Important summaries,. It's a good idea to keep an eye on.

in #news7 years ago

Important summaries.
Technology good idea.

RAM = Random Access Memory.
ROM = Read Only Memory.
SMS- Short Message Service
MMS-Multimedia Message Service
VIRUS-Vital Information Resources Under Seize
AIDS-Acquire Immune Deficiency Syndrome
CD-Compact Disc
DVD-Digital Video Disc
HD-High Definition
LED-Light Emitting Diode
LCD-Liquid Cristal Display
SIM-Subscriber Identity Module
PIN-Personal Identification
DPI = Dots per Inch
LAN = Local Area Network
WAN = Wide Area Network
CC = Carbon Copy.
ARPANET - Advanced Research Project Agency Network
ISP = Internet Service Provider

  • HTTP - Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
    HTML = Hyper Taxt Markup Language.
    GPRS = General Packet Radio Service
    GSM = Global System for Mobile Communication
    GPS = Global Positioning System
    OMR = Optical Mark Reader
    OCR = Optical Character Recognition
    CAD = Computer Aided Design / Drafting
    Pdf = Portable Document File.
    VGA = Video Graphics Array
    MICR = Magnetic Ink Character Reader
  • DOS - Disk Operating System.
    IPS-Instant power supply
    UPS-Uninterrupted Power Supply
    CPU-Central Processing Unit
    PC-Personal Computer
    MRP-Marginal Retail Price
    WWW-World Wide Web
    Wifi = Wireless Fidelity
    Wimax = Worldwide Interoperability of Micro Wave Access.
    E-mail = Electronic mail
    IP = Internet Protocol
    VSAT = Very Small Apperture Terminal
    MODEM = Modulator & Demodulator
    VOIP = Voice Over Internet Protocol
    DNA = De-ox ribonucleic acid
    DAE = Department of Agricultural Extension
    IMF-International Monetary Fund
    IDB-Islamic Development Bank
    ADB = Asian Development Bank
    ADP = Annual Development Program
    APEC = Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
    ASEAN = Association of South East Asian Nation
    CIRDAP = Center on Integrated Rural Development for Asia and the Pacific
    ECNEC = Executive Committee of National Economic
    ESCAP = Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
    SAARC = South Asian Association for Regional cooperation
    BARD = Bangladesh Academy for Rural Development
    BINA = Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture
    BRTC = Bangladesh Road Transport corporation
    BTCL = Bangladesh Telecommunication Company Limited
    BSTI = Bangladesh Standard and testing Institution
    GDP = (Gross Domestic Product)
    GNP = (Gross national product)
    FAO = Food and Agricultural Organization
    FDI = Foreign Direct Investment
    FBI = Federal Bureau of Investigation
    FIFA = Federation of International Football Association
    IAEA = International Atomic Energy Agency
    IFC = International Finance Corporation
    IRRI = International Rice Research Institute
    IDA = International Development Association (Also called 'soft-loan-wind
    ow ')
    lnterpol = International Criminal Police Organization
    ISD = International Subscriber Dialing
    ISP = Internet Service Provider
    NBR = National Board of Revenue
    NRB = Non Resident Bangladeshi
    NAM = Non-Aligned Movement
    NATO = North Atlantic Treaty Organization
    NGO = Non Government Organization
    NWD = Nation Wide Dialing
    OIC = Organization of Islamic Cooperation
    OPEC = Organization of Petroleum-Expor
    ting Countries
    RAB = Rapid Action Battalion The elite force of BD POLICE
    .ICDDR, B = International Center for Diarrheaal Disease Research, Bangladesh
    BIRDEM = Bangladesh Institute of Research and Rehabilitation for Diabetes, Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders
    United Nations Organization (Part-1) in Bangladesh
  1. FAO = Food and Agricultural Organization
  2. IFAD = International Fund for Agricultural Development
  3. ILO = International Labor Organization
  4. IMF = International Monetary Fund
  5. ITU = International Telecommunication Union
  6. UNHCR = United Nations High Commission for Refugees
  7. UNIC = United Nations Information Center
  8. UNDP = United Nations Development Program
    UNFPA = United Nations Population Fund
  9. UNESCAP = United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
    11.WHO = World Health Organization
    12.WFP = World Food Program
    13.UNIDO = United Nations Industrial Development Organization
    14.UNICEF = United Nations Children's Emergency Fund
    15.UNWTO = United Nations World Tourism Organization
    Educational institutions of Bangladesh.
  10. NAEM = National Academy for Educational Management
  11. BANBEIS = Bangladesh Bureau of Educational Information & Statistics
  12. NCTB = National Curriculum and Textbook Board
    4 NAPE = National Academy For Primary Education
  13. PTI = Primary Training Institute

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