For months the mainstream mockingbird whore media led by CNN, MSNBC, Washington Post and the New York Times has tried to stuff the "Russians stole the election" narrative down the throats of the American people.
And it hasn't worked. So they've doubled down.
The US mainstream media was at it again on Tuesday night, this time in the case of the Georgia state 6th District special election. For hours they ran a headline suggesting the Democratic candidate had won, which they claimed was "a mandate against Trump."
And when it became clear that the Republican candidate actually won, they finally changed the headline.
It's the same dirty tricks the mockingbird whore media has been playing for years -- It's just more proof of exactly where the "FAKE NEWS" comes from.
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Yep and they wont stop either. They will keep going from one lie to another just to tie things up and brainwash the people. All they are doing is exposing themselves for the fakes they are though.

UPVOTED big time.
I talk to a Globalist. I have a lot of info if you want it especially regarding our "currency conversion"
She and her family were right about everything before Trump was elected but there is nothing he can do to stop it from my understanding. We still dodged a bullet. Now it is just North America instead of Hillary's dream of an open hemispheric market among all of the America's. Hannity reported on the leaked speech however he didn't fully get that they don't just open the borders, they merge the central banks. This was the REAL reason BRIC was established. . Last I heard 2021 has been more firmly established as the date for our "currency conversion" We will know for sure if the stock market "corrects" when we hit our debt ceiling.
That's pretty amazing. Wow.
That is extraordinary, especially that they tactically printed different versions depending on what political area it was.
But I dont read or watch mainstream news media anymore, I have had it, the only thing I can watch is sports and nature programs that are still not pestered with political correctness.
Very Fake News!! lol they will never learn.
This is the reason I don't really on one source for news. Everyone one in the media are highlighting their own agenda and is mocking what real news really is.
Today one must read a lot of different sources from different countries just to have unfiltered news that mainstream media should be giving.
Agreed, reading REAL NEWS from multiple, TRUSTED TRUTH MEDIA sources like the ones we feature at every day, is a good start.
As infuriating as this is, and as hilarious it is to see their media domination fail, I think the right, as well as liberty-minded folk, would be unwise to underestimate the left's chances in 2018 and 2020.
thank you for the info and in order to help you we will resteem it and we gave you a upvote
I stopped watching those shows or even tv about 8 years, it's a shame what the main media portrays 😀😎
I love your work but one thing still bothers me.
Are there no other political parties other than the Dem and Rep
the alternatives need a voice each and every day the same as these other clowns..
And the alternative media if failing them badly I think.
If they are to stand a chance in an election you can't wait until the last day to get out and speak.
So I feel the alternative media need to work on this now.
The media monopoly and the political party duopoly go hand in hand. One of the main purposes of mainstream media is to narrow the range of choices and still make it sound we have real political options. The MSM won't talk about how the Dems and GOP collude to keep other parties off the ballot. We're rightly worried about electronic voting machines stealing elections, yet election fraud happens long before we vote, as the media report as if only Ds and Rs matter and don't give other parties enough press to enable them to get ballot access. So the voters are cheated out of real choices.
There is alternative media for a "Socialist" platform. Most of the alternatives here are to fight Marxism/Globalism not promote it. it is why we are in the mess we are in now. Had we not allowed The Fed and Socialist policies the banks and corporations would not have been able to grow up around us. Our founders warned us to never ever allow it. Civics and real history was taken out of schools in 1970. We do need other parties but the Green platform is 100% Globalist in fact more obviously so when you read it.
Indeed, schooling has been so skewed it's incredible. Home-schooling is becoming the only way to give our kids the straight facts while avoiding the "thou must vaccinate" racket at the same time. Real civics would ultimately involve the 3-step trivium -- grammar, logic and rhetoric -- so we could have a classical education again and produce Americans that no plutocracy could so easily fool, divide and conquer. The trivium, translated, means to first understand language (grammar), analyze what you've come to understand (logic) and act on it (rhetoric, e.g., speak in public, petition, protest, testify to a committee, run for office, etc). The Powers that Be want us paralyzed so we either don't know what's up, and if we do, we're afraid to act or don't know how to take action. That's why the trivium was abandoned,
School ,a whole topic on its
Well until there is a real media that covers it all I will have to pick and choose what to beleave as its clear evetyone has an agenda..
The spin the MSM puts on their articles is unbelievable. They are not going to go down easy! The truth will prevail in the end.
Better stay on steemit then listen to the Fake news.
Thanks for all your good work. I am on Steemit to support your Work. If only Greg Hunter was also on that would be perfect. Thanks again!
Thanks time! Glad to have you here too.