Daily News Report - World and Technology (12/8/16)
World & Technology

Donald Trumps Cabinet
Everyone is probably wondering what to expect from Donald Trump when he becomes president. Well there is a large team behind the president and knowing who those people are might give you an idea. Here you can see who his cabinet members will be.
Vice President
Mike PenceChief Of Staff
Renince PriebusChief Strategist And Senior Counsel
Steven K. BannonWhite House Counsel
Donald McGahnAttorney General
Senator Jeff SessionsSecretary of Defense
Gen. James MattisSecretary of the Treasury
Steven MnuchinSecretary of Commerce
Wilbur RossSecretary of Housing and Urban Development
Ben CarsonNational Security Advisor
Lt. Gen. Michael FlynnDeputy National Security Advisor
KT McFarlandCIA Director
Mike PompeoU.S. Ambassador To The United Nations
Governor Nikki HaleySecretary of Education
Betsy DeVosSecretary of Health and Human Services
Tom PriceSecretary of Transportation
Elaine ChoaAdministrator of the Environmental Protection Agency
Scott PruittAdministrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
Seema VermaTechnology
Takee 1 by Estar
New holographic smartphone by Estar named the takee 1. No specail glasses needed. 5.5” 3d holographic display. Octocore processor at 2ghz 2gigs of ram and 32 gigs of onboard storage.
Dolfi Clothes Washing Device
Ultra sonic clothes washing device is size of a smartphone and can wash clothes without putting stress on your clothes. You can simply put clothes in a bucket or sink submerged in water and detergent and place the Dolfi ultrasonic device in the water and turn it on.
SmartBeam by SK Telecom
SmartBeam cellphone projector is a small block that you can plug into most cellphones and project a mirrored image of your screen on a wall or other surface. Its expected battery life is 2hours. This is produced by Sktelecom
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