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RE: Trump SCARED: Turnout TRIPLES in Vote-by-Mail

in #news4 years ago

I was one minute forty five seconds into your video and said to myself for that kind of turn out they had to have been pre paid postage ballots so I went to look......sure enough there it was, prepaid ballots.

On March 30, 2020, all registered Democrats in Kansas will automatically be mailed an official 2020 Democratic Presidential Primary ballot, along with a secrecy sleeve and return envelope to enclose and return their ballot. Ballots are pre-paid and do not require a stamp.

First and foremost prepaying postage allowed any number of individuals free access to mail in as many ballots as they could get their hands on. In Kansas Alzheimer's is the sixth leading cause of death, it's so prevalent the state has set up a task force to address the issue. There are 54,000 people in nursing homes and other care facilities suffering from Alzheimer's and another 151,000 people who caregivers and family members provide care and support. I am sure that most of these individuals were voters receiving ballots before they fell mentally in-cognitive and given that anybody without an ounce of scruples in their bodies working in nursing facilities gathering up these individuals ballots and paying the postage to mail them in would have been excessive in cost but throw in that it would cost them nothing and, well, there you opens up a window for abuse. Same thing goes for people taking care of people at home, it gives them a chance to vote twice. This is only the people suffering from mental decline, what about all the others medically incapable of filling out a ballot?

Now lets get on to people who wouldn't spend fifty cents on a stamp if they had to decide between buying a stamp or feeding their addictions....if they could care that less about voting should voters subsidize their right to vote? That can be seen in the historic turnout in Michigan over legalizing thing and one thing only drove that election to be historic, the legalization of Marijuana which got more votes than any politician and more votes than all the other proposals on the ballot. Their addiction not politics drove them to the polls. Again if that's the extent to which they care to vote should we subsidize their right to vote? Don't get me wrong, many people smoke weed and go vote, they also go to work and they also pay their bills responsibly but there are many others on the other hand who abuse the system because their habit has overcome them to the point they incapable of being responsible therefore they need the social programs in place to help feed and shelter themselves and their families so they are much more highly likely to vote for people willing to hand them the opportunity to continue to be a burden on society and their families....up to and including the overwhelming cost it places on the foster care system.

When Michigan switched to mail in ballots my number one first thought was as long as they don't make these prepaid postage ballots the majority of those whom we seen driven to the polls based just on the legalization issue are not going to give a hoot about opening it let alone bother to fill it out, get in their cars to go get a stamp, give up fifty cents doing so and mail it back in....that ballot is going to end up exactly where all the other political mailings go...right into the trash. If these people could care that less why should we make it easier for them to vote based on whose going to be an enable to their lifestyle. A huge percentage of these people will take their food card and sell it for fifty percent of it's value and watch their own children go hungry and people like you would sell these children out for your own agenda.

Before I believe this news you are peddling I'd like to see a study done on how many ballots got returned by those who'd otherwise been deemed incapable of even filling them out in nursing facilities or by their caregivers. I am sure we'd be shocked by the numbers.


Wow. Lots to unpack here

The reality of life can be harsh at times when it comes to what people will do. There's a reason valuables and money get locked up in nursing homes. Most the people employed in nursing homes are aids who only god knows where they came from or their character given how hard and demanding it can be to keep help around what many I've known working them call cranky old people. I recall many years back an old friend of mine who worked at one and one day they fired quite a few people after not being able to determine who was stealing from the old folks, she was one of them. I felt really bad for her, I'd known her for many, many years. Then she moved out of town for about ten years, my duplex was up for rent and she wanted to move back here. I thought this is going to be wonderful being back close to one of my best friends. As the months went by I kept noticing things would come up missing. Sometimes it was just silly stuff like half the sugar would be missing, she'd say it was probably just my imagination or my depression was getting the best of me. After awhile I was just like there's just no way I could be imaging all this. But it would have to be someone coming in when I wasn't home so it would have to be someone who had access to my keys, I always had two sets of keys that I kept in my coat pockets by the front door. So one morning after she came over for coffee and left I went to look and I had one set of keys missing. The next day after she came over for coffee I had two sets back in my pocket. I was going out of town so I set her up. I waited until she was gone and checked my pockets, I had one set of keys, I left and went out of town. When I got to where I was going I ask my sister in law to go through my pockets and purse and tell me how many sets of keys she found. There was one. When I got back home and after she came over again there was two. Later that day I was going to the store to buy some paint and she asked me if she could ride along. I said sure but I was dropping the kids off to another friend at the park first. I had left my purse in the car while I was talking to my friend at the park. We went and got the paint. When finished we stopped to get gas and I reached into my purse to get the five dollar bill out to buy gas it was gone. I told her that it was funny because when I left the house I had a five and two one's in my purse and now the five was gone. She said someone at the paint store must have reached into my purse and took the five when I wasn't looking. I questioned why someone who take the five and put the two one's back since they were all folded together...I told her that didn't make as much sense as leaving your purse around someone alone when getting out of the car. Then I proceeded to tell her how I had two sets of keys when she came over and when she left only one, that when I went out of town I had it verified and when I returned and she came over the missing set showed back up. She was furious, she stomped all over the deck of my car all the way back home, she was so mad she practically fell out of the car still trying to stomp everything. Her mom was there and she asked what was going on and I told her. She told her mom to search her and she did, there was no five on her. The next day I went away with my kids and my son said mom there's money on the floor (of the car), there laid the five dollar bill, she must have thrown it under her seat. The moral of the story is that unfortunately you can't trust the best of people in your life how on earth can you blindly instill truth in many that you don't know. We all wish that life could be different but the world just isn't built that way. I firmly believe that if we went to all mail in ballots it would be the breaking point for political civil discourse like the likes we've never seen before, maybe even civil disobedience and actions, it just way to much blind faith.

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