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RE: A Look Back on Violent Events in Charlottesville in Summer 2017 - (Media Portrayed Version of Events Didn't Match Reality)
Indeed, the mainstream media has become overtly biased. The only aspect about the US media organizations that is puzzling is the purpose of these propaganda. At least in Putin's Russia, the purpose is quite obvious, but here, it is a mystery; partly because the mercantile sensibility that infuses every social aspect of the West is something to which a rational human has difficulty relating.
In Russia, their propaganda ministry has difficulty influencing their teens and twenties with the government drivel. Sadly, it seems that in the West, it is the teens and twenties who are most influenced by the mercantile drivel of mainstream media who profits on chaos, uncertainty, and fear.
I think that is why the propaganda is presented for indoctrination at such a young age.... because of the use of idealism. Alas, Russians are more cynical and realistic in that regard, because they respect their government but are always wary of trusting it. Their sense of idealism was destroyed during the brutal 1990's where all illusions were shattered, although that does seems to be changing lately due to US actions against Russia causing the official Russian government version of global events to look much more truthful. The US government and western governments have created a perception of reality that isn't truthful but is quite glossy, well polished and steadily maintained by the elites media apparatus, and which provides the deceptive illusion that anyone can be rich and successful. Thus, the public that is under this illusion continually buys into it for ease of survivability, and through their own cognitive dissonance and confirmation bias they continually place trust in the system that deprives them of actually moving up in social and financial standing. To do otherwise would cause them psychological discomfort and upset their accepted world view.
Sadly, a great amount of Americans blindly believe their votes will actually be counted on digital machines which are controlled by the same people that are financing terror groups overseas that are blowing the heads off women and children. They choose not to look deeper due to their cognitive dissonance and the lifelong ruse of American exceptionalism. Instead they would rather argue with each other through media contrived memes and stay on a corrupt two party hamster wheel. It all simply comes down to fear of addressing that which stares them in the face. The harsh reality that its all built on lies. Thus, subconsciously and consciously, they ignore it. They have order to make themselves feel good.
Paradoxically, if they choose to work together, embrace an evolution of consciousness and step up to address and expose the corruption and criminality, they would actually likely benefit greatly from doing such. The benefits would be financial, societal and personal. Alas, its right there if only they could perceive it, rather than the false and divisive MSM narratives, and make it a reality.
The global elite are doing all they can to make sure this perception (and/or ability of perception) isn't realized and that all sides keep fighting.
More simply put, all we have to do is wake up. :)