Democrats should be disgusted, of course they are not

in #news7 years ago

Anyone who is paying attention to the aftermath of the Broward County school shooting can see something blatantly obvious happening. Im not talking about the #never again "movement " or the organized march in DC that they are organizing.

Those things are just a symptom of what im talking about. I'm talking about the language that these kids are using when they talk about these things. The rhetoric hate and vitriol that is coming out of these kids during their media interviews and abundant air time that they are getting. It is all trademark of the liberal-left

The left has dug their hooks into these kids taking advantage of their emotional state for their own political gain. These kids have been fooled into thinking that the NRA is made up of all evil people and stopping the NRA is actually going to do something

The NRA is all about smart gun ownership Social Security in respecting the rights given to us by the Constitution. That is what the left is against and they are brainwashing your kids to try and get their way. There is a group of 13 14 and 15 year old kids using the same words and terminology every time they're interviewed. They say things like any politician who takes the NRA Blood Money doesn't care about kids it just wants them to die. Those are not the words of a 14 year old. Those are the words of a hate-filled power-hungry leftist.

The left has no shame in their game and they will happily destroy the rides of kids and ruin their minds to get what they want. As they always say to them the ends justify the means. As far as I'm concerned the left is a far bigger problem than gun control. The left is causing this sickness and Insanity in our society that is making these kids do these violent things. They need to be stopped. There are nothing but repulsive and repugnant leeches.


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