Poorie_Eid Of World
Eid means happiness, Eid means happy. Eid came in the lives of every Muslim in the world. The joy of Eid among the rich and the poor awakens. After the Eid, there was a tide of joy in mind. From childhood we know Eid is for everyone. If you come to Eid, you can create new clothes, make fun food, travel around, etc. 
How much joy, how much fun, how much joy, how happy He has no end. But there are already exceptions! Currently Eid is for the rich only. Only rich people can enjoy the joy of the Eid. Eid only named for the poor They do not have the ability to enjoy the Eid. At present, there is a difference between some families in our society, which is just like the eyes, but no one has the courage, the mentality, the desire to speak. For example, in our society there are some high-income families who spend millions of rupees only for their luxury. But at the hands of him, there is a family beside him, who can not spend a hundred rupees for a million. There are many families who, for the sake of their luxury, also change the furniture of the house on the occasion of Eid. In order to decorate the house, many types of unnecessary flowers, flowers, flowers, etc. are purchased. But there are families living next to them who do not have the power to take a shirt for their child with fifty rupees. Why is this difference in our society? But the difference is that, we can only express it in front of everyone. But I can not break the difference. It is seen now that this poorness of poor is being ridiculed. On the occasion of Eid, different channels of Television channels are offering different types of events, Eid of the poor. The way they celebrate Eid, it is highlighting the camera in front of everyone. Again sympathy for poor people in front of the camera. The presenter or presenter presenting the presentation is sorry to show the poor child himself. But his conscience did not raise the question that he would wear clothes at the cost of thousands of rupees. And whoever is apologetic about, may or may not wear it empty or not, he is wearing a clarinet. Why? Why is this difference? We do not have the costumes of thousands of rupees and then help some of them out there. We thought we would sympathize with the poor people in front of the camera. But no, sympathy does not prove. It is proved that rich people of Bangladesh are satisfied. They want to prove their generosity. What is it called the generosity? No, it's a laugh. Presenter presenters present the presentation so that the poor are rich in wealth. But they do not know that the eyes of the rich have been covered in the eyes of the rich. They only regret their mouths. They will use only mouth, but will not use the heart. I will not go far, I talk about my Bangladeshi. In this society, nobody is a millionaire, and no one is vacant, which is called poorly in a word. Why is such a big difference? If a millionaire earns ten lakh rupees in the month. And if he gave that money to his poor employee fifty thousand rupees. The next day the poor man will not be poor. And this system will only be possible by introducing Zakat system. There is no doubt that the wealthy rich in Bangladesh have only wealth. And the rich who have wealth but do not have the mind, are not really free from need. Only through the introduction of zakat customs, we will be able to apply the education of fasting and we can feel the joy of the real Eid together. ✌✌
From top-left to bottom-right or top to bottom (mobile): a mother with her malnourished child in a clinic near Dadaab, Kenya; a homeless man in Toronto, Ontario, Canada; a disabled man begging in the streets of Beijing, China; waste pickers in Lucknow, India
Poverty is the scarcity or the lack of a certain (variant) amount of material possessions or money. Poverty is a multifaceted concept, which may include social, economic, and political elements. Absolute poverty, extreme poverty, or destitution refers to the complete lack of the means necessary to meet basic personal needs such as food, clothing and shelter.[1]
The threshold at which absolute poverty is defined is considered to be about the same, independent of the person's permanent location or era. On the other hand, relative poverty occurs when a person who lives in a given country does not enjoy a certain minimum level of "living standards" as compared to the rest of the population of that country. Therefore, the threshold at which relative poverty is defined varies from country to another, or from one society to another.[2]