Trump Has Been Handed a Bag of Nails, a Hammer and a Coffin With Hillary’s Name On It

in #news7 years ago

by Matt M,

The Presidential debate prior to the election was a lively affair. Candidate Trump seemed to ‘get’ what most Americans were thinking. At the very top of his agenda was the promise that he’d drain the swamp and hire a ‘special prosecutor’ to look into Hillary Clinton’s crimes because ‘she’d be in jail’.

Much of the alternative media rallied behind him because it seemed someone was finally listening to valid concerns about the growing criminal class in Washington. Somebody was finally willing to challenge the deep state.

Fast forward a few months with Goldman Sachs still running things and new arms deals with the Saudis and things look remarkably the same in many areas.

The promise to try and jail Hillary really resonated with those trying to expose corruption. Perhaps you thought there was enough evidence around her already for a criminal charge. From shady Uranium deals, innumerable dead bodies, pay to play Ambassadorships, hiring violent leftists to disrupt peaceful rallies, a lady Rothschild friendship to a penchant for visiting Jeffrey Epstein’s island, you’d think this treasure trove of corruption stories might break into the mainstream opinion of both the media, the judiciary and the public. There are many things that an average voter can dismiss in their minds as they cast a ballot though.

A dead body isn’t one of them.

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The Seth Rich story has explosive implications and more just keep coming. Here’s the back story.

Seth Rich was a DNC staffer who prior to the election gave wikileaks over 44,000 emails relating to the internal workings of the DNC. Malfeasance and outright corruption thus were exposed to the world. Along with the fact that they have members who sacrifice chickens to Molloch.

Seth was disgusted ‘the corruption of the Clinton foundation’, you can surmise from a Craig Murray interview and it rigging the primary for Hillary. He met Murray in a wooded area near American University in D.C. to hand over DNC emails.

Wikileaks published the DNC emails on 22nd July 2016. Seth was shot on July 10th 2016. some 12 days prior to their publishing but a month or so after the hack was revealed. The leaks led to the resignation of Debbie Wasserman Schultz and other staffers

RELATED: Seth Rich BOMBSHELLS Will Bring Hillary & Podesta To Their Knees


Seth left Lou’s City bar gone 1am on July 10th 2016. He briefly spoke to his girlfriend and was shot in the back around 4.20am according to sound recordings. He was taken to hospital after having been found ‘conscious and breathing’ where very recently we learned that he seemed to be doing OK. It was a robbery apparently. Nothing taken though. No wallet, watch, credit cards or cellphone. All found on him.

Very recently an anonymous source on 4chan gave the rather explosive evidence that he was there the night Seth was brought in and his gunshot wounds were not fatal. He was treated for a small injury before being moved to the ICU (Intensive Care Unit) where he had a transfusion and described as stable. They are claiming that after 8 hours the place was swarmed by law enforcement and described the whole thing as ‘fishy’, specifically stating that all the doctors were ushered away and only the attending physician was allowed access to the VIP. No resuscitation equipment was ever asked for either.

The murderer has never been found and this appears to be because nobody has looked. Liz Crokin seems to have done more than the cops and actually talked to some people. Most notably, a manager is implying that the police never talked to bar staff or took the CCTV of the fateful night. Some murder inquiry that.

More recently Kim Dotcom has come forward and confirmed that he worked with Seth and knows Seth was the wikileaks source. Right now, as of this moment the MSM is convinced this is a right wing ‘fake news’ story. Article after article is claiming the Russians interfered in the election and a response is needed. How can this be? The evidence is overwhelming. Julian Assange, the publisher of the material alludes it was Rich. Craig Murray, the UK ambassador to Uzbekistan says he met the leaker and it wasn’t the Russians. Now Kim Dotcom is confirming he knew it was Seth Rich. All the people who are connected to the source are saying it was Seth Rich. The media, the exact opposite.

This seems relevant. There is an enormous disconnect between the source of the leaks and state institutions as well as the MSM.

Type ‘Seth Rich murder’ into google and it seems to only list the articles debunking conspiracy claims. The evidence presented by these articles is flimsy. Again, the VERY SOURCE of the allegations are saying it was Seth Rich.

An anonymous source at 4chan (be careful) has recently made the claim that this latest revelation has sparked ‘near panic at the top levels of the DNC.

In an instant an entire Deep State narrative has just crumbled. Russia did not hack any elections or try to influence the American public.

The interesting part now is the direction this story takes. You have a dead body. Connections to the highest levels of the DNC. A shoddy murder inquiry and revelations that completely decimate the official narrative of those seeking power. Rod Wheeler, the private investigator claims that sources have looked him straight in the eye and told him they were told to stand down on this case. Brad Bauman, a ‘strategic communications consultant’ to democratic candidates (where’s your paycheck from Brad?) is spokesman for the family. All this stinks to high heaven.

Trump should weigh in. If all his talk before the election, wasn’t just that, talk, then he is quite capable overseeing the start of a proper investigation.

If he doesn’t then you have to seriously question his commitment to draining the swamp.

There are many things that Trump could do. If Obama can get IRS audits of Tea Party members and the justice department to jail Dinesh D’Souza then Trump is perfectly capable of giving his blessing to the police to do a full criminal investigation.

Pull them all in. Podesta, the lot. He nicely emailed that the leaker should be made an example of. How could he not be treated as a suspect?

Trump has just got back from the Middle East and Europe so I can forgive him a few days for jet-lag but he should ‘get a grip’ of this story promptly.

This story has all the components needed take down the DNC and cripple the campaign for decades. As the title alludes to, Trump has just been handed a huge bag of nails, a MASSIVE hammer and Hillary’s coffin.

Time to put her in it.


The Truth About Seth Rich | The DNC/Wikileaks Scandal


I think Trump's silence on the issue is pretty telling. We shall see, but the deep state entrenchment as President is real.

He had to end the russia narrative first. this is next, the big bad hammer is gonna fall soon.

They'd accuse him of jailing the opposition candidate post-election. Because it risks unmasking the deep-state, I think it would cause them to go nuclear. Whatever the nuclear option is, I don't think the people are prepared for it. Trump's trying to give us the upper hand before they unleash whatever their backup plan is. That's my theory at least.

Matt I really love your work and will continue to support what you do. Please don't back off of pedogate because we are so close to bringing it to the surface! I've been watching you for a very long time. I would like your insight on how you believe the government will enforce taxes on crypto currencies in the near future. I myself work for the government war machine, and I know for a fact that when people's pay/jobs are at stake due to the lack of tax revenue from the transition to crypto's, there will be some draconian measure put into place. Will they be successful? What do you think? I need some critical thinkers on this one. Please read my article below and provide your input. Thanks:

What if Seth didn't die but is in Witness Protection? What if he spilled the beans if he didn't die. Its just another theory. The police did surround his room and didn't let staff in after a certain point. Doesn't mean he ended up dying does it? Could of whisked him out and transported him to another area for treatment. Change his name and he disappears.

@sgtreport i found a followup you might be intrested in:

Real Big Power: Revelations by insider Ronald Bernard-part 2:

This ones again confirms all you were talking about (in the interviews with your guests) all along.

Great article, but I agree with the fact that Trump has active incoming from every direction, but I do believe that his DOJ will eventually get to this...hopefully sooner than later....

If I were in Trump's position, I would call for a meeting with Jeff Sessions and the new FBI Director. "Bottom line, everyone knows individuals like Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, etc. are guilty of various crimes. The evidence is there. I want to see arrests and indictments within one week in order to restore the faith and trust in law abiding American people that the blind lady of justice does not favor one class of people or the other. If you can not do this, submit your resignation today and I will find someone who will prosecute those who have committed high crimes". I would shoot for at least one to two arrests per day...that way it would screw up the news cycle. CNN, MSNBC, etc. would not even know which story to report on I would move so fast on the scumbags.

This is how the world works. Exposing the truth will trigger satan to come after you.

"The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." (John 10:10 [KJV])

This is such an amazing story- thanks!

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