After Obama's betrayal: An Open Call to President Trump from the Jewish People of Jerusalem, Israel

in #news8 years ago

An Open scold To Donald Trump from the Jewish People President Trump, Against all peculiars you did the impossible and won the scoot to the Oval Office. Congratulation! In a few daytimes you will be attested as the 45 th president of the United States. The American parties voted for you because of your ability to refuses the established standards that have been undermining the free nature as we know it. I am contacting out to you from Jerusalem, from the western wall behind me, asking you to correct an transgression that has been prolonging for too long, 68   times to be precise. President Trump, in your expedition you swore to relocate the American delegation from Tel-Aviv to Jerusalem. I am calling for you to deliver this hope and to finally acknowledge once and for all Jerusalem as the eternal capital of Israel and the Jewish parties. It's time to move the American delegation to where it belongs, right here to Jerusalem.<br><br> President Trump, there are very few American directors that the Jewish parties will remember until the end of term. One of them is Harry Truman. In May 1948, just before David Ben Gurion testified the sovereignty of the State of Israel, Truman announced Ben Gurion and tried to persuaded him to postpone the declaration. 7 Arab governments peril a fight, and that was the last act Truman needed on his sheet, a third world war. But Ben Gurion was resolved to continue. And President Truman was torn. His own organisation was parted and defended acknowledging Israel's independence. Even Truman's secretary of state, the legendary George Marshall, hugely defended backing the creation of the state of Israel. At one point, Marshal peril the president that he would vote against him in the next poll if Truman actually acknowledged our sovereignty. What Ben Gurion exactly replied to Truman on this conversation will remain a mystery, but a indication of what he perhaps remarked is also possible found in a public affirmation Chaim Herzog, the first primary Rabbi of Israel, told Truman a few weeks later: "god put you in your mother's womb so that the Jewish people can have a government" It took President Truman merely 11   minutes...<br><br> each hour perhaps seemed to David Ben Gurion like an infinity, to come out with a public affirmation to acknowledge sovereignty of the government of Israel. The United States was the First Nation to acknowledge the Jewish government, and ever since then, the US has been our greatest pal and ally. President Truman was strong and courgeous sufficient to withstand the pressure from his own organisation and do what was right, what was morally right. Years eventually Ben Gurion fulfilled Truman. Here is Ben Gurion recount of that the assemble: But Truman's decision to recognize the government of Israel fell short of recognizing Jerusalem as the eternal capital of the Jewish parties. Mr. Trump, after 68   times or affluence, of a strong republic and the principles of the rule of law, of the protection of human rights and being innovators in engineering and remedy, we don't exactly deserve the right to have the world's nations acknowledge Jerusalem as our capital.<br><br> We have earned this right, fair and square. In the last two thousands years of tyrannical record, Jerusalem has never been more free and more prospering as it is under Israeli law. President Trump, please do "whats right". What is morally right. You don't even need to sign. You exactly involve NOT TO SIGN. The United States Congress already elapsed a law in 1995 proclaiming Jerusalem as our uppercase and involved the delegation to relocate to Jerusalem by 1999. But directors could forfeit this decision every six months - as did Clinton, bush, and Obama.<br><br> Please, President Trump, don't be another Clinton, don't be another Bush, and clearly don't be another Obama. Be Our Truman, and allow the delegation to be moved to Jerusalem, where it belongs. Right now to Jerusalem, where it belongs !.