The media learned of the White House's attempts to soften the draft law on sanctions against the Russian Federation

in #news7 years ago

The Trump administration does not agree with a provision that will not allow the president to lift sanctions against Moscow.


Moscow. 22nd of June. INTERFAX.RU - US President Donald Trump's administration is trying to get Republicans in the House of Representatives to soften sanctions against Russia, which were approved on the eve of the senate, The New York Times reports. In particular, this concerns the provision laid down in the bill, which "will not allow the president to lift sanctions against Moscow," the newspaper writes.

The bill must be approved by the House of Representatives and after that it should be signed by the President. Thus, the newspaper notes, "Republicans in the House of Representatives, usually militant against Russia, face a choice between demonstrating a tough line against Moscow and trying to avoid an inappropriate potential confrontation with their own president."

White House spokesman Sean Spicer said the administration is not yet ready to voice its position on the Senate bill, including the question of whether the president will veto him if he comes to him for signature.

At the same time, the newspaper writes that one of the high-ranking administration officials, on condition of anonymity, explained:

It is not a question of the White House being against the sanctions themselves, but of opposing the infringement of the power of the president in the sanctions policy.

The newspaper recalls that during the hearings last week, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson spoke out against new sanctions "that would undermine the efforts of the administration to build new diplomatic channels for ties with Russia."

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