When will the pandemic be exposed for the scamdemic it really is?

in #news3 years ago

​Here is some straight talk on the scamdemic being leveraged for political power.

Dr. Ehud Qimron is the head of microbiology and Immunology at the University of TelAviv, where he posted the following article.


Image from article of Dr Qimron:

One observation he makes that I hadn't considered, is that this is a respiratory virus; and like the common cold virus is beyond our ability to 'cure'! It also means that like ALL other respiratory viruses, it comes in surges; which can be predicted. These come, and wane in waves, which they are calling delta and omicron for covid 19. Then they claim to have 'cured' each wave; even though that is not medically possible!

The politicians, and the doctors they own; attack any dissenters as fake news, or racists, or just crazy fringe groups. In this article Dr Qimron points out that in the Barrington declaration, over 60,000 scientists and medical professionals signed this declaration and demanded action! Not exactly a fringe group....

They were promptly ignored, and derided; anyone surprised?

Please carefully read this full article, it is loaded with amazing information!

Update on the Barrington declaration:
They now have 916,000+ signatures. I wonder how many need to sign, before they pay attention? Of course, since this has nothing to do with actual medicine; and is simply a pure political power grab, they will ignore all real scientific professionals!

I recommend you think about the fact that those pushing for everyone to be vaccinated, are the same ones who have publicly stated that they want 90% of the World's population dead!

Normally the use of a biological weapon is an act of War, and it's considered a weapon of mass destruction...covid-19 falls within this definition! History will determine if the RNA vaccines are a WMD too, since it looks like it will kill many more that the virus ever does.


They took years to conceive the idea which was founded on their selfish thoughts and indeed they came up with what is obviously ugly. They think its quite an achievement doing so.They will come to realize that this world belongs to somebody just like that ugly idea belong to them and that somebody is the Almighty God. Cursed people are worse than dead ones and especially when that curse comes from God.

They work for the Father of all lies, so evil is to be expected! Perverting science is also offensive, especially using it to kill!!!!!

Making others pay for this evil, is another crime. We made it illegal to do 'gain of function' research here in the US, due to risks involved; they just sent tax money to china to do the illegal work there! This is an unprecedented crime against Humanity, murder on an international scale!


I like that too, Scandaldemic contains their full evil.


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