Dajjal's position in the Bermuda Triangle. Listen to why the Bermuda Triangle is so mysterious

in #news7 years ago

Someone says that the triangle of someone is called the triangle, and someone is called the Bermuda Triangle, whatever it looks like a triangle, from the Bermuda Island to Portoriko to Miami, this place is estimated to be one of the unexplained mysteries of this modern world. So far, about a thousand people live in the Bermuda Triangle Missing and lose the road every year, with at least four aircrafts, including the rain ships Many scientists researched writers wrote a lot of things today. the-bermuda-triangle-2389580_960_720.jpg

we'll highlight today some of the strange things in the Bermuda Triangle, Charles Buckley said that the story of the lost city of Atlantis is actually and it is related to the Bermuda Triangle. He explained the value of this book in 1974 Most of the books sold are made and through this international sector A writer named and also wrote a book named 969, which is astonishing, many people think that there is a place but the reality is that it is about 440,000 miles in the state of Maharashtra, the state of Madhya Pradesh, in the collective Bermuda Triangle ship boat aircraft The answer that goes to the answer is that the answer comes from the marine two to the massive size Octopus can not be eliminated, but the three answers are among the most famous ones, these are the work of villainous people or unknown astronauts or it is related to the lost city of Atlantis, although the people have taken the most of these three people claiming the issue of the villain There is a magnetic vortex that is built in an electromagnetic field And in this case, any vehicle pulls down the buck, and some people claim that there is an electric mist and there is no ordinary person named in the entrance to travel, which is the only person who united the world, who also partially shared the fog. He was not present at that time and he suddenly discovered himself No residue of boats or ships that are lost in the Bermuda Triangle is found in many people.aircraft-2497005_960_720.jpg
According to many, the mystery of the Triangle deepens, many believe that the Burmodtraighal is the lost city of Atlantis. According to the old fiction, the Atlantic survived on a special kind of crystal stone. According to the story, that particular Christa Because the stones have been in a changed condition, and distorting strong rays from there, or because of the navigability of the ship's aircraft, the US government has set up an Atlantic understanding laboratory where they carry out their experiments, but many believe that it is not a common laboratory If not, then the United States government is so mysterious Why the laboratory could be set up to be located in Yanglang. In the year 1964, we first heard the name of the Bermuda Triangle, but many years ago, christopher columbus mentioned this era in his Rosannamachi.supersonic-1004_960_720.jpg
when he was in the Bermuda Triangle, his compass was not working, the fire was seen in the sky. At that time, Columbus did not know that he was Bermuda Triangle but he That's just the place ayagara described in the Bermuda Triangle, "the world is a place where one does not show where the compass north and the main reason for which, according to scientists over there at the side of the boat, aircraft or ships, loses

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