long years and claim the lives of nearly half a million Syrians.

  • представитель отряда курдов в Кобане

    Syria: 7 years of war and uncertain prospects for conflict resolution

    The parties to the conflict

    After a wave of mass protests swept the country, he began to use to control the army. In turn opponents of the regime were forced to take up arms. Entered the conflict, also groups of national minorities (e.g. Kurds) and Islamist terrorist groups, among which stands out the so-called "Islamic state".

  • боевики Исламского государства

    Syria: 7 years of war and uncertain prospects for conflict resolution

    The "Caliphate" of the terrorists

    In April 2013, the civil war in Syria have joined the militants of the terrorist organization ISIS, formed by division of "al-Qaeda". In June 2014, the group announced the renaming of "Islamic state" and proclaimed "the Caliphate". According to some, in 2015, under the control of the IG was about 70 percent of Syrian territory and number of militants was 60 000 people.

  • Триумфальная арка в Пальмире до уничтожения

    Syria: 7 years of war and uncertain prospects for conflict resolution

    Cultural heritage as a target of the terrorists

    The destruction of the ancient city-oasis of Palmyra became the symbol of the barbarous treatment of the terrorists of ISIS with the objects of cultural heritage. All in all since the beginning of the civil war in Syria destroyed more than 300 archaeological monuments. In February 2015 the UN security Council equated the destruction of the militants of items of historical, cultural and religious values to the attacks.

  • девочка в лагере для беженцев в Греции

    Syria: 7 years of war and uncertain prospects for conflict resolution

    The immigration crisis

    According to the UN, over the past seven years 5.3 million Syrians have fled the country. Most of them found refuge in neighbouring Turkey (over 3 million), Lebanon (over 1 million) and Jordan (almost 700 thousand). But the opportunities for these countries to receive refugees was almost exhausted. As a result, hundreds of thousands of Syrians went to seek refuge in Europe, triggering a migration crisis in the EU.

  • Самолеты коалиции против ИГ

    Syria: 7 years of war and uncertain prospects for conflict resolution

    The international coalition against ISIS

    In September 2014, President Barack Obama announced the creation of the international coalition against ISIS, which included more than 60 countries. Members of the coalition conduct airstrikes on militant positions, engaged in training of local ground forces, and provide humanitarian assistance to the civilian population.

  • Мухаммед бен Сальман объявляет о создании коалиции против ИГ

    Syria: 7 years of war and uncertain prospects for conflict resolution

    Islamic anti-terrorist coalition

    And in December 2015 Saudi Arabia introduced its anti-terrorist coalition consisting of Islamic countries. It includes 34 States, some of which, as are the Saudis, are also members of the international coalition led by the United States.

  • Кадры авиаударов российских ВКС

    Syria: 7 years of war and uncertain prospects for conflict resolution

    Russia's Participation

    In the autumn of 2015, the Russian VKS also strikes in Syria - on assurances of Moscow, only positions. According to NATO, 80% of Russian air raids were aimed at Assad's opponents of the moderate opposition. In November 2017, Putin announced the imminent end of the military mission in Syria. The group will be reduced, but at the disposal of the Federation will have 2 bases and some other structures.

  • переговоры по Сирии в Женеве

    Syria: 7 years of war and uncertain prospects for conflict resolution

    Peace talks

    March 14, 2016, on the eve of the 5th anniversary of the start of the civil war in Syria in Geneva started negotiations for a peaceful settlement of the conflict under UN auspices. The first such attempt in early February, failed on the offensive against the Assad army in the city of Aleppo. A second chance appeared after the armistice between the parties from 27th February, with the assistance of the US and Russia.

  • После химатаки в Хан-Шейхуне

    Syria: 7 years of war and uncertain prospects for conflict resolution

    The use of chemical weapons

    According to the joint report of the United Nations and the OPCW, the Assad regime is responsible for the use of chemical agent sarin in Khan Sheyhun 4 April 2017, and the "Islamic state" used sulfur mustard during the attack in the village of Um-Hosh in September 2016.

  • На межсирийских переговорах в Астане, январь 2017 года

    Syria: 7 years of war and uncertain prospects for conflict resolution

    The agreement on security zones

    From January 2017 the capital of Kazakhstan at the initiative of Russia, Turkey and Iran conducted in parallel to the Geneva mezhsiriyskih negotiations on settlement in Syria. For the first time in one table brought together representatives of the regime of Bashar al-Assad and opposition forces. In may in Astana signed a Memorandum on the establishment of four zones of de-escalation in Northern, Central and southern part of Syria.

  • Боец Сил демократической Сирии после освобождения Ракки

    Syria: 7 years of war and uncertain prospects for conflict resolution

    Year of radical change in Syria

    2017 has brought a radical change in the situation in Syria. In December 2016 Assad's troops with the support of the Russian space forces liberated Aleppo, in the spring of 2017 - HOMS. And in June, were achieved in U.S.-Russian agreement on the establishment of the Euphrates river as the dividing line between the "Forces of democratic Syria" and Assad's troops.

  • Вид на Ракку

    Syria: 7 years of war and uncertain prospects for conflict resolution

    The defeat of ISIS, but not yet the final victory

    In the autumn the government forces took the strategically important because of oil and proximity to Iraq, the city of Deir ez-Zor and other cities. And the opposition "Forces of democratic Syria" and the Kurdish people's protection Units supported by the United States - jihadist stronghold of Raqqa. To talk about a final victory over the "Islamic state" so far, but to regain its former influence, the grouping is unlikely.

  • Хасан Роухани, Владимир Путин и Реджеп Тайип Эрдоган в Сочи

    Syria: 7 years of war and uncertain prospects for conflict resolution

    "Three" in Sochi

    In November 2017 at a meeting in Sochi leaders of Russia, Iran and Turkey, Vladimir Putin, Hassan Rouhani and Prime Minister of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan has launched a number of initiatives. They urged Damascus and the opposition to take part in the session of the Syrian Congress of national dialogue that should pave the way for the constitutional reform and free elections in Syria.

  • Ребенку, возможно подвергшемуся химатаке, оказывают помощь

    Syria: 7 years of war and uncertain prospects for conflict resolution

    Possible new use of chemical weapons

    According to humanitarian organizations, on the night of April 7, 2018 in the city Duma, the last pockets of resistance Islamists and rebels in the region, was re-applied chemical weapons. Syrian authorities have denied this information. On 11 April, the who said that there is clear evidence of use of chemical weapons in the Duma. According to who, in the course of the attack over 70 people died, and 500 residents recorded symptoms of poisoning.

  • Заседание Совбеза ООН

    Syria: 7 years of war and uncertain prospects for conflict resolution

    Russia's veto in the UN security Council

    On 11 April 2018, the UN security Council failed to adopt a resolution on Syria, Russia has vetoed a draft prepared by the United States concerning the investigation of the alleged use of chemical weapons in the Duma. For the resolution voted 12 members of the security Council. Opposed by Russia and Bolivia, and China abstained. Russia presented its own draft resolution, but he has not received the required minimum 9 votes.

    Author: Ilya Koval


Everyone needs to go home and let Syrians take care of Syria.

It depends on how much you care or how it affects you.

If it affected America in any way, shape, or form, we might be able to justify our presence there, AFTER A FULL CONGRESSIONAL DEBATE, VOTE, AND DECLARATION OF WAR. We've given out Presidents dictatorial powers to start and/or join wars whenever and wherever they choose, and this has got to stop!

Great article ! And welcome to SteemPress :D

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