My City Gave Back the Humvee Equipped with Machine Gun Turret Army Supplied for Free

in #news8 years ago (edited)

   A lot of people think I'm crazy when I say the Army is suppling local police departments with military grade vehicles and weapons. Many of the people researching whats truly going on in the world fear that the American government is building Fema camps where they can unlawfully imprison citizens. Also using the police forces to help control the population and work with the military to create effective martial law. 

  I don't want to get into all the details of that whole situation. I am going to focus on the fact that (and that one City Manager saw) there isn't much of any other reason for a city the size of mine to have this "tool". The law enforcement and mayor wanted to keep this gift. I believe that the allure of a cool Humvee that is armor plated and has a gun turret would be at the very least nice to have. Be it that it may look cool in the parade or that they would otherwise never get to "play" with one of these they wanted to keep it. The City Manager told the police station they had to give it back stating “It didn’t meet our needs….There’s not one need it meets except that it looks neat and it’s got a machine gun turret.’’ 

    So I'm sure that the City Manager is almost as smart as any normal man in the army so what need does the army think they are fulfilling. Could this be for an agenda they have and can foresee the police needing it? This seems to be a dead giveaway to me. I know there is a lot of people making these claims online. I wanted to bring this real life situation to the eyes of as many as I can. The link below has the original report. They did not mention some of the "conspiracy theory" (simple a name posted to freethinkers to discredit their research) aspects that I have included. Trust me I try not to believe everything I hear in youtube videos too. When I seen some of this happening in my own back yard it became a lot more real. 

   I'd like to hear your input on this situation. Anything in your own areas that is out of the normal. Even those who would like to provide an argument or explanation for the things like this that are reported around the U.S.A.

Feel free to email me at [email protected]



I support law enforcement as much as anyone, they have a difficult, thankless job. That being said, things are beginning to get out of hand. A few years ago I had a young cop pull me over to tell me my brake light was out...With his gun out!!! I'm an old man- what did he think I was going to do, take out my teeth and gum him??? The problem is this: I called a friend on the force, somebody that's been there a good while and he told me, that's what the academy is teaching now. Not just here, but everywhere. The new cops are being taught everything is "us against them." Citizens are the enemy. Forget about "protect & serve" it no longer exists. That's why the departments are taking military style vehicles and armaments.

I do agree there are a lot of good police out there. You should check out a post I made yesterday. I feel though the higher you go up in government the more corruption their jobs can allow and is therefore created. It is bad though that the ones who are not responsible or are hazed or trained improperly are making them all look bad even when the good ones do right.

I must ask too though does your friend on the force complain to higher ups about the training his new partners have received? I feel we are taught we can do nothing about it or it is how it is way too much. If we disagree with something we should be able to speak our minds without being punished for it.

Speaking your mind will only end up with you in a terrible spot. I support all police when they are protecting and serving. Not when they are doing things illegal and "STOP RESISTING!"

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