The Truth About The Florida School Shooting and Nikolas Cruz

in #news7 years ago (edited)

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On Wednesday February 14th, 2018 at approximately 2:30pm, 19-year-old Nikolas Cruz opened fire at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, killing 17 people and wounding thirteen survivors - including two people who remain in critical condition.

The suspect was reportedly armed with an AR-15 style rifle, "countless magazines" of ammunition, a gas mask and even smoke grenades - as he set off a fire alarm and brought students out from their classrooms and into the school hallways prior to the shooting.

Cruz was apprehended on Wednesday and charged on Thursday with 17 counts of premeditated murder in the third-deadliest school shooting in American history.

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Can you confirm that this is an authorized account by Stefan Molyneux? Tweeting about your Steemit account is enough to verify.

Is it REALLLLY your official account?

I always thought this was a fake account aswell, but the YT vids link to this account (so, its legit).

I always thought this was a fake account aswell, but the YT vids link to this account (so, its legit).

If this is an imposter, he is a very nice imposter. He puts Stefan's links in the post.

I always thought this was a fake account aswell, but the YT vids link to this account (so, its legit).

Good post. Thanks for sharing

Thanks dear sharing this news.

The NFL has a strict policy that all Broadcasters of NFL Games must adhere to. That policy says that any disturbance on the field such as a streaker running on the field. Will not be televised under any circumstances. In most cases the network will cut to commercial with no comment and once in a rare while the announcer will say, we are cutting to commercial because of a disturbance on the field. This is done because the NFL and every media outlet know for a fact, that people will copy behavior that they know will give them fame on TV.
So how can it be possible that you can have 48 hours of wall to wall coverage of an event, that will not cause COPYCAT BEHAVIOR. It is not possible. So by giving all this FAME to people who commit horrible acts. You are guaranteeing the next horrible act.
Where did the 11 year old in FL get the idea to threaten in a note that he was going to bring a gun to school and kill all you ugly ass kids and teachers. He got the idea form the same place these crazy people get it. The MEDIA.
Hollywood promotes the glorification of misusing firearms in every action movie or TV show they produce.
Media provides instant worldwide fame for mass murders.
So instead of promoting limits on my freedom. The Media and Hollywood need to stand up and admit they are the primary drivers of these mass shootings.
If they do not do so. The rational people of this country must demand that they do so.

Gutfeld gets it. Media is a big part of this problem.

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