Women are solving problems through Facebook group.

in #news6 years ago

Laila Rinkki of Banasree locale of Dhaka starting late lost her mother in sickness. Around at that point, this young woman was staggered to survive, a segment of her more seasoned kin in the zone.

Laila, who has the opportunity to talk about her own specific persevering

He expressed, if I may, I have the capacity to could in like manner go to my kinfolk. In any case, they in like manner lost their mother. I went inadequately the master anybody since I didn't have the candidly strong system. In such a condition, a broad number of people in the power sort out helped me a lot.

He used to express that lasa part of his youths have made power frameworks. Which is extremely the zone based on young women's fraternity sort out.

Another get-together of young women supporting this get-together is one another, one day the people from the social event have returned to Dhaka various nights.

The landowner has closed the door of his home.

Around then he was moreover a sidekick of his social event part. In wthe hose home, Swami got shield on that day.

They have such social events in 13 domains of Dhaka. An expansive number of them were dark to each other.

The people who are not obliged to Facebook, they are in risk from each other in light of significant social issues starting from Chata.

In the year 2015, it started its experience since the scene of unseemly conduct of open at open in the primary Baishakh festivity.

In any case, for what reason did they need to make such a cooperation arrange? Additionally, how might it work?

Laila Rinki says, one thing is that in young fellows like they eat tea together in the town, bid to them. The amount of buddies in the territory is enormous. If anything, they can state together and let me go to my side. In any case, the young women don't have it. So expect if there is any partnership with my friend in my general region or I am in some other situation. I can ask for help by phone to the zone that is in our general region.

For what reason is certainly not a comparable system in the various region? From these contemplations, we trusted that the locale based partnership can be organized ".

The dangers that Laila says are various things to oversee in consistent everyday presence.

A continuous investigation of Action Aid says 80 percent of women in Bangladesh are in the city, and around 70 percent of women outside the school colleges are troubled.

In Bangladesh, more than 15 thousand cases of female torment have been recorded in Bangladesh in the year 2017.

Bangladesh Mahila Parishad said that in the underlying 10 months of 01777 attack cases occurred in Bangladesh.

These are not just katkhotta databases conveyed on paper. These are certified experiences for women.

Help in taking care of torment and incitement, after pregnancy and work, controlling for women representatives, and besides offering assistance to mental shakiness of women, such social occasions have been made in Bangladesh that are made only for women, women are made.

Which runs their own specific work and money. One such movement Women for the Other

They offer assistance to women psychiatry. Just by women pros.

Its originator Kamrun Nahar Koli, who is moreover himself in a comparable calling.

He says, we understand that if the fever streams, we will go to the expert, anyway if I am inauspicious, I don't know where to go. There are various deterrents in our overall population with mental issues. Besides, young woman can not say it. The place to speak to them is altogether less. We made the social event that somebody couldn't talk a word. Regardless, I shared. Someone from me knew how to discard it.

This social occasion deals with get-together sessions particularly related to mental issues and men have the opportunity to share in it.

Kamrun Nahar Koli says that women's issues are not just women's closeouts. Regularly the wellspring of the issue of women is moreover male.

Without the collaboration of men, it won't be confronted.

In any case, for what reason are women venturing up with respect to take find the exit from the issue?

The seven-year-old Facebook total 'Young woman A Sisterhood' helps in finding the hotel decision of their people, taking the crippled people out of the blue, to the pro, and despite finding legal help in case of any terrible conduct.

On Facebook, they exchange experiences with each other. Its coordinator Thiriya Nastaran

He says, I have examined electrical planning. When I already went to find an employment I in like manner heard that they needn't bother with a young woman for the position. I have given a made test, I gave my family and after that they say that. I was close to nothing. It was incredibly troublesome for me to fight with them. When I started the young woman total I found that there are various more young women like me.

He says that he is having near issues, and hunting down ways to deal with oversee it, various women together. In any case, they can not find the best way to deal with adaptability.

Moreover, since that bitterness, women themselves are making their own specific way, saying that Tharissa Nastaran

He expressed, for what reason would great ruler be on me in a manner of speaking. I am affected by my overall population state everything. Right when a system is against me, in what manner may I change a man alone? I require joint effort. Everyone here ought to recognize the obligation. Since I don't get that assistance in the structure, I developed my own specific invaluable system myself.

Also, that is the reason somebody like Laila Runkie may go to a more seasoned kin who is encountering pressure. On some other day, maybe he is the partner of some other risk of someone else himself.

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