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RE: How many kids do guns kill

in #news7 years ago

"Their hypocrisy knows no end". Look at yourself first.....Life taking in the Corps shines a light on your "logic".
If you think what you did was for the good of the country......please realise it was done for a bunch of words on paper put there by your masters.
Arguments and divisive comments just keep the pot boiling for the Old fuckers running the show.
I just don't see any good getting done unless it's decentralised and done on a small intimate level without all the Soros/NRA/gov and "fighting"


Your words are lile that of a professor. A proffesor that has read every book and hypothesized all his theories and speaks to his class as though he is a master of his field and has all the answers. Scratch the surface and it becomes obvious his knowledge doesn't extend past the book, his theories have never been tested amd he has never mastered anything in the real world or even worked outside of the classroom.

The Marine Corps was a means to an end for me. It was a way out of where i grew up and the life i was destined to if i didnt leave. As was the case with a lot of my brethren that i served with.

So, dont assume you know me and why i enlisted. All u need to do is ask any combat vet what they are fighting for and every one of them will tell you its to make sure they go home with all their brothers that they left with. If some assohole wants to jeopardize any one of us coming home because he thinks his god wants him to kill Christians, Jews , Soldiers, Marines, . . .Americans, then I will happily eliminate that threat. Not because my "masters" want me to. I have no master other than the Almighty.

Therr is evil out there. Evil can not be allowed to run amok having its way taking advantage of the good hearted. If I am wrong then I will still glady go to hell for eternity to protect my loved ones and the innocent. Im ok with that, now

I have looked at myself, ive judged myself and my actions harsher than anyone else ever could. There was a time when my self assessments have brought me to the brink of suicide. My guilt is not for my actions that have ended lives of those trying to kill my brothers and I. My guilt is rooted in the feeling of I should have done more to protect those that didnt make it home.

The words on paper that I fight for were not put there by anyones master. They were put there over 200 years ago by the men that gave us tje freedoms we have today that are constantly being eroded in the hopes that we will soon have zero freedoms rights and liberties. Yes I believe in the constitution with every fiber of my being and that is what i fight for because that is what is in jeopardy. Our forefathers knew that pur most serious threat would come from within. Call it what you want , i call it liberalism, progressivism, socialism and it needs to go